Thank you, Councillor, for the presentation.
[ Pause ]
Welcome, Councillors, as well as those people watching the broadcast.
So this happens for different council meetings.
I would remind all members when speaking to please switch
on their microphones and to switch it off when they have finished.
We have no public speakers this evening that I can complete.
Apologies for actually present time.
We have apologies from council's back notes.
For Stony, for Bernie, for Aaron and luckily.
Are there any further apologies, Councillor MARX?
Let's come to the bathroom today so he won't be with us.
Thank you, Councillor MARX.
Anybody else?
Councillor CASSIDY.
Councillor CASSIDY.
Are there any decorations of interest?
I'll take that as a note.
That's fine.
I can assume minutes of the meeting held on the lump on March.
So we're here to approve the drop minutes of the meeting held on take place.
Is it members wish to approve these minutes but this meeting has a correct record?
I'm proposing five of these shows.
Thank you, again.
Councillor interjecting.
Thank you for my announcements at the moment.
What I would say is as an Englishman, I'm glad to see that the Jewish side flag flying at the front there.
And I'm sure that we would support any other countries in where it was.
Thank you.
My duties as a Chairman since the 11th of March were Friday 22nd of March, I was in Richmond.
That would be 23rd of March.
I held a wish for one of the Charities Bureau in terms of rule of Monday, the 8th of April.
I was at a declaration of ceremony for the new high care of athletics.
Friday the 12th of April was another quiz.
This time it was for the answers to the major action alliance in southern warden.
Sunday the 14th of April, I was at a civic service in Bishop Johnson for these peace talks here.
And Tuesday the 16th of April.
I held an event myself to raise money for both charities that's separate and grind.
And Friday the 19th of April.
I was in Pultr's civic housing staff and as a guest of Councillor Stephen.
I know it might be an opportunity and rather timely.
If I have dated the council, it might be an opportunity and rather timely if I have dated
the council on our engagement.
We've been having with our lady in council in Epping Forest, followed, raised, chumptered,
protected, tendering, and more than.
So along with Epic Council meet regularly, as I'm sure you've been familiar to diary,
under the banner of the North Essex Councils, which also happens in the south of the county too.
This informal grouping builds on the long standing North Essex economic board also includes,
which is our suggestion, Epping and Harlow, who will previously exclude it.
The NUC now operates a memorandum of understanding, which we had previously with Epping and Harlow.
Though it's non-binding, it unites us where we have things in common rather than as a combined authority
or a formal joint committee, where the majority can outvote and bind the minority.
We've just appointed a director so that as a group, it can have some capacity in a year or two
to see what positive initiatives we can actually deliver.
And we are all hopeful that this modest investment of £20,000 from each council on a couple of the 20,000
with all of the put into the economic board will pay back and benefit this year and over.
It is important to stress, if I may, that the NUC partnership has neither a stepped forward account for murder
and neither is it part of any devote deal with the government.
It's just us getting together and identifying where we can,
a small number of areas that we can be more effective joining in an informal partnership
and on operating entirely separately.
If anybody would like any further information, we'll see you in one of those. Thank you.
Thank you, Councillor LIES.
There have been five written reports submitted by Cabinet members.
Are there any other announcements or makers or report from members of the Cabinet?
I'm going to turn it on to item five.
I'll give it a couple of little questions on item four of the Council of the Council as well.
Two questions, if I could be 1 to 2,000 hard rooms.
I would like to pass on thanks back to the officers,
because a lot of the money has been given out, but we couldn't have given that money out
of putting well down the occasion, and people haven't worked hard to source that money,
so if you could pass that back to the officers.
And then one thing else that ends, if I could please,
you refer to the 5,000 comments on the local plan and officers are working on the responses.
Do we have a timeline for those responses?
We are told that the local council got consultation in July over the summer,
perhaps not ideal, some people would say, but we don't really,
it would be nice to see the responses publicly on the head of us actually going out to consultation,
because people won't have for those who want to see the thing they've said that we take it all forward.
And just guys, to have a timeline on what moving forward is about. Thank you.
Yes, thank you very much for that for that. The comments made by members of the public together,
with the other quantities are being tabulated, the task is being completed and will be public in backlog four,
but they will be, I think, banded as it were, so they wouldn't necessarily appear one by one.
But the future consultation regulated in 19 currently officers are looking at the prospect of using a different provider for that particular exercise,
with a view to securing a more smooth as it were and presentable form of answer provision.
And so that's something on which I have been working for very recently with officers,
but that would allow responses at the regulation 19 stage to be assembled rather more quickly and more effectively,
but currently it's been the case, but the job is being undertaken and will be published as soon as possible.
I've got some. Thank you, Jim.
We haven't wanted to beat Sweden reports and very long insights.
I've made the comment before, and I repeat. Sorry.
And leadership about giving a sense of direction, and it will be nice to get a report from the leader to her words and go down for posterity.
And that people in the future can look at the report. So, once again, I made that, please. Thank you.
Any more comments or questions.
No, sorry, don't.
Thank you, chair.
I just like to pick up on council hard groups and the, the finance aspect with regard to giving out to organizations within the district.
I think some comparisons where we, we're hopefully quite careful how we go about these.
Absolutely different to ethics who like to give lots of money out to people who don't actually deliver on their goods for a half million here there and willy nilly.
But in particular, one of the things that I'd like to suggest moving forward is that what we, something that we do at town council because we also give out and set the board into a number of organizations.
It's invite those people who do really good business and really good work with the monies that we, we put forward to them is invite them to come and talk to us at some point to tell us how their money is, you know, their spending has, has been successful.
Now is not the time, obviously I appreciate that, but maybe going to the next financial year and for sort of year and delivery, because we do spend a lot of money with a lot of organizations and helping to support them that they can come back and give us a report on how they use that successfully.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Yes, our setup here is somewhat different to Essex, but we've seen on social media, I'm planning out, so I'm really in house, on the ground we've got here, you read the car that's on the business ones, we don't play until the work done and we see the
invoices that we see is the back steps, the evidence, and we have the ability of a contract for back on the UK share prosperity of the rural grants, though we've worked with government rules, so we've got to report back on government rules, but we value the condition that if they've not done worse, they were supposed to do, we have the right to fall back
so this money is secure, shall we say, in terms of yes, checking out what's happened, there's some things here, I probably wouldn't want to go and look at, but I would say that the Bailey Hills visitor sent them winery
and maybe we could have a bit of a volunteer to that one, and also, I'll just call version of the Dubcott Accommodation, that's actually a great, too listed building for a more supportive housing project, that might be interesting to see, whether perhaps members for
Stanster would like to look at the check out for us, the LED Budlights for the Stanster Tennis Club, I'm guessing the world would not take us to that one, but I'm sure it would be good to see if that's actually being done, thank you
any more, can I move on to item five now, and that goes in before we actually deal with the written questions, I'll receive the notice of an urgent question from the Council of Taylor, as the Taylor please ask your question
Thank you Chair, I note that counter counter fully, but not had a response to from the leader on Chief Executive of Essex counter Council, that his request for an urgent inquiry into the withdrawal of bus services in up on the 14th of April
Although we are grateful that through the efforts of Councillor Foley and others, a temporary solution has been reached, we know to the fact that the bus provider has provided a due and appropriate warning, the Essex counter Council on the 12th of February
That they were unable to operate bus services due to apparently unachievable timetable, then appears to have been a failure communication, resulting in services being withdrawn in spite of this warning
A clear understanding to what has gone wrong is needed, so that the permanence solution can be found between Essex counter Council and the providers, could our leader and the Chief Executive please support to come to the 30s request for such an inquiry, thank you
Thank you Chair, thank you Councillor Taylor, yes we would absolutely support that inquiry, one of the reasons being I think we all agree that the information that's been in the public arena is a little bit confusing
I read that Essex counter Council said that the service of the provider tried to withdraw the services and it was the act of the bus operator, and I think it was a Sunday, the operator sent out saying that Essex counter Council media releases
The public have received two forms of information, and I would very much like to get to the bottom of it and ensure that the requirements are done, so I will be writing a letter on behalf of Council, yes thank you
Thank you Chair, it's time to you Leader, I mean, I was at the meeting where I was, week five, last week one night, and at town council it was suggested that the bus service had been withdrawn because of the potholes that have been killed
Now I've thought that this is not true, but it makes me wonder, isn't it?
Thank you, Councillor Coor, we will now go on to the written questions, there are online written questions
I thought you were trying to catch our eye on that?
No, I wasn't, but if I could just make a comment, I am fully aware of the situation regarding the bus service, I've been happy to, there are some commercially sensitive issues around it, which we probably all understand, and I will be happy to update the Leader and the Chief Executive separately on that because
this is something that I would look into through my role as an essay counter as well, to make sure that the services were continuous, so outside of this meeting I would be happy to update both the Leader and the Chief Executive
Thank you.
Thank you, Councillor Gregor.
Councillor, please, you have a chance to open here to thank you at some point, you might want to make that one last one.
Councillor Gregor, you have one chance, nobody else will be speaking afterwards, make it good.
Thank you, Chair, you don't get much better introduction to that.
But bear in mind that it's somewhat dramatic failure either by the bus front here at the Council, and given that we've had before, some barriers in which are very comprehensive and entirely open and transparent report on this evening's agenda about our difficulties and fees.
And given a huge amount of services, we've received the number of political speakers over the political speakers we've had this evening. Could we perhaps, when we write to any Council, ask that they undertake a few details and forensic analysis of why the failing for the proposal they want.
I'm sure I will be taken into account. Thank you. So now, back to the written questions we have nine that's been published with responses.
I will now ask Councillors who have submitted written questions whether they have any questions of clarification.
Councillor Gregory, do you have a question of clarification from regards to the response published here to be your questions, Councillor.
I do indeed share and I've given Councillor couldn't notice that the question of clarification is very simple. When we get our money back, please.
Yes, thank you. Thank you for the question. I have spoken to the Deputy Director and I'm assured that the whole thing is being dealt with as quickly as possible.
I think those are the words that she used. She is obviously talking to our legal department who are looking to for ways which we can obviously take it forward.
It's not an easy win, but she is determined that we will follow it to its ultimate conclusion, which he was given notice like many months ago, and she said that it will happen to the answer will come back before you retire.
I'm not talking to the audience.
Councillor Gregory, do you have a question of clarification from regards to the response published yesterday to your second question to Councillor.
Councillor Gooding, do you have a question of clarification and regard to the response published yesterday to your question to Councillor Evans?
I would like to thank Councillor Evans for his very full and detailed response. This is an issue, which has overtaken a number of local properties and so I experience leading to hear that process in place. Thank you.
Councillor Gooding.
No, yes.
Do you have a question of clarification and regard to the response published yesterday, your second question to Councillor Harbord.
Well, I think thank you for that. I think, of course, you can, we did talk about the clarity of some of the answers that we received in a recent council meeting.
I think clearly a lot of the information is necessary because the public also need to see that the question answers the answer.
I think it's obviously slightly obscure for members of the public who need there to go further if they look in at the minutes. So thank you for the answer.
Do you have a question of clarification and regard to the response published yesterday, if you're a question to Councillor Reeve.
I'd just like to thank Councillor Reeve for his response and I'm sure he'd agree with me that this service is now very much on everyone's radar. Thank you.
Councillor So, do you have a question of clarification and regard to the response published yesterday, your second question to Councillor Evans.
I think that the local plan is some of the contentious is we have to be very careful with the agenda that what message we are sending out. Thank you.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, please agree with you. And I think it will be the intention.
It's just matters with the chair of the LPP, but we'll be sure to publish other things that we intended to do so properly in advance. Thank you.
Councillor LEMON, do you have a question of clarification and regard to the response published yesterday, if you're a question, Councillor Reeve.
Yes, thank you, Councillor Reeve, for your answers to my question. But I still have great concerns about the next time it took me to get through to something.
It was 13 minutes and the other was 15. I think the public in the residence in Hatfield, he was telling me all the time and they tried to get through to the council.
They are taking a long time to get through and answer the post. Thank you.
Councillor Reeve, do you have an answer, please?
Yes, thank you, Councillor LEMON.
I can just say, I acknowledge, oh, heartedly, your comment and I'll be looking at that.
We have tried to have the customer service responses and I've been led to the efforts that they have to be in those significant ways.
And that your report is not affecting the fancy situation.
We do.
I can tell the mark, you haven't actually got a question but I will take a quick one.
Yes, I didn't notice.
I said, well, 8-1-0, we set a 5-1-0.
Councillor Colleagues, do you have a question?
If I can, you know, the response published yesterday, your questions can't correct.
It's working.
This one's working.
Thank you, Chairman.
Well, I don't have a question this evening.
I wish to follow up my questions here, but not tonight.
Thank you.
Councillor interjecting.
Of course, I would like to turn to speak to Councillor Deane as long as he brings me a sip of rock.
I've been glad.
Councillor Stillcock, do you have a question or question in regards to the response published yesterday,
your questions to Councillor CUNY?
Thank you.
Thank you very much, Councillor CUNY.
Sorry, please.
Thank you very much, Councillor CUNY.
What's the clarification on the interim property service director?
Councillor interjecting.
I hope you'll retain that, Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
How long do we hope to retain the interim property services director for?
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Thank you.
That's the end of the questions.
Item six is basically what's going to happen next tonight.
We're considering the climate change act to obtain that item eight, which has been considered
by cabinet.
And the operational resilience report at item nine, which has previously been considered
by schools beneath the meeting.
So moving on to item seven, there are no matters about joint arrangements and external organisations.
So number eight, climate change action plan.
I will ask Councillor Ritz to present your report for information only that will not be above.
Thank you, Chair.
Members, pride is the first of the policy finances seven deadly sin.
But tonight, I wish to see I am proud that the climate and biodiversity action plan.
The agenda item tonight is to note program on the climate change action plan 2023 24, the
one which is coming to close.
And to note the climate change action plan 2425, we're on the cost of the new year.
The final point for the tonight's meeting is really to, for you to have thought about what
it is that we're planning to do really with the expectation of trying to get this out into
the community so that the community know what we're doing such that that can be leveraged.
Firstly, I'd like to thank the committee to come tonight and her team in preparing this work.
And to then Brown supervising this.
All the work is based on our climate change action.
I climate change strategy, which remain.
Looking at the progress that we've had in 2024, you'll see some quite detailed reports of
individual items to report out on that.
These are under the headings firstly of decarbonisation of the Council operations.
And I think here one of the highlights for me, which is recently.
We've come back with our social housing decarbonisation fund.
Success, where we gained money from the government to look at 10% by number of our council housing stock.
Basically, we look at the insulation and green meeting, I'll use that and other upgrades which are needed for those.
These have been prioritised.
That's all part of it.
And I think this is really a very exciting start to our housing stock program in your.
In relation to it, to greening that.
Secondly, in that with the key carbonisation for our own.
So this building and little can feel in one of the others.
Here the work has started in lowering our greenhouse gas consequences of those buildings.
Another highlights is one that you will have seen over the recent months from the car park here, and this is the.
The go wheels, the electric car, and this is associated.
And this is gaining increasing usage.
And one of the things that John particularly happy with is that this is now available to all.
Office both to go about their office to outside location activity.
Basically, they're not in possession of their own.
And this is one way of producing our emissions in that area.
Ditto on on bikes that will come to that.
The next highlights was around the air quality and sustainable travel.
And here, the report out concerns the.
The project.
In separate world and half a million projects with person.
Actually, about eight months ago, and we're well into the.
The execution phase, or we're coming towards the end of that second six months ago.
Of that program, and this has delivered and there are a number of really good elements in there.
And there have been high uptake from the community.
In response to that project in many different ways.
Moving on.
To the next one, which was enabling local action on climate change.
So here.
The one of the highlights of that for myself.
Was the zero carbon community ground being where.
The year.
We've had.
Second year.
Too much communication.
The second year of that.
And so something with the order of 100,000 pounds was.
Which allocated to that work.
I'm aware that my time's run out.
I'm going to just crack right on to the action plan.
If you'll excuse me.
Time more than two minutes.
I won't check.
Thank you.
I haven't been clocked on this excuse me and cabinet where I've been giving a similar report.
So I apologize for that.
Going forward, the plan has been presented to you.
And the highlight I'd like to make there is the headline for that plan.
And this is now low carbon.
High nature.
The reason for that is the tie intrinsically together.
Both the reducing the carbon emissions and improving our.
By diversity.
It's generally accepted that these.
Totally interchange these days.
There are the five headlines.
We don't think you're well on your time.
Thank you.
I'm just going to open this to the bank now.
Is there anybody that has any questions or comments?
Thank you, Chair.
I'd like to start by saying it's a really fantastic.
And I'm really happy to see that there's obviously an office about mitigation in there, but also adaptation.
And that patient is too often the formulation of mitigation.
And the biodiversity.
High nature aspect.
I wonder if you have any concerns about it.
The new rules around by that next day.
We mean that we over the whole UK need a lot more.
And experts.
And they haven't necessarily been the pipeline of people coming through the training.
And certainly every local authority need these experts.
Are you confident that we're going to have enough people or the resources to meet.
Thank you, Chair.
I'd like to commend Councillor Rhee and his staff for the progress they've made in this important area.
I was one of those in the last council who was concerned about we had lots of work, but not very little, not much action.
Now we've got, I think, 80 or 80,000 pounds have been admitted.
He is right to say that one of the highlights on the scheme was the growth in Stanskin.
We've got another number of organisations of anything from that.
And what I, what I have been pleased to see is we have organised a sustainable Stanskin emerge.
One thing I would add, I'd like us to be more ambitious,
particularly with a recycling party, because they are not rejected to actually go beyond the current 50 percent.
Thank you, Chair.
Thank you, Chair.
Thank you very much.
There's a couple of comments if I may, Chair. One is, obviously there are some criticism of what happened in the past council.
And it always reminds me of when we criticized how things grow.
In an old, old boy, we used to participate in the ground, he used to take about a year from the sort of grow the roots, and then he got the results.
And it seems to me that in the previous four years, of course, we were putting the roots in, and now it's growing.
But I think criticism is a bit primitive that we didn't do anything for the first of all years.
The second point, there's two other points I'd like to make when I share.
One is, I've heard several times come for a read about the clean air in the second movement, which I'm really pleased with that.
I'm old and I need it like clean air.
But I think it's time we've started to talk about giving some of the people who have been fanciful and done most of them for a year as well.
I feel sorry to them up there.
They need it even as much as we do.
And I would love to see it actually being really bold and looking at it.
And then I'd like to go on to congratulate the officers on being able to put the funding up so that we can pay that money from the government.
And it was a brilliant opportunity for us.
And those council houses that will be refurbished, it will be fantastic.
So the office has done a wonderful job getting it in the first place.
And I think the finance office is also finding the funding from active to brilliant.
Thank you.
Councilor Alexbury, please.
Thank you.
Can I have a more time?
Hello, actually.
This is a great book, great English philosopher.
No man ever made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he himself can only do a little.
This is of great hope when it comes to climate change and by the 50.
In front lawn here.
Red flags itemizing or indicating the presence of people kids in our law.
I was delighted.
I have to say a little thing that it's great to see.
And I congratulate the district council for this.
I fully support my colleague, Chloe Biddy, who I need for.
And what any experts to identify what we do.
We could have a marvelous things.
But without the experts to go out and look for each, if you like, if you will, we need those tomorrow evening.
Regardless, there's a while to go out to explore to find wildflowers.
Six o'clock if you wish to come.
And so, otherwise, I congratulate the team on their tremendous efforts.
And I believe 300 houses approaching 300 houses will be.
And I think we want to put that into. Thank you.
Council release your thumb on the list.
Actually, I'd be to the root because I understand the council's point about the criticism before, but I would just like to point out that the, those that remember the ever effervescent.
Councillor Puffer, who had us all scared of mowing our lawns in May, was the first environment portfolio holder this council had ever seen.
And I would like to remind you of that if I may, Councillor Stair, as going on to Councillor Coot saying that's how the roots were sown.
And also I'd like to obviously congratulate Councillor Reeve and his team on this excellent climate change action ban.
And as you get about pride, I've got a little bit, as far as we are aware, we are the only district council in Essex who actually employs an ecologist.
So that's the plus breath. Thank you.
Councillor Peruzzan.
Yes, thank you, Chairman. It's just an aside really, but on the topic of five, five, a verse in that game, the planning committee is actually going to have specific training in this subject.
We've got a lot of training coming up in the subject you have to keep on top of.
But actually, one of the biggest factors in this council's and output is the planning consensus of issues or doesn't issue.
And the condition is a bit attached to that.
And if you know what the conditions are for five, five, five, a verse in that game, you can insist on them at the planning stage. That's a very useful thing.
So it's an aside, but it's an important part of their function.
Thank you, Councillor Freeman. Is there anybody else like to speak with, or I invite Councillor Rhee to sum up?
Councillor Rhee, please answer any questions or make more comments.
Thank you, Chair. I will try to be free for this time.
By the way, the next game, and by the first in general, are we specifically resource as has been stated, we do have our own senior ecologist. It's just enough.
I fear it isn't. Yeah. And I'm concerned that going forward, we are going to meet all the, all the resource we have there.
One way of trying to do that is to see if we can actually look at the feasibility of commercializing that in order to prevent consultants making a business out of this business.
If we can do some of that in-house and use that to enable our own diversity, expertise, the flow.
The exciting targets. Absolutely. We need to have the self that we need to better.
What I want to do there is wait until July when we hope in at Oxford to adopt the ethics.
Don't practice to 2051. At times we do that. I think we should have a some PR about how we can all do better, introducing our waste there.
Perhaps we're cool. Absolutely.
Perhaps the pepper to sell the seeds together with our first officer.
That's with us also tonight. And that's something that we should all appreciate.
See now and that's the more to make it difficult why I really wanted to do that and hope that we were successful in gaining a graph from Deborah to actually do that.
Unfortunately, at the last minute, having been initially told on the quiet, it would be successful government called the plug.
And then the belief that whole program after I've been given the soft signal that we would be successful.
What we're now going to have to do in another way to achieve the same result, but without government funding.
Going forward, you have 276 houses with the exact number that my namesake is looking for.
Then, then, then, and then the treatment is also on the side of our next game. Yes, this is new. It's only in February that the new laws came into support.
It's going to be a steep learning curve for everybody and figuring out how that goes. And we are going to be on top of the game.
If it was successful, it's actually a fantastic piece of data statement in trying to help us.
In fact, if we're out by the web speed, I would like for this work program.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
It is about Thursday, which will start with a quote we've seen better day.
Our disruption to the waste and regulation is not covering glory, but I think that our response to it was very good.
And being part of the party of racial resilience group, which has assisted our councilor Christianity, councilor who is called.
We were very impressed with the openness and transparency that all our questions were greeted with, where we asked them to witness in.
We were provided with a huge amount of information detailing exactly what went wrong, when.
What was put in place to sort out the situation and the issues that were faced.
This information is all now in the public domain, so everyone can see here, but it's that we based our decisions on, and it's towards the fact the agenda of this meeting.
We need to have a final costing, and so this is possible in the region of 5,000 pounds.
There is now the way we've just got to say it, and it happened, and we now have filled with that.
The most important aspect of this platform for this food flow was to support the initiative to identify whether the council may be at risk of single points and failure.
This exercise will take more time to yield results, so that it will be ongoing.
And in order to ensure that it's not the pay for exercise, the scrutiny committee has voted for the path and finish group to be used in a few months to find to check on the progress of the operations.
And this is just one of the checks and balances that's being implemented.
Another is making use of an ugly council of critical friends to oversee the risks and the code of questions that will be put in place for them.
So, for this disappointing situation, we should have a body come through stronger and with more robust systems.
Thank you.
Thank you, and thank you for straightforward and honest.
The situation there today, and I would like to maybe ask that she was active and the leader going forward.
If the council is minded, I've become chair in the future, I will ask at the beginning of the meeting, how the progress of the risk registered going.
It could be an idea that just a simple question at the beginning of the meeting that we're all up today.
And then I would want to know more than yes or no, we would probably supply it and an opportunity to ask questions.
If necessary, that's something you can consider.
I'm asked that I'm asked that before that.
We've got an up to date risk register and anything that could be under rescuing every council faces the positive we find out every council faces the possibility of the of a ball being brought.
So I just thought on a monthly basis, if we just got a little update and where we are, if that possible, to ask the question once the risk register that they come up today.
I think it would just put some minds at rest. I'm not saying that needs to be done forever.
But there's something that could be done on an ongoing basis to maybe get the public some confidence.
Thank you, Chair. I'd like to thank Council Donald and Chris, the opening in his absence and new care for.
I think it was a helpful constructed exercise that we were on.
And I was happy to put my name to the report I could also add, as I've done, it would be indicated the support of the openness of the officers involved.
Confident that lessons have been learned.
And as long as that those lessons don't get forgotten in the future and I welcome.
I would like to thank Councilor Foley's comment about the risk register, which is the last one in my view.
I think within the constraints that the task that finished group had, we did a reasonable job. However, this was, however, comes in.
The end element would have been valuable. I realized within those constraints of final, typical to achieve, but I was conscious and remain conscious that members are so close to the event, close to the officers.
If you would get a credit pair of eyes, who have seen things for the first time.
I'm a little bit with what Councilor Gregory said earlier on this meeting. He can use the word forensic.
I think within the limitations that we had, we didn't know. Okay. But I'm not sure how forensic it was.
I think if we had more time, it could have been more forensic because what is, I say, this is the top down fine, but also like to learn bottom up, I, some of the people directly involved in the delivery of the service, the drivers, the lotus.
Because I think there are lessons to be learned there.
I'm confident, as I said earlier, that lesson would be learned. We had a very cool and detailed email from Councilor Reed, Mary, on waste service, and the first email on this for a long, long time, very welcome.
In that respect, I do believe there needs to be more requesting culture. I mentioned this scrutiny.
Some councils have every meeting of scrutiny. They have an individual cabinet member question time, where you ask questions to that cabinet member.
And I think that has a valuable role.
I know the chief executive has had concerns about the culture that did prevail and waste services.
I have to serve still that culture of the country. When Council and Dean and myself started off asking questions, we were.
Got off, big marvellous operational problems. We got this big impression, go elsewhere. And that's why I decided to go further and put an item on the scrutiny agenda.
The first time members of scrutiny were aware of the problem of people's breaking death.
And so I think what I would conclude by saying chair is, I hope that there's going to be more openness, more openness officers and members where we have problems, rather than being faced with it.
We require probing for members is that people are much more upfront, but we've got issues here. We need your help in that.
We need to convene in that information. And I finally, I do believe that the Council lead my life in certain ed, but I'm not going to be cut off.
I believe that there was a lack of leadership. And I paid credit to the chief executive for all he did in front of the media. No, I repeat that.
But leadership was, I believe.
Thank you, Chair.
Can you please.
Thank you.
And so on the related to law report, I'm interested in.
Councillor, you know, that in the climate change action plan that would be part of the work of Council on recycling and maybe they'll be an information company on recycling and that's a rubbish sorting because I have to say that when the
thing problem first happened, I had a friend of mine saying from Switzerland and we walked down the road and we saw some black things with black bin bed pile up over the top.
And she couldn't believe how much rubbish we grow away in this country in Switzerland. On top of local taxes, you have to buy prepaid rubbish bags where you pay about £2.50 for 30 litre rubbish bag for your black bin rubbish.
And everything else has to be recycled and you have to sort it yourself and take it to recycling places.
And she said that it's become almost a national sport. So people who could afford to be found 50 rubbish bags, compete amongst themselves, throw away as few as possible.
And they've all crowded at dinner parties and say, well, you know, I need for everyone every three weeks or something.
So I think we've got a long way to go in this country in general on how much rubbish we throw away and any kind of information campaigns that we can do here in our residual really make a big difference.
Thank you, Chairman. I didn't particularly come through to be reading the report about the communications and it's really the communications. Yes, they would go wrong.
They'd always drop the balls from the said, um, off the villages and the roadings. They were left off the list. You know, when to approach them because they looked up on the way they weren't there.
So it wasn't, it wasn't disappointing that they're having these letters. They didn't even know when.
I think we do need to think about comprehensive about. We must have all the Paris large detail. We must be able to contact Facebook groups.
No, this is where people talk about this sort of stuff. And if we built up a better communications network.
Um, you know, it could mean you're emailing. 62 or how big is Paris large information. And then they've got a direct email to come back if they're not on that list.
If they haven't got what it was, yes, normally published phone numbers. But yes, nobody else brings a phone to 45. Is that not what the public wants.
But I think it's, you know, we don't want to know the disaster, but you know, there could be something. There's also this is our position is operational.
But what we do want is communicating. Those people communicate by Facebook or Instagram or whatever. We just need to make phones.
More normal for this Council rather just on our website. Thank you.
Yes, thank you. I took the sport. Council is in support of a risk register at some point.
We can actually does mention it was embedded. We have a speeding quality report every meeting and then a quality of major application for this came into place because of the review carried out in the way that planning by the local government association.
So there is a mess. This is quite technical, but it gives you a clear indication of how well performing and your direction travel. Now, one of the problems being elected Council is we don't have visibility of these things.
It's not their job to have actually visiting planning, but most things we rely on people to tell us what's going on. We can't go and inspect the books. We can't go and see that it's not a job.
But we do depend on stuff servicing, but what becomes critical.
And that's really one of the things we need to put in place. So I would certainly suggest that.
The other thing is that when it comes to rubbish.
Actually, those are the wheelie bins. You probably don't know this, but one or two members who have served here for a while will know those wheelie bins have micro chips in them.
The older ones do anyway. And the reason why they have micro chips is so you can weigh the bin and assign it to an individual.
And the reason why was there was a policy at one stage. It didn't actually happen. The relevant party didn't get elected.
But to pay to flow, in other words, you would pay, your rates would be time to the weight of your rubbish that you generated.
And those bins still exist, and those chips still exist in the bins.
And the idea is that they would be automatically weighed when the bin men picked them up and treated with it.
That hasn't happened, but it doesn't happen in samples. They certainly have paid for those systems.
That's I think what the council is talking about. But going back, I think it's very important that we have a risk register, as I'm talking with you, not today.
It must be visible to us.
Yes. Thank you for the opportunity to do it, but that's a great risk register you can find on the website.
The next two comments I should firstly respond to the council's bell commenting about wanting capital members to come to scrutiny for the question.
Of course, this happens at full council. We just had nine questions all between in prior.
And of course, any matters which are the scrutiny, which are specific to a cabinet portfolio.
There's a couple scrutiny anyway. I'm not quite seeing the added value of that, shall we say.
I also commented they didn't think that the work done by the test and finish group was officially rigorous.
I've got the word used looking.
20 appendices or excruciating detail about everything.
It looked to me like there's a very thorough piece of work. Yes, there was no external person involved in here, but it looked to me.
A very good piece of seriously good work.
To guide us to the future, but to allow all the evidence.
So I think it has been, it has been well done.
That's my understanding.
Thank you, Chair, Councillor Harness.
I would also just like to thank the task and finish group.
I agree with Councillor Harness.
I think you did a job as with all those offenses.
And I would also just like to ensure for those on people whether it's what the task and finish group are going to continue and come back and ensure that everything is been done as we've stated.
I've promised that I wouldn't apologize today because there are so many apologies on the task, the finished first group meeting.
But I would like to thank them before. I think we can all say very clearly that we have learned lessons from it.
And we will be taking recommendations as written in the book.
Thank you, Chair.
Just wait one moment, I can't show you up.
Thank you, Chair.
Through you, actually, Chair, the question, are we going to be cutting this report into our past while and who had seemed to have so much to say on the matter herself before she may find some interesting responses, marvellous. Thank you.
I suppose we can all find out. Thank you. Thank you, Chair. I think it's fitting at home residents to be wondering what they got out of this, and I'd just like to remember that they got three new didn't lower it out of his along the way. Thank you.
Thank you, Councillor.
Councillor. Thank you, Councillor.
It's important, be on the record. I didn't use the word rigorous, it's comfortable, it's heartbreaking.
What I said was, if we had more time, it would have been more forensic.
So I think there's a significant difference, so I just want that for the minutes, because I don't like work being put in my mouth as I didn't say. Thank you.
Thank you, Councillor. So, a Councillor, please.
Thank you, Chair.
I don't know how many people are still wanting to talk, but what I wanted to say, Chair, was just to repeat the apology.
I know that Councillor Lise has said that we were told during the talk and finished group meetings that there have been too much of that.
I think in this forum and to the public listening, I'm not sure it is possible.
I want to restate that, that this was indeed not good, could have been avoided.
We didn't, but hopefully we have taken the lessons from that.
Right at the moment, of course, we are now all super alert to every misbin if it comes, you know, half an hour later or a day later, sorry, half an hour later or not on the correct day.
And that's right, and that's very understandable.
However, we should note that in many councils up and down the land and also in our own until we started having our pronounced problems.
There was a much more forgiving attitude to this.
My attitude at the moment, and working with the team, is that we have to actually be performing above and beyond at the moment.
That the, what you could call normal performance, didn't actually accept for at the moment.
Simply because there is a very high attention on this service at the moment.
So what were, what I will be doing when I was just speaking for myself, it's a totally over responsible. I will be paying very great attention to any lack of performance.
And I would, if needed, benefit from all the inputs that you might have to that.
And also to advertise, I did in response to question earlier, the member web address that you can use for your reporting bio to make use of that in order to improve our performance.
Thank you very much, and I'm particularly pleased about the going forward, the operational resilience to the whole council.
From one bad learning, we have to make many good learnings, and I hope that the council will do this. Thank you very much.
Thank you.
The report doesn't seem to say what the additional costs are in council since getting our life back, but the additional time you're going to start from cost and remissing from a port, which should have been included.
Could you speak out sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry.
The report doesn't state what additional costs are to the council since getting our life back. The additional time you're going to start from cost and remissing from a report, if there are a thing.
The additional costs that were.
Sorry, I'm trying to repeat what he was saying.
Maybe you can lift the microphone.
Sorry, thank you. The additional staff and cost feel and time seem to be missing the report, which you might be mentioning should have been included.
So we're still having a service, the structure.
So I can just try to respond on the costs. This seems to include everything. In fact, there is my understanding is actually there's an ongoing saving at the moment.
I'm having a fleet operations manager wake up post.
I think that is continuing at the moment.
I'm not seeing anything beyond getting the license back, but without the cost, which is not already included in here.
I'm guessing this figure of 67, 740. So it's a lot of exact.
Thank you, Chair.
We're still getting the collections on a Sunday.
I'd like to chat with the guys who are collecting. They're on double time.
This is the catching up still. How can it be?
Not catching up. It is still catching up because I don't know we work on the Sunday.
They don't really collect on a Sunday. They're on double time.
Because it is.
What you've got there is we're back on what would be known.
Because the currencies that happens, the waste has been cleared.
What they are doing on a Sunday now is what they would miss this week.
And therefore we're back to normal. This is not picking up a waste that was caused by the loss of the license.
What I'm going to do now is I'm going to hand back to Council Donald, who came to carry on and sign up. Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
We will not be able to air down to Washington in public because we need to make sure that any of this don't are not public signs for bad actors.
I think we need to be dealt with in-house.
But obviously, I'm not sure.
I'm going to do more than hope that lessons are learnt.
We are continuing to be back to check what they really are.
Because the bidding, yeah, absolutely, with better recycling and rubbish bouquet.
And also feeling a little bit smug that you might only try and feel happy about.
And we did discuss the communications and the Council are going to be looking into more modern methods looking into costing, maybe.
And texting residents, a bit like the doctors and the data.
And so we'll be exploring that and see what cost effective.
We've been waiting them.
I've got nothing more.
Thank you.
Yes, I think it was a thorough report and we had to read all four documents and four over and discuss them.
And I will say thanks.
Council is useful for them to ask you for more documents.
Council, look, slight questions, the three big worries were already on their way.
But we will have an improvement to services that start and wait to collect them.
And to make up for some of the four service last year, they will be experts at the collection this year.
And the cost will remain the same this year.
And also, long-lasting open to new subscribers.
So, thank you.
Council, the church, I think the additional questions were answered and it is laid out there.
And we did have an email to all Councillors regarding the disruption of Easter, which was due to agency staff and people not turning up work.
But they would.
Councillor Leland, I think your question was answered about letters on a Sunday.
Thank you, Councillor Donald.
That was the last item on the agenda.
We did it once for your information.
So, therefore, I call this meeting to oppose.
I'm not sure what the time is, because that is 12 minutes or 13 minutes past.
12 minutes past.
Thank you.
Thank you, Councillor.