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Planning Committee - West - Tuesday, 21st May, 2024 2.00 pm

May 21, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting was brief, focusing solely on the appeal decision for an advertisement application. The application for an illuminated advertisement at 19 Bridge Street, Taunton was dismissed due to concerns about amenity and public safety.

Appeal Decision for Advertisement at 19 Bridge Street, Taunton

The committee discussed the appeal decision regarding the display of an internally illuminated wall-mounted advertisement at 19 Bridge Street, Taunton. Alison von Cooper explained that the appeal was dismissed based on two main issues: amenity and public safety.


The inspector concluded that the advertisement would detract from the appearance of the street scene and negatively impact the setting of nearby listed and locally listed buildings.

Public Safety

The inspector also found that the frequent changing of images on the advertisement could distract drivers, posing a danger in an area requiring high levels of concentration due to unexpected movements from motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians. Additionally, the uncontrolled content of the display could confuse drivers about traffic signals, increasing the risk of misinterpretation and potential hazards for all highway users at the junction.

The appeal was dismissed on these grounds.