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An Officer Key Decision scheduled for 23 July 2024 concerned proposed refurbishment works to be carried out on council homes in the Canning Town & Custom House Regeneration Area.
Canning Town & Custom House Refurbishment Programme
A report was prepared for the meeting that sought approval for the award of three contracts for internal refurbishment works to homes in Canning Town and Custom House. The report recommended that the Corporate Director of Inclusive Economy, Housing & Culture approve the award of the contracts to the successful bidders, following a procurement exercise. The procurement exercise was to secure contractors to carry out refurbishment works to 184 tenanted properties.
The works are being carried out inplace, and in advance of, the wider regeneration programme yet to be implemented. The works are considered essential and have been specifically designed and tailored to help protect the external fabric of the building, in addition to preserving the safety and security of the councils housing stock. The report explained that the procurement process used was the Procurement Hub Property Works Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS), and that the Council received 7 expressions of interest from contractors. It says that the contract value of works for all three Lots is £5,567,529.83. The report notes that leaseholders would not be recharged for the works, which form part of a short term strategy for re-use of the properties. The report explains that, because the works will only be carried out to tenanted properties, statutory leaseholder consultation was not required. However, it says that all residents affected by the works would be engaged with once the principal contractor had been appointed. The report says that the Council has a statutory duty to consider housing conditions and that the recommendations in the report are in keeping with its powers and duties. It also notes that officers confirmed that they had adhered to their obligations under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.