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Southern Area Planning Committee - Tuesday 11 June 2024 5.30 pm

June 11, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Southern Area Planning Committee of Test Valley Council met on Tuesday, 11 June 2024, to discuss several planning applications. Key decisions were made regarding the continued seasonal change of use for Hilltop Farm in Newtown, the construction of parking areas at Bourne House in Romsey, and amendments to a previously approved development at Glebe Farm in Sherfield English.

Hilltop Farm, Newtown Road, Newtown

The committee approved the continued seasonal change of use from agricultural land and a former golf course to tourism accommodation at Hilltop Farm. The proposal includes two overnight holiday let shepherds huts, three ancillary huts, two open-front shelters, timber decking, a car park area, a sewage treatment plant, and landscaping. The decision was contingent on the completion of a legal agreement by 11 September 2024, which secures the installation and maintenance of an onsite package treatment plant, offsets onsite land as woodland, and provides a financial contribution towards the New Forest SPA recreational pressure mitigation scheme. The committee also discussed the potential impact of noise from the site and considered imposing conditions to limit amplified music, but ultimately decided against it based on the advice from the Environmental Health team.

Bourne House, Sandy Lane, Romsey

The committee approved the clearance of two areas of scrub land and the construction of two parking areas at Bourne House. One parking area will be for staff vehicles and the other for service vehicles. The decision was subject to no unresolvable issues being raised by Nature Space or the Test Valley Borough Council Ecologist regarding a Great Crested Newts District Licence, and the completion of satisfactory consultation with Natural England concerning the impact on protected species. The approval included conditions to ensure the development proceeds in accordance with ecological and arboricultural recommendations, and to control construction activities to protect the amenities of neighbouring properties.

Glebe Farm, Salisbury Road, Sherfield English

The committee approved a variation of condition 2 of the previously approved application (22/03317/FULLS) for the demolition of agricultural buildings and the erection of three dwellings at Glebe Farm. The variation allows for amendments to the floor plans and elevations for plot 3. The decision included conditions to ensure the development proceeds in accordance with approved materials, landscaping, and ecological mitigation measures. The committee also discussed the importance of ensuring the landscaping is implemented at an appropriate time to ensure its effectiveness.

For more details, you can refer to the Agenda frontsheet, Public reports pack, and the Printed minutes of the meeting.