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Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday 5 June 2024 5.30 pm

June 5, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting covered several administrative and policy topics, including the appointment of a Vice Chairman, a detailed discussion on Section 106 agreements, and updates on the Council Tax Support Scheme. The meeting also touched on communication strategies and the progress of various panels.

Appointment of Vice Chairman

Councillor McDonald was appointed as the Vice Chairman. The motion was proposed by Councillor Matthews and seconded by Councillor Calvary. The motion was carried unanimously.

Section 106 Agreements

Graham Smith and Owen Alford presented a report on Section 106 (S106) agreements. These agreements are legal obligations tied to planning permissions, requiring developers to contribute to local infrastructure. The report followed up on a previous one from November 2022 and included two action points: circulating a briefing note and offering member training. The briefing note, set in an FAQ style, explained what S106 is, how it is secured, allocated, and spent. Member training was completed in April 2024 with positive feedback.

Councillor Yaffe raised questions about the findings from the November 2022 review and how to track progress. The panel's outcomes included the briefing note and training session, which have been fulfilled. The discussion also covered the discontinuation of tariff-based allocations for public open space and highway projects in favor of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). However, some tariff-based items, like ecological mitigations, are still in use.

Councillor Holmes expressed concerns about the flexibility of S106 funds and the communication with parish councils. The officers acknowledged these issues and mentioned that variations to S106 agreements are possible but require all parties' consent.

Councillor Gregor raised questions about the cost-effectiveness of small allotment sites and the role of Southern Water in setting tariffs for water infrastructure. The officers clarified that water infrastructure is not covered by S106 agreements and that larger allotment sites are more economical.

Council Tax Support Scheme

Councillor McDonald provided an update on the Council Tax Support Scheme. The panel aims to simplify the scheme for residents and reduce administrative burdens. The proposed banded scheme aligns with Universal Credit to avoid inconsistencies. The scheme will be cost-neutral and retain a minimum 10% contribution from all working households. The panel will report back to OSCOM in July, followed by a public consultation.

Councillor Haslam raised concerns about the impact on self-employed individuals and those with fluctuating incomes. The panel is considering broadening the first band to protect these vulnerable groups. Councillor Greg Albury emphasized the need for simplicity and user experience, suggesting that increasing the band size could mitigate some issues.

Communication Strategy

The committee discussed the progress on the communications review, which concluded in March 2023. The review focused on strategic communications, website improvements, digital communications, telephony, and letters. The committee emphasized the importance of addressing digital exclusion and ensuring that non-digital communication channels are also effective.

Councillor Haslam and Councillor Neill highlighted the need for more paper communication for digitally excluded residents. The officers assured that a range of communication methods, including face-to-face and printed materials, are in use.

Chairman's Annual Report

The Chairman's Annual Report was presented, summarizing the committee's activities over the past year. Councillor Parker suggested that future reports should focus more on the broader objectives and policy contributions of the committee.

Updates on Panels

The budget panel has completed its work for the year. The regeneration panel's details were provided by Councillor Gwynne. The Council Tax Support Scheme panel will report back in July.

Future Work Programme

The committee discussed the future work programme and emphasized the importance of hybrid or online meetings to increase accessibility and reduce travel. The away day was rescheduled to after the general election, with options for either evening sessions or a Saturday session.

The meeting concluded with a vote to approve the future work programme and adjourned.