Longlisting for the post of Director of Adult Social Care, Appointments Sub Committee - Tuesday, 30th July, 2024 5.00 p.m.

July 30, 2024 View on council website
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The Appointments Sub Committee meeting on the 30th July 2024 was scheduled to discuss longlisting candidates for the post of Director of Adult Social Care and appointing a Chair for the meeting.

Longlisting for the position of Director, Adult Social Care

The committee was scheduled to consider a report on the longlisting of candidates for the position of Director of Adult Social Care. The report, from the Interim Director of Workforce, OD and Business Support, set out potential applicants to be longlisted for progression to technical assessment relating to the position of Director, Adult Social Care.

Election of Chair

Councillors were scheduled to elect a Chair of the Appointment Sub-Committee for the process of recruiting to the position of Director, Adult Social Care.