Planning (Major Applications) Sub-Committee - Tuesday 6th August, 2024 6.30 pm

August 6, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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This meeting was about whether to approve a major new development in the Marylebone area. The Committee was also asked to confirm the minutes of the meeting that took place on 14 May 2024.

Development Site at 38-70 Baker Street, 64-66 Blandford Street and 43-45 Dorset Street

The report pack includes an application from Gerald Eve LLP1 on behalf of Derwent Lazari Baker Street GP Limited to demolish a city block and erect a mixed-use scheme. The proposed scheme would provide shops, restaurants and offices, a new community space and 17 new flats.

The site currently has five buildings on it: Accurist House (38-52 Baker Street), Watson House (54-60 Baker Street), 62-64 Baker Street, 66-70 Baker Street and 43-45 Dorset Street. The report states that the existing buildings are used for a variety of uses, including shops, restaurants, offices, and 13 flats, as well as parking for 102 cars.

The application proposes demolishing all of the existing buildings and erecting a replacement building. The report states that:

The replacement building is mixed use and would provide offices over the upper floors accessed via a ground floor reception… Flexible shops and / or restaurants over the majority of the Baker Street, Dorset Street and Blandford Street frontages, and 17 x flats over the upper floors of the north-east part of the replacement building… A cultural and education space is proposed over part ground and first floor level… This space is intended to be managed by the Baker Street Quarter Partnership and let at a peppercorn rent.

The report describes a number of issues raised by the Greater London Authority and consultees including:

  • Whether the proposal's demolition and rebuild complies with sustainability policies that prefer the reuse and refurbishment of existing buildings.
  • Whether the application represents an overdevelopment of the site.
  • Whether the proposal would adversely affect the setting of nearby listed buildings including the Chiltern Firehouse and the Barley Mow Public House.
  • Whether the proposal would adversely affect the setting of the nearby Portman Estate Conservation Area.
  • Whether the loss of daylight and sunlight to residents of nearby buildings is acceptable.
  • Whether the proposal makes best use of the site to deliver affordable housing.

The report concludes that the development is acceptable subject to conditions and a Section 106 agreement2 to secure:

  • affordable housing
  • car club memberships
  • an Employment and Skills Plan
  • a financial contribution towards the Council’s Carbon Off-Set Fund
  • delivery of off-site carbon savings at St Mary's Bryanston Square Primary School
  • a highways works scheme
  • dedication of parts of the site as public highway
  • stopping up of parts of the public highway
  • provision and management of a cultural and educational space

It recommends that the application should be referred to the Mayor of London for consideration.

  1. Gerald Eve LLP are a property consultancy. 

  2. Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 allows a local planning authority to enter into a legally-binding agreement with a landowner as part of granting planning permission. These are sometimes known as 'planning gain' agreements because they are used to mitigate the impact of new development.