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The meeting was scheduled to consider one application for a new premises licence and one application to vary an existing premises licence. There were also eight Temporary Event Notices that were scheduled to be discussed.
Application for a Premises Licence: Nancy Spains, 128 Curtain Road, London, EC2A 3AQ (LSC Report-128 Curtain Road)
Curtain Road Limited applied for a new premises licence for Nancy Spains, a modern Irish pub in Shoreditch. The application requested authorisation for the sale of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises, the provision of late night refreshment, and the provision of regulated entertainment in the form of films, live music and recorded music.
The application sought the following hours for licensable activities:
- Monday to Wednesday: 08:00 to 00:00
- Thursday: 08:00 to 01:00
- Friday and Saturday: 08:00 to 02:00
- Sunday: 10:00 to 22:30
The application also requested a number of non-standard timings for licensable activities:
- An additional hour to the standard and non-standard times on the day when British Summertime commences.
- New Year’s Eve – from the end of permitted hours on New Year’s Eve to the start of permitted hours on New Year’s Day.
- An additional hour to the terminal hour on the following notable days: St Patrick’s Day, all Bank Holidays, the day before Bank Holidays, and the Friday, Saturday and Sunday preceding all Bank Holidays, Christmas Eve, & Boxing Day, and New Year’s Day.
The application requested opening hours of:
- Monday to Wednesday: 08:00 to 00:30
- Thursday: 08:00 to 01:30
- Friday and Saturday: 08:00 to 02:30
- Sunday: 10:00 to 22:30
The application also requested the same non-standard timings for opening hours as for licensable activities.
The Metropolitan Police Service made a representation on the grounds of the prevention of crime and disorder and the prevention of public nuisance. The Police raised concerns about the application's request for off-sales of alcohol and the number of non-standard hours requested.
Police would like to know why the premises requires off sales?
Police would also like to restrict the amount of Non-standard hours that are on the licence as so many can become confusing. Police are happy to discuss this further.Metropolitan Police Service
The Licensing Authority also made a representation on the grounds of the prevention of public nuisance. The Licensing Authority noted that the application requested hours for licensable activities that were beyond those set out in the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy.
The Licensing Authority are concerned that the addition of the above activities, in an area already known to suffer from problems created by the cumulative impact of licensed premises, may lead to the Prevention of Public Nuisance licensing objective being undermined.Licensing Authority
Three representations were received from local residents, all objecting to the application. The residents raised concerns on the grounds of the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance, and the protection of children from harm.
The Licensing Officer recommended that if the Licensing Sub-Committee were minded to approve the application, a number of conditions should be added to the licence. These conditions included:
- No supply of alcohol when there is no Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS).
- Challenge 25 age verification.
- Provision of free potable water to customers.
- Keeping a record of refused sales of alcohol.
- Operation of CCTV.
- Installation of a sound limiting device.
- Keeping an incident log.
- Operation of a zero-tolerance policy to drugs.
- Display of notices reminding patrons to leave quietly.
- A minimum of two Security Industry Authority (SIA) licensed door supervisors on duty when the premises operates beyond 00:00.
- No refuse or bottles to be placed outside the premises between 23:00 and 07:00.
- No loudspeakers to be located outside the building.
The Licensing Sub-Committee had the option of refusing the application or approving the application with conditions.
Variations to a Premises Licence: Ground Floor, 392 Kingsland Road, London, E8 4AA (LSC Report-GF 392 Kingsland Road)
Rivington Street Hospitality Group 2 Limited applied for a variation to the premises licence for a late-night cocktail bar at 392 Kingsland Road in Dalston. The application requested an extension to the hours for the sale of alcohol, the removal of a condition preventing customers from taking drinks outside, and an amendment to a condition requiring table service after 23:00.
The application sought the following hours for licensable activities and opening hours:
- Monday to Wednesday: 10:00 to 00:30 (licensable activities) / 10:00 to 01:15 (opening hours)
- Thursday to Saturday: 10:00 to 01:30 (licensable activities) / 10:00 to 02:15 (opening hours)
- Sunday: 10:00 to 00:30 (licensable activities) / 10:00 to 01:15 (opening hours)
The application requested the removal of the following condition from the premises licence:
22. There shall be no glass, drinks or open containers taken out of the premises at any time.
The application requested that the following condition be amended:
28. After 11pm all alcohol to be served by table service only, and ancillary to A table meal.
The amended condition would read:
After 11pm all alcohol to be served by table service only except for the private dining room and in the case of full venue hire.
The Licensing Authority made a representation on the grounds of the prevention of public nuisance. The Licensing Authority raised concerns that the proposed hours would exceed those set out in the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and that the application may be in breach of the planning permission for the site.
It is noted that the proposed hours exceed those as set in LP3 (Core Hours) within the Council’s Licensing Statement. Nuisance could be further exacerbated due to patron noise at even later hours.Licensing Authority
The Licensing Authority also noted that the street furniture licensed under the pavement licence was not always removed as required by the licence.
Three representations were received from local residents, all objecting to the application. The residents raised concerns on the grounds of the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance, and the protection of children from harm.
The Licensing Officer recommended that if the Licensing Sub-Committee were minded to approve the application, the following conditions should be added to the licence:
- No glasses, drinks or open containers to be taken out of the premises except for patrons who are seated in the designated outside area or for patrons who are in the designated smoking area.
- After 11pm all alcohol to be served by table service only except for the private dining room and in the case of full venue hire.
The Licensing Sub-Committee had the option of refusing the application or approving the application with conditions.
Temporary Event Notices (Supplement Temporary Event Notice Counter Notices 1 Basement and Ground Floor 182 Stoke Newingt)
Eight Temporary Event Notices were scheduled to be considered at the meeting.
One of the notices, for an event at the Basement and Ground Floor 182 Stoke Newington Road on 10 August 2024 from 19:00 to 01:00, had been objected to by the Metropolitan Police Service. The Police raised concerns about the event's potential to undermine the licensing objective of the prevention of public nuisance.
The Licensing Sub-Committee had the option of issuing a counter notice to prevent the event from proceeding.

- Supplementary papers pack Agenda item 8 Temporary Event Notice Counter Notices 1 Basement and agenda
- Supplementary papers Agenda item 6 Nancy Spains Additional applicant papers and Other Person C1 em agenda
- Agenda frontsheet Monday 05-Aug-2024 14.00 Licensing Sub Committee D agenda
- Public reports pack Monday 05-Aug-2024 14.00 Licensing Sub Committee D reports pack
- Hearing Procedure Type A - Premises Licence Variation 1
- LSC Report-128 Curtain Road other
- LSC Report-GF 392 Kingsland Road
- Supplementary paper Item 6 Nancy Spains Appendix E Map amended Monday 05-Aug-2024 14.00 Licensi
- Item 6 Nancy Spains Amended Map APPENDIX E
- Hearing Procedure for Temporary Event Notice 2.doc 1
- Supplement Temporary Event Notice Counter Notices 1 Basement and Ground Floor 182 Stoke Newingt other
- TEN Report - 182 Stoke Newington Road other
- TEN Report - 20 Stoke Newington Road 2 other
- Supplementary paper Agenda item 8 Basement and Ground Floor 182 Stoke Newington Road - Evidence of other
- Curtain Road Limited - Nancy Spains - Applicant Papers
- C1 Email - 128 Curtain Road other
- TEN Supporting Document - 182 Stoke Newington Road other