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The Cabinet of Southwark Council met on 22 July 2024 and made a series of decisions relating to the regeneration of the Aylesbury Estate, the Southwark 2030 vision document, and the procurement of development partners for a range of new housing schemes across the borough. The Cabinet also discussed a number of motions referred from the full Council meeting, including statements about the situation in Israel and Gaza, and the importance of protecting play spaces in Southwark.
Aylesbury Estate
The Cabinet received a deputation from the Aylesbury Estate Tenants and Residents Association. Residents raised several issues relating to ongoing regeneration works, and the Cabinet responded to their concerns.
Councillor Helen Dennis, cabinet member for new homes and sustainable development advised that the last line of the second paragraph of her foreword should follow through to the next paragraph (currently a line break).
The Cabinet approved the termination of the Council's agreement with Creation Trust Southwark community interest company, citing the need to appoint specialist consultants to oversee the next stage of the project.
The appointment of specialist consultants to undertake negotiations on the purchase of commercial units to provide vacant possession to the developer and where possible avoid the establishment being taken forward in any future compulsory purchase orders.
The Cabinet also agreed to a series of actions intended to speed up the building programme, including the delegation of authority to approve the start of the next phase of the project to the Managing Director of Southwark Construction.
Southwark 2030
The Cabinet approved the publication of the Southwark 2030 strategy document.
- That the Southwark 2030 strategy (Appendix 1 of the report) be approved.
Southwark Land Commission
The Cabinet approved a series of actions in response to the Southwark Land Commission report. The Cabinet also agreed to delegate responsibility for finalising the wording of the Council's response to the Land Commission to Councillor Helen Dennis, Cabinet Member for New Homes and Sustainable Development.
Southwark's New Homes Update
The Cabinet received an update on the progress of Southwark's New Homes Programme.
- That the update position on the council new homes delivery programme along with the achievements to date be noted.
The Cabinet noted that the report should be read alongside a separate report on the Council's procurement strategy for the next phase of the programme.
Gateway 1 - Southwark Construction New Homes Programme 2022-2026 Procurement Strategy
The Cabinet discussed and approved a procurement strategy to appoint development partners for a range of mixed tenure housing developments across the borough.
That the procurement strategy, as detailed in paragraphs 51 to 119 of the report to appoint development partners for mixed tenure housing schemes, including council homes and key worker homes, across at least two lots for use until 31 March 2031 be approved
The Cabinet also agreed to delegate authority to make the final decision on the appointment of development partners to Councillor Helen Dennis.
177 Abbey Street, SE1, Key Worker Housing and Community Facility, Gateway 1 Development Partner Procurement via Pagabo Framework
The Cabinet discussed a proposal to procure a development partner for a scheme at 177 Abbey Street in Southwark. The scheme would involve building 100 new homes for key workers1, as well as a new community facility.
Key workers are defined as being those employed in a range of public sector roles, such as nurses, teachers and police officers. In London, key workers also face difficulties in finding affordable homes, so local authorities often seek to provide housing that is specifically for them.
That the strategy outlined in the report to procure a development partner (DP), via the Pagabo Framework, to deliver, via a development agreement (DA) for a development at 177 Abbey Street, comprising the delivery of circa 100 keyworker housing (KWH) units and a community facility, and to undertake the management and maintenance of the building and the administration of the KWH lettings for a lease period of 40 years be approved.
The Cabinet approved the use of the Pagabo framework to procure a development partner for the scheme. The Cabinet also agreed to underwrite 50% of the preferred bidder's costs during the pre-development agreement period, up to a maximum of £750,000.
Peckham Station Upgrade: Contribution to Dovedale Court Entrance
The Cabinet discussed a proposal to approve £1 million of match funding for a project to upgrade Peckham Rye Station. The money would come from the Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy2, and be used to improve the public realm around the Dovedale Court entrance to the station.
The Community Infrastructure Levy is a charge that local authorities can choose to place on new property developments in their area. The money raised from the levy can only be spent on infrastructure, and must be used to support the development that it was raised from.
That a contribution £1m as match funding from strategic community infrastructure levy funding to Network Rail for the construction of new public realm to the rear of Peckham Rye Station in Dovedale Court to accommodate the current overcrowding and future increase in passenger flows generated by development and growth in this part of the borough be agreed.
The Cabinet approved the funding request, and delegated authority to finalise the details of the agreement with Network Rail to the Strategic Director of Finance.
Elephant and Castle Town Centre – Compulsory Purchase Order Update
The Cabinet received an update on the progress of a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO)3 for land at the Elephant and Castle Town Centre.
A CPO is a legal function available to local authorities in the UK that allows them to force the sale of land, even if the owner does not wish to sell it. CPOs are a controversial tool, but are sometimes used for projects that are deemed to be in the public interest, such as building new roads or railways.
- That the submission by the council of a Supplementary Statement of Case for the compulsory purchase order (CPO) which will reflect the proposed amendments to the West Site of the scheme as outlined in the report be endorsed and that the CPO should be promoted on this basis.
The Cabinet agreed to endorse the submission of a Supplementary Statement of Case in support of the CPO.
Motions Referred from Council Assembly
The Cabinet considered a number of motions that had been referred from the full Council meeting. These motions covered a range of topics, including:
Southwark 2030: a proud history and a vibrant future: harnessing all of the strengths of our borough to deliver opportunity for all
The Cabinet considered a motion from the Labour Group calling on the Council to finalise and agree the Southwark 2030 plan.
Southwark 2030: a proud history and a vibrant future: harnessing all of the strengths of our borough to deliver opportunity for all.
The motion also calls on the Cabinet to establish a new partnership structure to oversee the delivery of the plan.
Back the Bakerloo Line Extension
The Cabinet considered a motion from the Labour Group calling on the Council to continue to campaign for the Bakerloo Line Extension.
That the motion referred from council assembly as a recommendation to cabinet, set out below be agreed. Back the Bakerloo Line Extension
The motion also calls on the Cabinet to produce a new piece of work outlining how the Council can secure the funding needed to deliver the extension.
A Fair Deal for Housing in Southwark
The Cabinet considered a motion from the Labour Group calling on the Council to make improving the condition of its council homes its first priority.
A Fair Deal for Housing in Southwark
The motion also calls on the Council to continue to build more council homes, and to campaign for the Bakerloo Line Extension.
Southwark Council calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza
The Cabinet considered a motion from the Labour Group calling on the UK Government to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
Southwark Council calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza
The motion also calls on the UK Government to work to advance a serious and concerted international effort for a two-state solution and a just and lasting peace.
Protecting Play Spaces in Southwark
The Cabinet considered a motion from the Liberal Democrat Group calling on the Council to complete the next phase of its play audit, and to continue to invest in the borough's play spaces.
Protecting Play Spaces in Southwark
The motion also calls on the Council to work to secure funding for inclusive play spaces and equipment.
Improving Inclusivity for People with Dyslexia
The Cabinet considered a motion from the Liberal Democrat Group calling on the Council to improve the accessibility of its services and materials for people with dyslexia.
Improving Inclusivity for People with Dyslexia
The motion also calls on the Council to explore how it can incorporate guidance on dyslexia-friendly design into its new visual identity guidelines.
The Cabinet noted all of the motions referred from the full Council meeting.

- Agenda frontsheet Monday 22-Jul-2024 11.00 Cabinet agenda
- Appendices - Part 1 Monday 22-Jul-2024 11.00 Cabinet
- Appendices - Part 2 Monday 22-Jul-2024 11.00 Cabinet
- Supplemental Agenda No. 1 Monday 22-Jul-2024 11.00 Cabinet agenda
- Supplemental Agenda No. 2 Monday 22-Jul-2024 11.00 Cabinet agenda
- Printed minutes Monday 22-Jul-2024 11.00 Cabinet minutes