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Licensing Sub-Committee (4) - Thursday 8th August, 2024 10.00 am

August 8, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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This meeting was to discuss two applications for licensed premises: an application for a new licence for 107 Westbourne Grove and an application to vary an existing licence for Wok & Fire, 326 Vauxhall Bridge Road.

107 Westbourne Grove

This application was for a new premises licence for a restaurant at 107 Westbourne Grove.

The application requested permission for the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises only, between midday and 11pm from Sunday to Thursday, and until midnight on Friday and Saturday.

The applicant proposed that:

The supply of alcohol at the premises shall only be to a person seated taking a substantial table meal there and for consumption by such a person as ancillary to their meal.

A number of conditions were suggested by the Metropolitan Police, all of which were agreed to by the applicant. These focussed on the management of noise from the restaurant and the prevention of crime and disorder.

There were no representations from local residents about this application.

Wok & Fire, 326 Vauxhall Bridge Road

This application proposed changes to the existing licence for Wok & Fire to extend the hours when late night refreshment would be provided from the premises.

The applicant requested permission to provide late night refreshment until 2am on Monday to Thursday, until 3am on Friday and Saturday and until 1am on Sunday.

Representations objecting to the application were received from the Metropolitan Police and Environmental Health Services.

The Metropolitan police objected on the basis that:

if granted, it would undermine the Licensing Objectives, namely The Prevention of Crime and Disorder.

The Police noted that the premises are located in the Victoria Special Consideration Zone, and that the applicant had not adequately addressed the council's concerns about the prevention of crime and disorder associated with the late-night sale of food. They argued that due to the proximity of the restaurant to Victoria station, the restaurant would become a destination for people leaving pubs and bars in the area, and therefore increase the likelihood of crime and disorder.

Environmental Health Services also objected to the application, arguing that the later hours would be detrimental to the amenity of local residents, and that the application did not adequately demonstrate how the four licensing objectives would be met.

Representations were also received from two local residents who raised concerns about noise and the extraction of fumes from the restaurant.