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Chief Officer Appointments Sub-Committee - Thursday 8th August 2024 2.00 p.m.
August 8, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Chief Officer Appointments Sub-Committee was scheduled to discuss the appointment of a new Director of Public Realm for Newham Council. The Committee was scheduled to interview candidates for the position and recommend an appointment to the Chief Executive of the council. The meeting was also scheduled to be not open to the public for some of the day.
Appointment of Director of Public Realm
This item was on the agenda because the previous permanent Director of Public Realm left in December 2023. Since then, the position has been filled temporarily. Newham Council appointed GatensbySanderson, a recruitment agency, to assist with the search for a new permanent Director of Public Realm.
Twenty-four applications were received. Six candidates were interviewed. Three candidates were then shortlisted.
The pool of candidates was diverse, of the twenty- four applications received, seventeen were male and seven female. One candidate identified themselves as having a disability and one preferred not to say.
-- Chief Officer Appoint Report - Appointment to Director of Public Realm 8th Aug 2024F
The three shortlisted candidates attended an interview with a Technical Advisor, a Stakeholder Panel, and a 1:1 discussion with Aled Richards, the Corporate Director of Environment and Sustainable Transport, before being interviewed by the Committee.
The Chief Officer Appointments Sub-Committee was scheduled to recommend that the Chief Executive approves the appointment of one of the three candidates to the position of Director of Public Realm. This recommendation would only be valid where no well-founded objections were made by any other members of the Executive. The salary of the new Director of Public Realm will be in line with the Council’s Pay Policy for 2024-25.
Local Government Act 1972, as Amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 - Exclusion of Press and Public
The Committee was scheduled to consider whether to exclude members of the press and public from the part of the meeting where they discuss:
Exempt information regarding candidates
-- Chief Officer Appoint Report - Appointment to Director of Public Realm 8th Aug 2024F
This is because the information being considered is exempt from public disclosure under paragraphs 1 and 2 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.
The Local Government Act 19721 gives local authorities powers to do things like provide education, housing and planning services in their local area. The Act also establishes a framework for how local authorities should operate and be accountable to the public. It sets out the legal basis for the structure, functions and responsibilities of local government in England and Wales. Schedule 12A of the Act2 defines information relating to individuals and information likely to reveal the identity of someone who reported a matter to the council that the council can choose not to disclose to the public.
The Local Government Act 1972 is an Act of Parliament that reformed local government in England and Wales from 1 April 1974. It formally established a two-tier system of counties and districts, and created a new system of metropolitan counties and districts in the major conurbations. ↩
Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 was added by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, and allows councils to choose not to disclose information relating to an individual. ↩

- Public reports pack 08th-Aug-2024 14.00 Chief Officer Appointments Sub-Committee reports pack
- Chief Officer Appoint Report - Appointment to Director of Public Realm 8th Aug 2024F
- APPENDIX B - Diversity Data - Director of Public Realm
- Agenda frontsheet 08th-Aug-2024 14.00 Chief Officer Appointments Sub-Committee agenda