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This meeting was scheduled to consider an application for a new premises licence for Hazel's and Belgiardino, a new restaurant at 95-97 Moyser Road in Furzedown.
Hazel's and Belgiardino, 95-97 Moyser Road, London, SW16 6SJ
Miss Daisy Steere & Mr Vasilica Leonte applied for a new premises licence to allow the sale by retail of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises from 10:00 to 23:00, Sunday to Thursday and 10:00 to 01:00 on Fridays and Saturdays. The application also requested permission for late night refreshment to be provided from 23:00 until 01:00 on Fridays and Saturdays.
The application was advertised to local residents and the relevant responsible authorities, and a number of representations were received.
Metropolitan Police
The Metropolitan Police raised concerns that the operating schedule did not adequately address the prevention of crime and disorder licensing objective, and requested a number of conditions. The applicant subsequently amended their application to address these concerns to the satisfaction of the Police.
Wandsworth Council Environmental Services
The Environmental Services Officer raised concerns regarding potential noise disturbance, in particular in regard to patron noise in the outside areas. The applicant agreed a number of conditions, to the satisfaction of the Environmental Services Officer, including:
Alcohol consumed in the outside covered and uncovered areas shall only be consumed by patrons seated at tables.
All outside areas must be closed and cleared of customers by 21:00 hours.
Wandsworth Council Trading Standards
The Trading Standards Officer raised representations that the operating schedule did not properly address protection of children from harm. In particular, they were concerned that the operating schedule did not include details of appropriate age checks on potential sales of alcohol, the training of staff on the sale of alcohol, or requirements for staff training records to be kept. These concerns were addressed by the applicant to the satisfaction of the Trading Standards Officer.
Representations from Other Persons
Six representations were received from members of the public, objecting to the granting of the licence. Concerns were raised about the potential for public nuisance, crime and disorder, and harm to children. Concerns relating to public nuisance included the potential for:
- patron noise in the outdoor area
- disturbances from a closing time of 01:00
- late-night trade disturbing the local community
- noise from cars and patrons
- the granting of a licence being out of keeping with the character of the local area
Concerns relating to crime and disorder focussed on the potential for anti-social behaviour. The potential for children being exposed to the sale of alcohol was also raised.

- Agenda frontsheet 14th-Aug-2024 19.00 Licensing Sub-Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 14th-Aug-2024 19.00 Licensing Sub-Committee reports pack
- 24-214 - Report other
- 24-214 - Redacted Bundle other
- Licensing Sub-Committee - Supplementary Agenda 14th-Aug-2024 19.00 Licensing Sub-Committee agenda
- Decision Notice - Hazels and Belgiardino 14th-Aug-2024 19.00 Licensing Sub-Committee
- Decision Notice - Hazels and Belgiardino - MF GB other