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Planning Applications Sub-Committee (1) - Tuesday 20th August, 2024 6.30 pm

August 20, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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The Planning Applications Sub-Committee (1) of Westminster Council met on Tuesday 20 August 2024 at 6.30pm and made the following decisions:

  • Planning permission for the retention of The Victoria Tower Gardens Education Centre was granted until 31 December 2030.
  • Planning permission and Listed Building Consent for a mansard roof extension at Fourth Floor Flat F, 104 St George's Square, London, SW1V 3QY were granted.
  • Planning permission to erect a folding gate at 34 Craven Street, London WC2N 5NP was granted.

The Victoria Tower Gardens Education Centre

The committee considered a planning application submitted by The Corporate Officer of the House of Commons seeking to retain the existing Education Centre at The Victoria Tower Gardens, London, SW1P 3YB for an additional 5.5 years until 31 December 2030.

The building already has temporary planning permission, which is due to expire in 2025. In granting the original application, it was envisaged that the Education Centre would be relocated as part of the Palace of Westminster's Restoration and Renewal Programme. However, this programme has been subject to delays. The applicant advised the committee that they have commissioned a feasibility study to identify a suitable alternative location, and this has confirmed that, in the short term, there is no alternative other than to apply to extend the temporary planning permission at its current location.

The application was supported by the applicant, who argued that:

The Education Centre’s programme of educational visits for schools welcomes over 80,000 children and their teachers each year during term times. Over half a million visitors from across the home nations have visited the Centre’s facilities since opening to learn about the work of the UK Parliament.

Objections to the scheme were received from London Parks & Gardens, who argued that the Education Centre had a negative impact on the amenity value of the park. Historic England also objected to the scheme, citing the damage it causes to the setting of heritage assets. They recommended that:

…any extension of the temporary planning permission should be conditional on immediate pre-application consultation and development of the options within an agreed timeframe to enable a scheme to be agreed and delivered within the period of the extension.

Notwithstanding the objections received, the committee considered that the benefits of the Education Centre outweighed the harm, and voted unanimously to grant permission. This means that the Education Centre can remain at its current location until December 2030. However, the committee added a condition that no new material planning considerations can be raised after the expiry of the public consultation, effectively preventing any future extension of the permission.

Fourth Floor Flat F, 104 St George's Square, London, SW1V 3QY

The committee considered applications for planning permission and Listed Building Consent for the erection of a mansard roof extension to create a new storey at Fourth Floor Flat F, 104 St George's Square, London, SW1V 3QY.

The applicant, Mr Jack Parker, was present at the meeting and spoke in support of his application. He was accompanied by representatives of Pimlico Neighbourhood Forum and the Federation of Pimlico Residents’ Associations who both spoke in favour of the scheme.

The officer report had recommended that the applications be refused. In their report, officers noted that the property is within the Pimlico Conservation Area, and that the proposals would result in the loss of the original butterfly roof. The report stated that:

The proposals would result in the loss of the likely original butterfly roof form, which is strongly characteristic of mid-19 century terraced properties such as this, and which are consistent to main roof level across this group of 6 buildings (nos. 96-106), which in themselves form an integral part of the wider and strongly architecturally harmonised terrace comprising nos. 76-108 on the west side of St Georges Square.

Despite the officer's recommendation to refuse permission, the committee, after hearing representations in support of the scheme from the applicant, residents groups and the local ward councillor, Councillor Robert Eagleton, voted unanimously to grant both planning permission and Listed Building Consent, subject to conditions, including a condition that the roof be clad in slate rather than lead.

34 Craven Street, London, WC2N 5NP

The committee considered a planning application for the erection of a folding gate at 34 Craven Street, London WC2N 5NP.

The applicant was represented at the meeting by David North, who spoke in support of the application.

The officer report recommended that planning permission be granted. They noted that objections to the scheme had been received on the grounds that the gate would be harmful to the significance of the listed buildings, and would harm local amenity. The report stated that:

Objections have been received from surrounding businesses and residents with concerns that the proposed gate will result in obstruction to fire escape routes/ pose a fire safety risk.

However, officers confirmed that these concerns had been addressed, and the council's Fire Safety Officer was now satisfied, subject to a condition requiring the gate be able to be opened from the inside without a key, that the gate would not pose a fire safety risk.

Taking this into account, the committee voted to approve the application, subject to an amendment to condition 4 requiring details of the closing mechanism be agreed prior to commencement, in consultation with the occupiers of the building.