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Licensing Sub-Committee (6) - Thursday 22nd August, 2024 10.00 am

August 22, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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This meeting was scheduled to consider three licensing applications. Two applications were for variations of existing premises licences, one for a restaurant in Mayfair, and the other for Marylebone Theatre. The third application was for the renewal of a sexual entertainment venue licence for The Windmill Theatre.

Mano Mayfair

Mayfair Rebirth Ltd applied for a variation of the premises licence for Mano Mayfair, a restaurant at 4 Mill Street. They requested to extend their opening hours until 02:00 Sunday to Wednesday, and until 03:00 Thursday to Saturday. They also requested that their licence to sell alcohol and provide late night refreshment be extended to match those hours.

The Metropolitan Police made a representation objecting to the variation. They stated that The provision and the hours requested for Supply of Alcohol will have the likely effect of causing an increase in Public Nuisance within the area and may impact on Public Safety. The police objection was based on the premises being located in the West End Special Consideration Zone.1 They later withdrew their objection after the applicant agreed to a number of additional conditions.

Environmental Health also made a representation objecting to the application. They stated that they needed to consider whether the application would comply with building regulations and how noise would be mitigated.

Three members of the public also made representations objecting to the variation. They were concerned that noise from the premises would have a negative impact on them. One of them stated that This business is causing stress to all of [us] and it is affecting us mentally and physically as we can't get proper rest 3/4 days of the week. Another claimed that the premises had previously operated beyond its permitted hours and that there had been cocaine parties held there.

Marylebone Theatre

The Anthroposophical Association, the operators of Marylebone Theatre at 35 Park Road, applied for a variation of their premises licence. They requested to increase the maximum capacity of the venue from 320 to 382. This would be achieved by adding an additional 62 seats to the main auditorium. They also originally requested to extend their licence to perform plays and live music until midnight on Sundays, but later withdrew these requests.

Environmental Health made a representation objecting to the variation. They stated that they needed to consider the fire safety and sanitary implications of the additional capacity, as well as how noise from the larger audience would be mitigated.

Two members of the public also made representations objecting to the application. They were concerned about noise from audiences leaving the theatre late at night. One stated that Currently, there is excessive noise from the crowds who gather outside the Marylebone Theatre (on the street) before, during and after performances.

The Windmill Theatre

Immerse London Ltd applied for the renewal of the sexual entertainment venue licence for The Windmill Theatre at 17-19 Great Windmill Street. The report pack states that The applicant has not requested to change the relevant entertainment or to remove any standard conditions to the licence.

The report pack states that the application was opposed by one interested party. They attached a letter of objection to their report but redacted the details of the objector, and so the grounds for their objection are not known.

  1. Special consideration zones are areas of Westminster that the council has identified as suffering from the negative effects of the concentration of licensed premises.