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Licensing Sub Committee B - Monday 2 September 2024 7.00 pm

September 2, 2024 View on council website
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The Licensing Sub-Committee B of Hackney Council met to consider two applications for new premises licences, one for Café Botanical at 114-116 Curtain Road and the other for Unit B3, 3 Bowl Court. The sub-committee was also scheduled to discuss the adoption of a standing item relating to temporary event notices.

Café Botanical, 114-116 Curtain Road

The application from Botanical 114 Ltd. requested permission for the supply of alcohol for consumption on the premises from Monday to Sunday, with slightly different hours on Sundays.

A representation was received from a local resident that opposed the application on all four licensing objectives1:

They could be the nicest customers in the world, but they will leave this building chatting to each other and that noise will be part of the great noise on Curtain road.

The resident also submitted comments on Hackney Council’s previously stated objectives on Sustainable Community and Community Safety, and their Alcohol Strategy.

As an office block these objectives would be obtainable. As a super venue they would not.

The report notes that, following discussions with the Licensing Authority, the applicant had amended their application to remove off-sales. The applicant also agreed to a number of conditions, including that alcohol could only be served to patrons who were also ordering a meal.

Alcohol shall not be sold, supplied, or consumed within the internal areas of the premises otherwise than to persons who are taking table meals from the menu.

The Licensing Authority confirmed that they were happy for the application to proceed on this basis, and withdrew their representation. The report pack includes a copy of a letter that was sent by Liam O’Hare to local residents inviting them to attend one of two “community engagement sessions” at the premises.

Unit B3, 3 Bowl Court

The application from Nekter Venues Limited requested authorisation for late night refreshment and the supply of alcohol for consumption both on and off the premises from Monday to Sunday. The application originally included a request for permission to host recorded music, but this was withdrawn by the applicant following comments from local residents.

Representations were received from eight local residents objecting to the application. One representation was withdrawn after the applicant agreed to a number of conditions, but the remaining seven representations remained in place at the time the report was prepared.

One resident wrote that they considered the application “outrageous”, and described existing problems in the local area:

Our neighbourhood is already saturated with establishments serving alcohol: The Light bar, Vagabond, Black sheep Coffee, Crown & Shuttle are all within the vicinity. There are already issues with noise as well as with drunk and disorderly conduct (public urination, littering, destruction of property). Just last week there was a mugging one evening in the alley way leading to our building.

The report pack includes a copy of a letter that was sent by the applicant to one of the objectors. In it the applicant describes their plans for the premises as a “small shop and deli” that will specialise in selling “high quality products from family led businesses”.

That’s it, really. Please rest assured that I always look to work in a spirit of partnership and to try to support the local community surrounding our premises. The local community is essential to our success and we certainly don’t want to upset you or impact you negatively in any way.

The letter states that the applicant has agreed to conditions including the installation of a noise limiter and CCTV. It concludes by inviting the objector to a meeting to discuss their concerns in person.

Temporary Event Notices - Standing Item

The report pack notes that the sub-committee will consider the adoption of a standing item on temporary event notices at the meeting.

  1. The four licensing objectives are the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance, and the protection of children from harm. They are defined in the Licensing Act 2003. 


Amanda Nauth
Profile image for Councillor Gilbert Smyth
Councillor Gilbert Smyth  Fairtrade Champion •  Labour •  Stoke Newington