Licensing Sub-Committee (1) - Wednesday 4th September, 2024 10.00 am

September 4, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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This meeting was to consider three applications for new and varied premises licences under the Licensing Act 2003.

Tequila Mockingbird, 3-5 Burleigh Street, London WC2E 7PX

This application was for the variation of a premises licence for Tequila Mockingbird.

The application was made by London Cocktail Bars Limited and requested the following changes to the existing licence:

  1. To remove condition 14: After 21:00 hours all sales of alcohol for consumption off the premises shall be in sealed containers.
  2. To remove condition 32: After 21:00, patrons permitted to temporarily leave and then re-enter the premises, e.g. to smoke or make a phone call, shall not be permitted to take glass containers with them.
  3. To remove condition 39: After 21.00 hours persons permitted to temporarily leave and then re-enter the premises, e.g. to smoke or make a phone call, shall be limited to 15 persons at any one time.
  4. To remove condition 40: After 21.00 hours all persons permitted to temporarily leave and then re-enter the premises, e.g. to smoke or make a phone call, shall be restricted to the smoking area on Burleigh Street.
  5. To amend condition 28: There shall be a minimum of not less than two SIA licensed door supervisors on duty from 20:00 hours, and an extra one SIA door supervisor on duty from 21:00, until close on a Thursday if the premises is to open until 01:00. to There shall be a minimum of not less than ONE SIA licensed door supervisors on duty from 20:00 hours, and an extra one SIA door supervisor on duty from 21:00, until close on a Thursday if the premises is to open until 02:00, unless agreed otherwise in writing with the Metropolitan Police.
  6. To amend condition 29 There shall be a minimum of not less than two SIA licensed door supervisor on duty from 20:00, and an extra one SIA door supervisor on duty from 21:00, hours until close on Fridays and Saturdays to now read There shall be a minimum of not less than ONE SIA licensed door supervisors on duty from 20:00 hours, and an extra one SIA door supervisor on duty from 21:00, until close on Friday and Saturday, unless agreed otherwise in writing with the Metropolitan Police.
  7. To amend condition 45 The premises will operate a search policy which will include searching all bags after 21:00 and otherwise searches will be risk assessed and a copy of will be made available to the Police and Local Authority upon request to now read The premises will operate a search policy which will include searching all bags when door supervisors are on duty, and otherwise searches will be risk assessed and a copy of will be made available to the Police and Local Authority upon request.
  8. To amend condition 47 Last entry to the Premises shall be 00:00 to now read Last entry to the premises shall be 01:00.
  9. To add an additional hour to the standard and non-standard times on the day when British Summertime commences for all licensable activities and opening hours.

The application received objections from local residents and an Amenity Society, Paddington Waterways And Maida Vale Society, on the grounds that:

  • The variation would likely increase public nuisance in the area.
  • The change to the licence conditions relating to door supervisors may increase public nuisance and may impact on public safety in the area.
  • Extending the hours may encourage more people to visit the venue late at night.
  • The venue does not do enough to control noise from customers, particularly those smoking outside.

The report pack included a number of documents about the application including a copy of the premises licence, the applicant's supporting documents and details of the objections received.

This bar is not a good neighbour - drinkers and smokers are allowed to drink and smoke outside in numbers and talk loudly late into the night disturbing the residents in Harlequin Court: as we noted in our original objection to this bar, we have single glazed windows, and merely yards from the customers of the bar. The door is generally left open with noise breakout, there is rarely staff on the door, and when there is they do nothing to control the noise from the customers.

— Extract from Objection from local resident

Sainsburys, 207 Shirland Road, London W9 2EX

This was an application for a new Premises Licence for Sainsburys.

The application proposed the sale by retail of alcohol for consumption off the premises from Monday to Saturday between 08:00 and 23:00, and on Sunday between 09:00 and 22:30.

The application received objections on the grounds that:

  • The presence of another supermarket would threaten existing independent shops in the area.
  • The shop would add nothing to the area and may increase anti-social behaviour.
  • The shop would attract more traffic and congestion to an already busy road.
  • Another supermarket is not needed in the area.
  • The area would benefit more from a pub, restaurant or other business.

One objector stated:

There are already several shops and drinking establishments at the Chippenham or near by. We do not need another supermarket being able to sell alcohol all hours with the attendant noise and potential bad behaviour. This activity adds nothing to our area and worse than that it threatens our independent shops with loss of jobs and small businesses. We do not need this here!

— Extract from Objection from local resident

The application was supported by a local resident who argued that:

  • The shop would bring a derelict site back into use.
  • The shop would provide a quality and varied food choice to residents and create jobs.
  • The shop would improve the visual appearance of the area.
  • The shop would increase natural surveillance in the area.
  • There was a need for this type of supermarket in the area as the nearest alternative was on Harrow Road.

61 Abbey Road, London NW8 0AD

This was an application for a new Premises Licence for 61 Abbey Road.

The application received objections from residents on the basis that it would likely increase noise and anti-social behaviour in the area.

The application was supported by Environmental Health who confirmed that they would not be making representations against the application as:

...sufficient conditions (including ‘works’ condition) have been offered by the applicant for the proposed use

— Extract from email from Anil Drayan, Environmental Health Service

The report pack for the application included a list of licensed premises within 75m of the site, a residential map and a list of proposed conditions for the licence.