Audit and Performance Committee - Thursday 5th September, 2024 6.30 pm

September 5, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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The meeting was scheduled to receive a range of reports on the performance and finances of the council. It was also scheduled to approve the work programme for the next year. This included receiving an update on Temporary Accommodation following a request from the Committee at its previous meeting in July.

Temporary Accommodation

The committee was scheduled to receive a report on Temporary Accommodation, which included data on the number of households in Temporary Accommodation at the end of the first quarter of 2024/25, the budget allocated to Temporary Accommodation, and the mitigating actions the service is taking to reduce the Council’s reliance on nightly booked accommodation. It was also scheduled to hear about the recommendations in the July Cabinet report on insourcing aspects of the Housing Solutions Service.

Annual Corporate Complaints report

The Committee was scheduled to receive the Annual Corporate Complaints report that reviews complaints made to the Council in the past year.

Treasury Management Strategy Mid-Year Review

The Committee was scheduled to review the Treasury Management Strategy for the first 6 months of the financial year.

Internal Audit Progress Report

The Committee was scheduled to hear about the work of the Internal Audit service, and to consider the service’s success in “planning and delivering outcomes and establishing an effective and robust internal control framework”.

Mid-Year Counter Fraud Report

The committee was scheduled to hear about the success of the counter fraud service and consider a review of the Counter Fraud Policy.

Q1 Performance Report

The Committee was scheduled to receive the Quarter 1 Performance Report that summarises the performance of services against Key Performance Indicators. The report highlighted the headline achievements from around the council, the top issues, challenges and risks facing the Council and provided a detailed update on the Council’s current Strategic Risks.

Q1 Finance Monitor

The Committee was scheduled to receive the Quarter 1 Finance Monitor which provided an overview of the Council's financial position, including details of revenue and capital expenditure, forecasts for the remainder of the year, and an update on savings made against the approved budget.

Contract and Supplier Performance Report 2023/24

The Committee was scheduled to review the Contract and Supplier Performance Report 2023/24 which provides an assessment of the performance of the council’s major suppliers, as well as a review of the implementation of the Contract Management Framework.

General Procurement Update

The committee was scheduled to receive a report on Procurement and Commercial Services that reviewed how the service had complied with the Council's Procurement Code, provided an update on how procurement is being used to help deliver a Fairer Westminster and set out the procurement pipeline over the next 2 years.

Matters Arising and Work Programme

The committee was scheduled to consider and approve its Work Programme for 2024/25. This included a report on how the Work Programme would be compiled, the dates for the next 3 meetings and a list of scheduled agenda items. The Work Programme was accompanied by the Committee’s Terms of Reference and an Action Tracker from the previous meeting held in July.