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Council - Wednesday, 22nd May, 2024 2.00 pm

May 22, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting primarily focused on the election of new council leadership, the appointment of committee members, and the discussion of meeting times.

Election of New Chair and Vice Chair

  • Election of Chair: Councillor Elizabeth Poskitt was unanimously elected as the new Chair of the West Oxfordshire District Council for the 2024-2025 municipal year. She has served on many committees and has been a ward councillor for some time.
  • Election of Vice Chair: Councillor Andrew Coles was elected as the Vice Chair. He expressed his gratitude and commitment to continue working hard in his role.

Apologies for Absence

  • Apologies were received from Councillors Joy Eitman, Alaric Smith, Andrew Lyon, David Melvin, David Cooper, and Charlie Maynard.

Declarations of Interest

  • Members were reminded of a general dispensation in place for voting on councillor allowances. No additional declarations of interest were made.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

  • The minutes of the previous meeting were approved with one amendment.


  • New members were introduced: Adam Clements, Steve Cozier, Councillor Jenny Earley, Roger Faulkner, Councillor Paul Marsh, Councillor Nigel Rydpath, and Councillor Sarah Feesey.
  • Departing members were acknowledged, including Jeff Haynes, who served for over 24 years.
  • Councillor Poskitt announced her upcoming trip to Canada and her intention to meet with representatives from Woodstock, Ontario.
  • Councillor Poskitt also announced her chosen charities: Woodstock Exhibition Foundation, Friends of the Oxfordshire Museum, and Save the Children Fund.

Thanks to Retiring Chair

  • Councillor Andrew Coles was thanked for his service as Chair. He was praised for his integrity, honesty, and transparency. He raised £3,000 for charity during his term.

Report of the Leader

  • The West Oxfordshire Alliance has increased its size. Councillor Liz Leffman will continue as the Deputy Leader.
  • Executive members were confirmed, including Councillor Rizvana Paul for Stronger Healthy Communities and Councillor Alaric Smith for Finance.
  • The Future Oxfordshire Partnership appointments were confirmed.
  • The role of member champions will be reviewed, and a paper will be brought forward in the next council meeting.

Returning Officer's Report on Elections

  • The results of the recent elections were noted. Special thanks were given to the electoral services team for their hard work.

Appointment of Members to Council Committees

  • The council committees were established with some changes, including reducing the size of the Audit and Governance Committee to 11 members.
  • Councillor Lydia Articheska was added to the Local Plan Working Group, replacing Councillor Charlie Maynard, who will attend ex officio.

Scheme of Officer Delegations

  • The council adopted the constitution and agreed on the scheme of officer delegations for non-executive functions.

Recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel

  • The council agreed to the panel's recommendations for councillor allowances, including a special responsibility allowance for the Vice Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Appointment of Temporary Parish Councillor

  • Councillor Ashton was appointed as a temporary member of Fulbrook Parish Council to enable it to be quorate and co-opt new members.

Dates of Future Meetings

  • A proposal to trial a 6 PM start time for the September meeting was discussed. An amendment was made to defer the decision to the July meeting to allow for a survey of members' preferred start times. The amendment was accepted, and the decision will be revisited in July.

The meeting concluded with a brief pause before moving on to the development control, licensing committee, and ordinance and governance meetings.


Councillor Andrew Coles
Councillor Joy Aitman
Councillor Thomas Ashby
Councillor Hugo Ashton
Profile image for Councillor Andrew Beaney
Councillor Andrew Beaney  Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee •  Conservative •  Kingham Rollright and Enstone
Councillor Adam Clements
Councillor David Cooper
Councillor Julian Cooper
Councillor Steve Cosier
Councillor Rachel Crouch
Profile image for Councillor Jane Doughty
Councillor Jane Doughty  Conservative •  Witney West
Councillor Genny Early
Councillor Duncan Enright
Profile image for Councillor Roger Faulkner
Councillor Roger Faulkner  Conservative •  Freeland and Hanborough
Councillor Phil Godfrey
Councillor Andy Goodwin
Councillor Andy Graham
Profile image for Councillor David Jackson
Councillor David Jackson  Vice-Chair of Licensing Committee, Vice-Chair for Miscellaneous Licensing Sub-Committee •  Liberal Democrats •  The Bartons
Councillor Edward James
Profile image for Councillor Natalie King
Councillor Natalie King  HM Armed Forces Champion •  Liberal Democrats •  Carterton North West
Councillor Liz Leffman
Councillor Nick Leverton
Councillor Dan Levy
Councillor Andrew Lyon
Councillor Paul Marsh
Councillor Martin McBride
Councillor Michele Mead
Profile image for Councillor David Melvin
Councillor David Melvin  Liberal Democrats •  Carterton North East
Councillor Rosie Pearson
Councillor Rizvana Poole
Councillor Andrew Prosser
Councillor Nigel Ridpath
Councillor Carl Rylett
Councillor Geoff Saul
Profile image for Councillor Sandra Simpson
Councillor Sandra Simpson  Green Party •  Witney North
Councillor Alaric Smith
Councillor Ruth Smith
Councillor Tim Sumner
Councillor Sarah Veasey
Councillor Liam Walker
Councillor Mark Walker
Councillor Adrian Walsh
Councillor Alex Wilson
Councillor Alistair Wray
Giles Hughes
Madhu Richards
Christine Elsasser
Andrea McCaskie
Frank Wilson
Jon Dearing
Phil Martin
Andy Barge
Bill Oddy
Zoe Campbell
Claire Locke
Max Thompson
Michelle Ouzman
Anne Learmonth
Maria Harper