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Cabinet - Tuesday 3rd September 2024 10.30 a.m.

September 3, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting decided to accept the Executive Response to the Black Boys and the Borough Scrutiny Report, to approve the acquisition of Chantler Close, to approve the proposed Adaptive Street Lighting Policy, to note the renewal ballot for the Stratford Business Improvement District (BID), and to approve the procurement of a new Microsoft Enterprise Agreement.

Black Boys and the Borough Scrutiny Report

The Cabinet noted the Executive Response to the Report and Recommendations of the Relationship between Black Boys and the Borough Task and Finish Scrutiny Commission. Councillor Sarah Jane Ruiz, Cabinet Member for Children's Services, said that:

...a lot of the recommendations, included in the report are underway and have been underway for a considerable amount of time.

She was pleased that the Commission had noted the work being done by the Council. Only one of the Commission's twelve recommendations was not accepted: the recommendation to set up a confidential phone line for young Black boys. The Cabinet noted that:

...children and young people are known to talk to someone they trust and have a relationship with.

The existing Childline service is available for children who do not have those relationships, and the Council believe that:

...a confidential phone line for young Black boys will create risks and the usual early help and safeguarding referral routes should be utilised, combined with relationship based work being undertaken for all those who work with children and young people.

Custom House - Acquisition of Chantler Close

The Cabinet agreed to acquire Chantler Close, a block of 26 one-bedroom flats from Look Ahead, a housing association. The purchase is intended to reduce the Council's reliance on expensive temporary accommodation, which currently costs the Council £28.9m per year. The freehold of the site will be acquired for £8.3m, and then leased to a Registered Provider for them to let at Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rents. Councillor Zulfiqar Ali, Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, described the purchase as part of the council's efforts: accommodate our people, to reduce the costs...

Councillor Sarah Jane Ruiz sought assurances that the current residents of Chantler Close will be rehoused appropriately. She was concerned about the impact of the purchase on the residents and the possibility of them becoming homeless.

Adaptive Street Lighting Policy

The Cabinet agreed to implement an Adaptive Street Lighting Policy across the borough. The policy aims to reduce energy consumption by reducing the brightness of street lighting during periods of low use. Councillor Sarah Jane Ruiz said that:

This form of modern technology means that lighting provision is no longer a one-size-fits-all offer. Instead, we can now increase lighting levels where necessary, especially for safety reasons, but also lower lighting levels where necessary, reducing costs and energy consumption as well as ensuring residents' privacy and sleep are not disrupted by too bright lighting.

The policy was proposed following a trial which found that residents did not notice a significant difference in lighting levels when the brightness of the lights was reduced. Councillor Shaban Mohammed requested that the Council look at a programme of tree management along the highway to ensure that light is not being blocked by trees. Councillor Neil Wilson praised the detail included in the Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA), particularly noting the consideration given to the safety of women, girls and LGBTQ+ people. Councillor Zulfiqar Ali said:'s important that we've been in mind about the safety implications...

He also requested clarity on the criteria that will be used to decide which streetlights will have their brightness reduced.

Renewal Ballot for Stratford Business Improvement District (BID)

The Cabinet noted the request by the Stratford Original Business Improvement District (BID) to hold a renewal ballot. The BID is seeking to renew its activities for a third 5-year term, and to expand its area to include Burford Road and Cam Road. The Mayor, Rokhsana Fiaz OBE, noted that:

...the Stratford bid goes beyond the point of cosmetic enhancements that it's been put in place for the past 10 years through some material that helps advance the growth and thriving commercial neighborhood that is Stratford.

She had requested that the BID provide robust evaluation data to support its renewal bid. Councillor Sarah Jane Ruiz asked if the Stratford BID could liaise with businesses on East Ham High Street to encourage them to establish a BID for their area. Councillor Neil Wilson commented on the accessibility of the language used in the report, asking for the report to be written in a more accessible way.

Microsoft Licensing Agreement (EA)

The Cabinet approved the procurement of a new Microsoft Enterprise Agreement. The agreement will be procured through Crown Commercial Services (CCS) and will cost an estimated £1.978m per year. The current agreement is shared with Havering Council as part of the OneSource partnership, and expires on 31 March 2025. This new agreement will be solely for Newham Council. Councillor Zulfiqar Ali requested assurance that the procurement process will be managed effectively and efficiently to avoid cost and time overruns. James Partis, Assistant Chief Executive and Chief Transformation Officer, explained that the new Enterprise Agreement will be fundamental to the Council's transformation plan:'s not only about the sort of buying of the technology, it's about the sort of onboarding, the induction, the training, the sort of actively engaged process of getting staff to understand how to use it and to use it in practice.