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Executive - Wednesday, 12th June, 2024 2.00 pm

June 12, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The West Oxfordshire Council Executive meeting on 12 June 2024 focused on several key issues, including changes to customer telephone access timings, the upgrading of public space CCTV provision, the endorsement of the Oxfordshire Council's charter, the annual report of the Director of Public Health, and the council's service performance report for Q4 2023-24.

Changes to Customer Telephone Access Timings

Councillor Alaric Smith presented a proposal to make permanent the reduced telephone access hours for the council's customer contact centre. The trial period showed a 37% reduction in call volume and a 350% increase in the use of digital forms. The council's telephone service has been highly rated, featuring in the national top 10 for customer satisfaction. The financial implications include an efficiency saving of approximately £250,000, shared between West Oxfordshire District Council and Cotswold District Council. The Executive agreed to adopt the reduced telephone access arrangements on a permanent basis.

For more details, refer to the Changes to Customer Telephone Access WODC report.

Upgrading of Public Space CCTV Provision

Councillor Geoff Saul introduced a report on upgrading the public space CCTV system, including extending coverage to Chipping Norton with five additional cameras. The upgrade will involve transitioning to high-definition digital cameras and joining the Thames Valley Police CCTV partnership. The Executive agreed to the recommendations, including addressing a potential funding shortfall of up to £55,000 through various measures.

For more details, refer to the CCTV upgrade and monitoring report.

Endorsement of the Oxfordshire Council's Charter

The Executive endorsed the Oxfordshire Council's charter, which aims to enhance partnership working across the three tiers of local government in Oxfordshire. The charter focuses on improving service delivery and empowering community participation in local democracy.

For more details, refer to the Executive Report 12 June Endorsement of the Oxfordshire Councils Charter.

Annual Report of the Director of Public Health

Councillor Poole presented the annual report of the Director of Public Health, which this year focuses on the health impacts of climate change and the benefits of positive climate action. The report highlights the immediate and positive health benefits that can be realized through climate action.

For more details, refer to the Annex DPH Annual Report.

Service Performance Report Q4 2023-24

The council's operational performance for Q4 2023-24 was reviewed, showing positive outcomes in several areas, including customer satisfaction and planning application processing times. However, challenges remain in council tax collection and recycling rates. The Executive noted the report and acknowledged the efforts of the staff in achieving these results.

For more details, refer to the Performance Report Q4 2023-2024.

Salt Cross Garden Village Area Action Plan

An update was provided on the Salt Cross Garden Village Area Action Plan, which is undergoing a focused examination due to a legal challenge regarding the zero-carbon policy. The Executive noted the contents of the report and the ongoing work to address the issues raised.

For more details, refer to the AAP Executive Report June 2024.

West Oxfordshire District Council's Productivity Plan 2024

The Executive discussed the requirement from the government to produce a productivity plan. The plan will capture ongoing and future work to improve productivity. The Executive agreed to delegate the decision to the Chief Executive to meet the government’s submission deadline.

For more details, refer to the WODC Executive Report - Productivity Plan 2024 Final.

The meeting concluded with a decision to exclude the press and public for a commercially sensitive item.


Councillor Andy Graham
Councillor Duncan Enright
Councillor Andrew Prosser
Councillor Geoff Saul
Councillor Alaric Smith
Councillor Tim Sumner
Max Thompson
Christine Elsasser
Giles Hughes
Madhu Richards
Andrea McCaskie
Frank Wilson
Bill Oddy
Zoe Campbell
Andy Barge
Phil Martin
Charlie Jackson
Claire Locke
Jon Dearing
Helen Blundell
Andrew Brown
Anne Learmonth
Maria Harper
Michelle Ouzman