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Licensing Panel - Thursday, 16th May, 2024 1.00 pm

May 16, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The meeting was primarily focused on the application for a new premises license for The Bull pub in Charlbury. The discussion included the introduction of the panel and representatives, the presentation of the licensing officer's case, the applicant's case, and concerns from a local resident.

The most significant topic was the application for a new premises license for The Bull pub on Sheep Street in Charlbury. The applicant, represented by solicitor Will Robinson, sought to update the existing license to include alcohol sales from a bar in the garden area. The application was prompted by the discovery that the current license did not cover this area. The applicant emphasized that the new license would not extend the hours or activities beyond what was already permitted but would regularize the use of the garden bar. The applicant also proposed conditions to address noise concerns, including a noise management plan and a sound limiter for outdoor speakers. The application received mixed responses from local residents, with some supporting it and others expressing concerns about potential noise disturbances.

Councillor Dave Jackson, Vice Chair of the License Committee, chaired the meeting in the absence of Councillor Marc Walker. The panel included Councillors Edward James, Elvis Scott, and Andrew Lyon. Representatives from the local authority included Andrea Thomas, Licensing Officer, and Helen Dantal, Interim Head of Legal Services. The applicant's team included Will Robinson, James Gama (Director and DPS), Phil Windsor (Director), and Dan Varnier (Operations Manager).

The licensing officer, Andrea Thomas, presented the case, noting that the application was due to representations from the public and Councillor Lefman. She mentioned that some representations had been withdrawn following the submission of a revised plan and updated conditions. The environmental pollution team had agreed to the proposed conditions, including a new noise management plan.

Will Robinson, representing the applicant, provided a detailed presentation, explaining the background of the application and addressing concerns raised by local residents. He emphasized that the new license would not expand the times or activities permitted but would allow for more flexible use of the garden bar. He also highlighted the importance of the garden bar for the business and customer management. Robinson addressed noise concerns by proposing conditions such as a sound limiter for outdoor speakers and limiting live music in the garden to specific hours on weekends, with a maximum of 15 days per year.

Local resident Mr. Leach expressed concerns about noise, particularly from music in the garden. He acknowledged the efforts made by the applicants to address concerns but emphasized the need for strict and enforceable limits on music volume and duration. He also questioned the necessity of music for the consumption of alcohol and highlighted the sensitivity of the local environment to noise increases.

The meeting concluded with the panel preparing to make a decision on the application, considering the arguments and concerns presented.


Profile image for Councillor David Jackson
Councillor David Jackson  Vice-Chair of Licensing Committee, Vice-Chair for Miscellaneous Licensing Sub-Committee •  Liberal Democrats •  The Bartons
Councillor Edward James
Councillor Andrew Lyon
Profile image for Councillor Sandra Simpson
Councillor Sandra Simpson  Green Party •  Witney North
Andrea Thomas
Christine Elsasser