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Development Control Committee - Wednesday, 22nd May, 2024 2.30 pm

May 22, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting was brief and focused on appointing new leadership roles within the council and addressing committee sizes.

Appointment of Chair

Councillor Julian Cooper was proposed and elected as the Chair of Development Control. There were no objections, and the decision was unanimous.

Appointment of Vice Chair

Councillor Michael Brooker was proposed and elected as the Vice Chair. There were no other nominations, and the decision was confirmed without opposition.

Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Alaric Smith, David Cooper, and Charlie Maynard.

Subcommittee Appointments

The council discussed the appointments to the Lowlands and Uplands subcommittees. A new clause 7 was introduced to address the issue of the size of these committees. The members agreed to the current arrangement.

The meeting was then closed.


Councillor Julian Cooper
Councillor Hugo Ashton
Profile image for Councillor Andrew Beaney
Councillor Andrew Beaney  Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee •  Conservative •  Kingham Rollright and Enstone
Councillor Rachel Crouch
Councillor Phil Godfrey
Councillor Andy Goodwin
Profile image for Councillor David Jackson
Councillor David Jackson  Vice-Chair of Licensing Committee, Vice-Chair for Miscellaneous Licensing Sub-Committee •  Liberal Democrats •  The Bartons
Councillor Nick Leverton
Councillor Dan Levy
Councillor Andrew Lyon
Councillor Rosie Pearson
Councillor Rizvana Poole
Councillor Andrew Prosser
Councillor Mark Walker
Councillor Adrian Walsh
Councillor Alistair Wray
Chris Hargraves
James Nelson
Andrea McCaskie
Max Thompson
Michelle Ouzman
Sarah Hegerty
Esther Hill
Abby Fettes
Kelly Murray
Phil Shaw
Kim Smith
Stephanie Eldridge
Joan Desmond