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Licensing Committee - Wednesday, 22nd May, 2024 2.35 pm
May 22, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The meeting focused on electing a chair and vice chair, noting absences, and appointing members to the licensing subcommittees.
Election of Chair
Dan Levy called for proposals for a chair. Mark Walker was proposed and seconded. The vote was held, and Mark Walker was elected as the chair.
Election of Vice Chair
Mark Walker proposed Councillor Jackson for the position of vice chair. There were no other nominations. A vote was held, and Councillor Jackson was elected as the vice chair.
Apologies for Absence
Absences were noted, including Andrew Lyons.
Appointment of Licensing Subcommittees
The council needed to appoint five members to the miscellaneous licensing subcommittee in accordance with political proportionality. The suggested members were David Jackson, David Melvin, Ed James, Andrew Lyon, and Sandra Simpson. A vote was held, and all suggested members were appointed.
This concluded the meeting.

- Agenda frontsheet 22nd-May-2024 14.35 Licensing Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 22nd-May-2024 14.35 Licensing Committee reports pack
- Appointmentoflicensingsubcommittees2024
- Annex A Licensing Sub Committee
- Printed minutes 22nd-May-2024 14.35 Licensing Committee minutes
- Miscellaneous Licensing Sub-Committee nominations 22nd-May-2024 14.35 Licensing Committee