Bedfont and Feltham Area Forum - Monday, 2 September 2024 7:30 pm

September 2, 2024 View on council website
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The Bedfont and Feltham Area Forum was scheduled to consider a range of local issues, including traffic and parking in the area and proposed changes to how the forum operates. The meeting was also due to receive an update from a Council officer on changes to how the Council will engage with young people in future.

The most significant items on the agenda for the meeting on Monday 02 September 2024 were:

Moving Forward with our Transport Strategy

This item was scheduled to introduce the Council's new Transport Strategy. This document describes the background to the new strategy:

The current Strategy dates from 2019 and in principle is still relevant but needs to better reflect the borough's evolving priorities and communicate our strategic transport aims and objectives.

The strategy has the following aims:

  • For 71% of journeys in the borough to be walked, cycled or using public transport by 2041.
  • To reduce carbon emissions from transport.
  • To improve air quality & resilience to climate change.
  • To increase physical activity and improve health outcomes.
  • To achieve Vision Zero so that there are no people killed or seriously injured on the road network.

The report describes how the new strategy differs from the previous one, and how it relates to other Council plans and strategies, including the [One Hounslow]( Corporate Plan, Equality Opportunity Areas, Health and Wellbeing, Climate Emergency, and Parking and Kerbside strategies. It also describes some of the findings of recent public consultations on these topics, including that:

45 per cent of respondents were worried about the impact of poor air quality and 72 per cent of respondents believed the kerbside should be a space for everyone, not just motorists. 42 per cent wish to see the ‘greening’ of the kerbside with more trees.

The strategy is still at an early stage, and the meeting was scheduled to be an opportunity for the public to comment on it.

Action Plan Updates

The meeting was scheduled to receive an update on a number of issues that had previously been discussed at the Forum. The issues scheduled for discussion included:

  • Proctors Close - The meeting was due to receive an update on plans to provide a gate to give Bedfont Lane Community Centre its own parking spaces. The meeting was also due to be updated on parking enforcement in the area.
  • Feltham High Street - This update was scheduled to cover community safety, and support for young people using the street, following previous discussions at the forum about anti-social behaviour.
  • Grove Village - This update was scheduled to cover community safety and fly-tipping, following previous discussions at the forum about anti-social behaviour.
  • Hatton Road - This update was to confirm that double-yellow lines had been implemented on this road in Bedfont.
  • Cricket Pitch in Feltham Park - The meeting was to receive an update on the design of the new non-turf cricket pitch in Feltham Park.
  • Baber Bridge - The meeting was to receive an update on the feasibility study into options for replacing Baber Bridge.
  • Highways issues in Feltham North - This update was to confirm that residents could report potholes using the Council's 'Fix My Street' website.
  • Passer Court - This update was to confirm that Passer Court Community Hall was available to hire.

Traffic Consultation Information

This item was scheduled to provide information about how residents can be consulted about traffic schemes.

Area Forum Changes

This item was scheduled to be a presentation about proposed changes to how Area Forums operate, including how they consult with local people.

Minutes of the Meeting Held on 14th March 2024 and Matters Arising

The meeting was scheduled to approve the minutes of the previous meeting of the forum, which was held on 14 March 2024, a summary of which can be found here: Minutes Public Pack 14032024 Bedfont and Feltham Area Forum.

Introduce Community Spotlight - Bedfont Lane Community Centre (Carol Cattermul)

This item was scheduled to be a presentation by Carol Cattermul about the Bedfont Lane Community Centre.

Open Forum

The meeting was scheduled to include an 'Open Forum'. This is an opportunity for members of the public to raise any issue with their local councillors.

Any Other Business the Chair Considers Urgent

This item was scheduled to allow Councillors to discuss any other issues that were not included on the agenda for the meeting.