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Bedfont and Feltham Area Forum - Monday, 2 September 2024 7:30 pm
September 2, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting was scheduled to include a presentation and discussion on the council's draft new Transport Strategy for the borough. Councillors were also scheduled to hear about a number of local issues that residents had previously raised.
The meeting was scheduled to start with an informal 'market place' from 6.30pm - 7.30pm, during which residents could meet representatives of council services and local community groups. Food and drink was to be served. The formal meeting was then scheduled to start at 7.30pm.
Transport Strategy
The meeting was scheduled to include a presentation on the council's draft new Transport Strategy for the borough.
The report pack for the meeting states that the council is updating the strategy because the last one was written in 2019 and no longer reflects the council's current priorities, or the availability of funding for transport schemes. It also notes that because the strategy is a statutory requirement, it needs to be updated to secure funding from Transport for London for the next three years.
The report pack included the following summary of feedback the council has received from residents on the strategy:
We have learned from recent engagement including but not limited to: In 2023 a
Fairer, more equal Hounslowconsultation told us the following priorities: • Better access to transport network • Improve transport and parking facilities as there are difficulties for people with disabilities. From our Parking and Kerbside strategy consultation: • 45 per cent of respondents were worried about the impact of poor air quality and 72 per cent of respondents believed the kerbside should be a space for everyone, not just motorists. 42 per cent wish to see the ‘greening’ of the kerbside with more trees. Disability and Age Equality Partnership • Concern raised about quality of surfacing, resting places, obstructions, inclines and wayfinding. • Bus driver training and awareness to give people confidence to travel Children & Young People Plan Feedback • Priorities for children include better public transport and improved road safety
The report says that the new strategy sets a target of increasing the number of journeys in the borough that are walked, cycled or made using public transport from 71% to 71% by 2041. It also says that the strategy will have the following priorities:
• Clear vision, objectives and targets and easier to read document. • Build on successes of existing work undertaken to date and outline the future challenges and opportunities for the borough. • Place based approach - Local in-borough trips are a priority but need to have a consideration of intra-borough trips. Key public transport improvements (Brentford to Southall Rail, Heathrow Southern Access, West London Orbital and Bus improvements). • Continuing to build a transport network that supports sustainable growth and communities. • Congestion impacts our local economy and the number of trips in the borough are forecast to grown by 24% by 2041. The existing road network is constrained, and switching to alternative modes will help to free up capacity for those who need to drive. • Be clear on what LBH is responsible for and what is the responsibility of partners (TfL, SWR, Network Rail, National Highways) and how we can influence them.
The report pack says that after the meeting the council intends to launch a public consultation on the draft strategy, with the final strategy being published in February 2025.
Updates from March Area Forum
The report pack also included a number of updates on issues raised by residents at the previous Area Forum meeting held on Thursday 14 March 2024.
Parking at Bedfont Lane Community Centre
At the previous meeting, residents of Proctors Close had raised concerns about the lack of parking for the Bedfont Lane Community Centre. In response, the council has allocated a Property Projects Manager to assess the work required to give the community centre its own parking spaces. They are also going to consider installing a gate to prevent non-residents from parking in the community centre's spaces.
In the meantime, the report pack says that parking enforcement will continue in the area, and that residents are advised to petition for a CPZ if they want to change parking arrangements.
Grove Village
Following complaints about fly-tipping and anti-social behaviour at Grove Village in Bedfont, the council organised a site visit with Lampton Greenspace, Places for People, the local police and council enforcement officers. Since then, the report pack says that fly-tipping has decreased and that the police have not received any reports of anti-social behaviour in the area for the last three months.
The council says it still intends to organise a community action day to improve the area.
Hatton Road
At the previous meeting residents had raised concerns about parking on Hatton Road. The council has since introduced double yellow lines in the area, which they say has displaced the problem to another part of the road.
Cricket Pitch in Feltham North
A resident had requested that a non-turf cricket pitch be included in the planned improvements to Feltham Park. The report pack says that funding for the pitch has already been secured from the England and Wales Cricket Board and that, subject to planning permission and consultation with residents, work could begin in time for the summer.
Baber Bridge
Since the previous meeting, a number of surveys and assessments have been carried out on Baber Bridge. The report pack says that the final feasibility report is due to be completed by September, when it will be presented to councillors for a decision.
Passer Court
The report pack notes that Passer Court is available for hire by community groups and that bookings can be made through the council's Public Halls Team.

- MO Guidance on Declaring Interests May 2022 BFAF Bedfont and Feltham Area Forum other
- Minutes Public Pack 14032024 Bedfont and Feltham Area Forum other
- Agenda frontsheet Monday 02-Sep-2024 19.30 Bedfont and Feltham Area Forum agenda
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- Public reports pack Monday 02-Sep-2024 19.30 Bedfont and Feltham Area Forum reports pack