Cabinet - Tuesday, 3 September 2024 7:00 pm

September 3, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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The meeting approved the consultation on the proposed changes to the Local Council Tax Support Scheme, approved the designation of the Glebe Estate as a Conservation Area, and agreed to the development of a new Culture Strategy.

Consultation on Hounslow’s Local Council Tax Support Scheme

Cabinet agreed to consult with residents on proposed changes to the Local Council Tax Support Scheme for working age households. The proposed scheme, which would come into effect in April 2025, aims to reduce the cost of the scheme to the Council and introduce more targeted support by considering the number of dependants in a household when calculating support payments. Councillor Shantanu Rajawat, Leader of the Council, explained that the Council was being forced to make difficult decisions as a result of a significant budget gap and increasing demand for the scheme. Councillor Catherine Dunn, Cabinet Member for Climate, Environment and Transport, stated that:

We are not simply proposing the easy way to do it. We’re not just saying let’s remove this amount of funding from the scheme and otherwise keep it as it is. We are taking this opportunity to look at the scheme as the whole and say okay if we have less money going into this how can we target that to the most vulnerable to the people who need it most.

The Leader also confirmed that the Council would be creating a hardship fund to help residents who are unable to meet essential costs as part of the proposed changes.

Proposed Designation of the Glebe Estate as a Conservation Area

Cabinet approved the designation of the Glebe Estate as a Conservation Area. Councillor Tom Bruce, Deputy Leader of the Council, explained that the designation was being made following two consultations in 2021 and 2024. Councillor Bruce highlighted the fact that many residents had objected to the designation, however, he made the case for the designation by referring to the historic value of the estate and to the fact that organisations such as Historic England, the Victorian Society and the Twentieth Century Society had indicated their support. Councillor Bruce said:

We are a listening council. We have listened. I have absolutely listened to all the various voices that have come through. That doesn’t necessarily mean I’m going to be able to please everybody.

Councillor Bruce went on to say that he wanted to have a conversation with residents about conservation in the borough. He stressed the importance of balancing new development with conservation, stating:

Making sure that we we have both the best of both is exactly what we want to do.

Culture Strategy 2025-2035

Cabinet agreed to the development of a new Culture Strategy for Hounslow. Councillor Salman Shaheen, Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Public Spaces, explained that the new strategy would cover a ten-year period from 2025-2035. The strategy will involve engaging with residents, the Council and organisations delivering culture in the borough with the aim of creating a strategy that will ultimately see Hounslow win the London Borough of Culture Award.

Petition - Construct a retractable pedestrian bridge from Brentford to Kew Gardens

Cabinet noted a petition submitted by Mr Peter Combes requesting the Council to consider the construction of a retractable bridge from Brentford to Kew Gardens. Both Councillor Bruce and Councillor Dunn, Cabinet Member for Climate, Environment and Transport, spoke in response. Whilst both Councillors acknowledged the potential benefits of such a scheme, they also indicated that they did not consider it feasible at present due to the likely cost, as well as additional challenges around land ownership and access, and the tidal range of the River Thames. Nonetheless Councillor Bruce was keen to record his thanks to the petitioner and said:

As something that we could be thinking about in the future, it’s certainly not something I’m going to dismiss today.
