Planning Committee - Thursday, 5 September 2024 7:00 pm

September 5, 2024 View on council website
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The Planning Committee approved two applications: one for a self-storage facility at 250 Gunnersbury Avenue and one for a house extension at 31 Devonshire Road. The Committee also discussed a number of other planning matters.

250 Gunnersbury Avenue (North Circular Road)

The Committee approved an application for the redevelopment of the site to provide a self-storage facility (Use Class B8) and flexible office/light industrial use (Use Class E(g)(i)/E(g)(iii)), together with associated car and cycle parking, refuse storage, access and landscaping. The application (P/2024/029) was approved by 13 votes to none with one abstention.

The proposed building will be up to ten storeys high and will provide 3,747 square metres of self-storage space, 378 square metres of flexible office space and an undercroft car park.

The flexible office/light industrial space would be provided as affordable workspace, with a 20% market discount.

The development will achieve a 98% reduction in carbon emissions, with the remaining 2% to be offset by a financial contribution to the Council's Carbon Offset Fund. The development will also achieve a 67% biodiversity gain.

Councillor Dan Bowring asked if the cycle parking could include spaces for cargo bikes. Mr Rees said that this would be included in the conditions.

31 Devonshire Road

The Committee approved an application (P/2024/1509) for a single storey rear and rear infill extension to a house at 31 Devonshire Road. The application was approved unanimously.

Councillor John Stroud-Turp declared an interest in the property and left the room during the discussion.

The proposed development will replace the existing 1.93 metre deep single storey rear outrigger and infill the full rear lightwell, to form a wraparound L-shaped extension. The extension will have a tiled pitched roof with a rear brick slip parapet wall and a pitched part glazed, part tiled roof to the side.

The proposed extension will comply with the size limitations set by the Council's Residential Extension Guidelines. It will be subservient to and well-proportioned to the original house.

Addendum report

Councillor Tony Louki asked for more comprehensive reporting on planning enforcement. He called for the reports to include details on the length of appeals, progress and any action taken. He also asked for the reports to be presented in chronological order by ward.

Matthew Rees, Head of Development Management, said that there were some IT issues which it was hoped would be resolved soon. He also said that there were GDPR issues to consider but that statistics could be provided in future.

Councillor Louki said that addresses for planning applications were published and so not subject to GDPR. Mr Rees advised that the lodging of an enforcement process did not mean that the owner had done anything wrong and that it was therefore unfair to publish the details and put it on record.