Living in Hackney Scrutiny Commission - Monday 9 September 2024 7.00 pm

September 9, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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The Commission noted the Executive response to its suggestions for improvement to Hackney's arts and cultural sector and agreed its work programme for the 2024/25 municipal year.

Update on the Green Infrastructure Strategy, Local Nature Recovery Plan & Urban Forest Plan

The Commission heard a presentation on the Council's progress in delivering its Green Infrastructure Strategy (GIS) 2023-30 and Local Nature Recovery Plan (LNRP) 2023-30, and plans to develop a Local Urban Forest Plan.

The GIS is Hackney Council's strategy for protecting and enhancing the network of green spaces across the borough. The LNRP is the Council's strategy for protecting wildlife and biodiversity across the borough. The Urban Forest Plan will be the Council's strategy for the management of trees across the borough.

The Commission heard about a number of projects that have been delivered in the past year to support the delivery of the GIS and LNRP, including:

  • The Narrow Way regeneration project, which will see the creation of a new green link between London Fields and Victoria Park.
  • The delivery of a number of small-scale Sustainable Urban Drainage Schemes (SuDS) across the borough.
  • The installation of 4,700 square metres of green roofs at the Woodberry Down Estate.
  • Improvements to the West Reservoir, including the planting of new reed beds.
  • The planting of 780 trees at Millfields Park.

The Commission also heard about some of the challenges associated with delivering these strategies, including securing sufficient funding and engaging with key landowners.

The Commission asked a number of questions about the strategies, including:

  • Whether there is confidence that the priorities identified are deliverable.
  • How the strategies will be driven forward.
  • What mitigating measures are being considered to deal with the risk of climate change.
  • How the Council is using data to monitor progress against the objectives in the strategies.
  • How the Council is encouraging behaviour change, for example encouraging people to avoid paving over their front gardens.

The Mayor of Hackney, Caroline Woodley, said that the Council is committed to delivering these strategies and is working hard to secure funding and engage with partners.

Parks & Green Spaces Strategy 2021-31

The Commission heard a presentation on the Council's progress in delivering its Parks & Green Spaces Strategy 2021-31.

The Commission heard about a number of improvements that have been made to Hackney's parks and green spaces in recent years, including:

The Commission also heard about the Council's work on Housing Green Spaces. This included:

  • The development of 55 grow your own sites on housing estates.
  • The planting of over 640,000 bulbs on housing estates.
  • The creation of a number of Pictorial Meadows and Relaxed Grass areas on housing estates.
  • The installation of over 4,000 square metres of green roofs on housing estates.

The Commission asked a number of questions about the strategy, including:

  • How the Council is working with residents to ensure that park improvements reflect their needs.
  • What the Council is doing to tackle anti-social behaviour in parks.
  • What steps are being taken to ensure that the Council’s parks service is carbon neutral by 2030.
  • How the Council is working to increase the number of allotments in the borough.

Commissioners praised the work of the parks and green spaces team, in particular the high level of volunteer involvement in maintaining and enhancing green spaces across the borough.

It was noted that there is a high demand for allotments in Hackney, and officers were asked to explore further opportunities to release capacity or create more allotment spaces to fill waiting lists.

Scrutiny Reports, Letters & Responses

The Commission noted a response from the Cabinet Member for Health, Adult Social Care, Voluntary Sector & Culture to suggestions made by the Commission following a review of Hackney’s arts and cultural sector in February 2023. The Commission noted that there are plans to look into the effectiveness of advice services in Hackney in February 2025.

Living in Hackney Work Programme 2024/25

The Commission agreed its work programme for the 2024/25 municipal year, which included discussions on:

  • The North West London Waste Authority and Constituent Boroughs Joint Waste Strategy 2024-42.
  • The performance of the Council’s domestic waste and recycling collection service.
  • Trust and confidence in local policing.
  • Serious violence and gang crime.
  • The Council’s approach to tenancy sustainment for council-managed homes.
  • An update on the performance of the Council’s housing repairs and maintenance service.
  • Future plans for Hackney Carnival.
  • Homelessness and housing advice services in Hackney.
  • The draft Housing Strategy 2025-30.
  • The interim findings of the Intermediate Housing Panel.

Commissioners requested that the discussion on domestic waste and recycling collections includes garden waste collections, and noted that the discussion on homelessness and housing advice services would be limited to interactions between advice services and Hackney's housing needs service.

The Commission also agreed to hold a number of Cabinet Question Time sessions on topics including climate change, environment and transport, community safety and regulatory services, housing services and resident engagement and homelessness, rough sleeping and temporary accommodation.