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This meeting was scheduled to cover a wide range of topics, including the Hackney Council Pay Policy for its Chief Officers, a report on Shop Front Trading across the borough, and the Council’s Corporate Transformation Strategy.
Pay Policy Statement for Chief Officers 2025/2026
The Committee was scheduled to review and agree a Pay Policy Statement for its Chief Officers for 2025/2026. The draft statement was an update of the 2024/25 statement. The report pack explained that:
There have been no substantive changes to this policy. The statement details current pay practice, and no new policy principles are being introduced.
Shop Front Trading Annual Report
The agenda included a report on Shop Front Trading across the borough, the licensing framework for such trading, and an update on the performance of the Shop Front Trading team.
The report included information on how the team would be expanding its operations to continue to support the growth of businesses onto the Public Highway, and to continue increasing the revenue generated by the Shop Front trading permits.
Corporate Transformation Plan
The Corporate Committee was scheduled to receive a report on the Council’s Corporate Transformation Strategy. The report pack described the strategy as one that:
will provide the strategic framework for a programme of organisational change to ensure we are fit for purpose to achieve council’s vision as set out in the Strategic Plan 2022-26 Working Together for a Better Hackney by becoming an effective, efficient, and enabled council that is focussed on:
The strategy was focussed on three aims:
● Putting residents first by providing for the people who live and work in Hackney. ● Securing Hackney’s future by maintaining financial stability and investing in what matters most. ● Changing together by acting as one Council. Modernised, flexible, collaborative and skilled to meet our future challenges.
Strategic Plan update
The Committee was scheduled to receive an update on the Council’s Strategic Plan. The report described how the Council would be continuing the delivery of its Strategic Plan.
Annual Performance review of Markets, Shop Fronts & Street Trading
The Committee was scheduled to be provided with an annual performance review of Markets, Shop Fronts & Street Trading.
Report of the Public Realm including policies for tables and chairs on pavements
The Committee was scheduled to receive a report detailing the Council’s activities and performance related to the public realm, including its policies relating to tables and chairs on pavements.

- Agenda frontsheet Tuesday 10-Sep-2024 18.30 Corporate Committee agenda
- Draft 20.5.24 Corporate Committee meeting minutes v2.doc 1 other
- Public reports pack Tuesday 10-Sep-2024 18.30 Corporate Committee reports pack
- Draft 30.7.25 EO Corporate Commitee meeting minutes v1 as of 05.08.24doc.docx other
- Corporate Committee meeting Actions list Latest as of 30.8.24 other
- Corporate Cttee Pay Policy Statement 2025_2026 report
- Corporate Committee Work programme 2024-25 Latest as of 02.09.24.docx 1 other
- Appendix 1 Hackney Pay Policy Statement - 2025_26.docx 1
- Shop Fronts Pavement Licence Trading Annual Report FY 2023_24 Corporate Committee Report Septemb other
- Corporate Committee Transformation Strategy Sept 2024 report other
- Appendix 1 - HDS18088_Transformation Strategy_FINAL other
- Decisions Tuesday 10-Sep-2024 18.30 Corporate Committee other