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Overview & Scrutiny Call-in Sub-Committee - Tuesday, 10th September, 2024 7.00 pm
September 10, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Overview & Scrutiny Call-in Sub-Committee met to discuss whether to 'call-in' a decision about the future of two of the council's trading companies. They also were scheduled to note the outside bodies that councillors are members of.
GS Plus and Greenwich Service Solutions
Councillors John Fahy and Majella Anning called in the Cabinet decision to continue the operation of the council's two trading companies GS Plus and Greenwich Service Solutions.
The report pack included for discussion in the meeting describes the services that the companies provide, which are:
- Fleet Management
- Passenger Services
- Facilities Management & Building Cleaning Services
- Schools ICT support
- Gateway Employment Agency and payroll service
The report pack says that the two companies, which are wholly owned by the council, employ a total of 320 people, with a further 127 employed through an agency. 42% of GS Plus staff and all of Greenwich Service Solutions' staff are employed on terms and conditions set by the council, while the other 58% of GS Plus staff are employed on terms set by the company.
The report pack says that GS Plus is forecast to make a profit of £181,000 in 2023/24 and £199,000 in 2024/25, while Greenwich Service Solutions is forecast to make a profit of £37,000 in both years.
The call-in request included in the pack says:
“The perpetuation of a two-tier workforce is far too long and the decision makes no attempt to set any medium and long-term goal to ensure a single set of pay, pensions, terms and conditions for the Greenwich workforce in line with the values of the Borough and core priorities set out in Our Greenwich. As noted in the External Auditor Management letter, the extensive use of arms-length companies reduces transparency and accountability and this need to be better addressed.”
Call in report for GS Plus Ltd and GSS Ltd Review of Direction of Travel
The report pack includes the following alternative decision for consideration:
“To enter into a 5-year Strategic Partnering Agreement with GS Plus and GSS with the express aim of bringing GS Plus in-house and to either bring GSS in-house or establish it as a Co-operative, both within that period of time. This agreement to be published and subject to scrutiny.”
Call in report for GS Plus Ltd and GSS Ltd Review of Direction of Travel
Declarations of Interest
The report pack includes a list of Councillors' memberships as Council appointed representatives on outside bodies, joint committees and school governing bodies.
The report pack says:
"A Member has a personal interest where any business is likely to affect:
(a) them, or (b) a relevant person or a relevant body (where the Member is aware that they have the interest); more than a majority of those in the ward you represent."
The report pack defines a 'relevant person' as:
A relevant person is defined as the member’s spouse or civil partner, a person who they are living with as husband and wife or as civil partners, or a person with whom they have a close association.
The report pack defines a 'relevant body' as:
A relevant body is defined as (a) any organisation, school governing body or outside committee or trust which they have been appointed to by the Royal Borough or by the Leader, or (b) any other voluntary organisation, school governing body or commercial organisation where you are a management committee member, school governor, trustee or director.
Decisions to be made in this meeting

- Declarations of Interest other
- Call in report for GS Plus Ltd and GSS Ltd Review of Direction of Travel
- Agenda frontsheet 10th-Sep-2024 19.00 Overview Scrutiny Call-in Sub-Committee agenda
- Outside Body Membership 2024-25
- Public reports pack 10th-Sep-2024 19.00 Overview Scrutiny Call-in Sub-Committee reports pack
- Minutes of Previous Meeting other
- Appendix A
- Appendix B
- Decisions 10th-Sep-2024 19.00 Overview Scrutiny Call-in Sub-Committee other