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Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 13th June, 2024 7.30 pm
June 13, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee of Reigate and Banstead Council met on Thursday, 13 June 2024. The meeting covered a range of topics, including the performance report for Quarter 3 of 2023/24, the Treasury Management Strategy for 2024/25, a review of the Council's Environmental Sustainability Strategy, and updates from the Place Portfolio Holders.
Quarter 3 2023/24 Performance Report
The Committee reviewed the Quarter 3 2023/24 Performance Report, which included Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), budget forecasts, and updates on homelessness risks. Councillor James King, Portfolio Holder for Corporate Policy and Resources, highlighted that eight out of ten KPIs were on target. However, KPI 1 (Council Tax collection) and KPI 7 (affordable housing completions) were off target. The Council remains on track to meet its Local Plan target of 1,500 affordable homes over 15 years, despite a non-linear delivery pattern.
Treasury Management Strategy 2024/25
Councillor Lewanski, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance, and Organisation, presented the Treasury Management Strategy for 2024/25. The strategy includes the Treasury Management Strategy Statement, Investment Strategy, and Capital Strategy. It aims to guide all treasury activities for the coming financial year, ensuring compliance with CIPFA’s Code of Practice. The strategy also addresses changes in regulatory frameworks and the potential impact of the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) consultation.
Review of the Council's Environmental Sustainability Strategy
Councillor Moses, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, introduced the review of the Council’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy. The revised strategy includes a detailed scope of the Council’s carbon footprint and a new chapter on climate change adaptation. The Action Plan now has 91 new actions, with clear timeframes and funding information. The strategy aims to balance environmental sustainability with financial sustainability, ensuring progress towards carbon reduction targets.
Place Portfolio Holders Update
The Committee received updates from the Place Portfolio Holders on various Council services, including Economic Prosperity, Place Delivery, Planning and Regulatory Services, Neighbourhood Operations, Greenspaces, and Environmental Sustainability. Key points included:
- Economic Prosperity: The team has been successful in improving the business start-up rate in the borough. The Council received positive feedback from the business community and is working on several projects funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
- Place Delivery: The Council is confident in meeting its affordable housing targets despite industry slowdowns. The development framework is under review to better utilise Council-owned sites.
- Planning and Regulatory Services: A review on the publication of names and addresses of those commenting on planning applications will be completed by late summer 2024.
- Neighbourhood Services: The Council aims to provide EV charging points in every car park, although there is no specific target yet.
- Greenspaces: The Council is working closely with Surrey County Council on grass verge cutting and other greenspace management plans.
New Local Plan Update March 2024
The Committee received an update on the progress of the new Local Plan. No questions were raised during this segment.
Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2023/24
The Committee approved the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report for 2023/24 and recommended it to the Council.
Overview and Scrutiny Proposed Annual Work Programme 2024/25
The Committee considered and approved the proposed Annual Work Programme for 2024/25. The programme includes a task and finish group to develop new KPIs in line with the new Corporate Plan.

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