Children and Education Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee - Thursday 12th September, 2024 7.00 pm

September 12, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting  Watch video of meeting  Watch video of meeting  Watch video of meeting
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The Children and Education Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee agreed to send the findings of the Elective Home Education Task and Finish Group Report to the Cabinet for approval as council policy. The Sub-Committee also noted the Cabinet Forward Plan for 2024/25 and the work programme for the Sub-Committee.

The Potential Impact of the Proposed Removal of the VAT Exemption for Independent Schools

The Sub-Committee discussed the potential impact of the proposed removal of the VAT exemption for independent schools1, particularly on the Jewish community. The Committee heard that the removal of the exemption could lead to an increase in demand for places at Jewish state schools. The Committee noted that there is currently some capacity in the Jewish state school system, but that this could be insufficient to meet the potential demand. The Committee also heard that some independent Jewish schools may be forced to close if the exemption is removed, which could lead to further pressure on state school places. Neil Marlowe, the council officer responsible for school places, agreed to write to the Department for Education setting out Barnet's concerns about the impact of the proposed removal of the exemption, with a particular focus on the potential impact on faith schools for which there is no suitable state alternative.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

The Sub-Committee discussed a report on Special Educational Needs and Disability. The Committee heard that the number of children and young people being supported with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)2 in Barnet had increased by 10% in the last year. The Committee noted that this increase is disproportionate to the increase in the pupil population. The Committee was told that Barnet has a high percentage of children with SEND in mainstream schools, which the council is proud of, but that there are challenges around the number of special school places available. The Committee also heard from Lisa Hoffman, a representative from the Barnet Parent Carers Forum, who spoke about the challenges faced by families of children with SEND. Ms Hoffman raised concerns about the availability of early intervention services, diagnostic assessments, therapies, and the high number of appeals to the SEND tribunal.

Barnet Young Residents Perception Survey

The Sub-Committee discussed the results of the 2023/24 Barnet Young Residents Perception Survey, which was carried out by ORS, an independent research company. The survey found that the majority of young people are happy with Barnet as a place to live, and that they feel safe in their local area. They feel that the Council is doing a good job and that young people have a say in things that affect them. The Committee heard that there had been a slight decline in satisfaction with primary and secondary education since the last survey. Councillor Baker asked what actions the Council was taking to address the decline in satisfaction. Ben Thomas, the council officer responsible for the survey, said that they would be carrying out more detailed analysis to understand the reasons for the decline, and that they would be working with schools to address any issues that are identified. The Committee also heard that young people are concerned about knife crime, gangs, the safety of girls, and hate crime. Councillor Nigel asked what coordinated action the Council would be taking to address these concerns. Tina, a council officer, said that the survey results would be fed back to the Safer Community Partnership, and that a coordinated approach would be taken to address the issues raised.

Family Services Quarterly Update

The Sub-Committee received a report on Family Services performance data, which included the outcome of the recent Ofsted inspection. The Committee heard that Ofsted had judged the service to be 'good', and that there had been significant progress made since the last inspection. The Committee also heard about the work that is being done to tackle child exploitation. The Committee was told about the new strategy that has been developed, and that this would be shared with schools.

Elective Home Education (EHE)

The Sub-Committee discussed the Elective Home Education Task and Finish Group Report. The report made seven recommendations, including the establishment of a register of home-educated children, and the provision of funding for home-educated children to sit GCSE examinations. Councillor Lemon asked what the associated costs of the recommendations would be. The Chair said that there were some recommendations that did have significant resource requirements, and that Cabinet would be notified of these when it made its decision on the report. The Committee heard from Lauren Jackson, the council officer responsible for EHE. Councillor Hutton asked how the Council would know whether a child who is home-educated is ready to take an exam. Ms Jackson said that the parents would be ultimately responsible for deciding whether their child is ready to take an exam. She also noted that the Council's EHE teacher could play a role in advising parents on this, but that this would depend on the teacher's capacity.

  1. The Labour party announced their intention to abolish the VAT exemption for private schools in their 2019 election manifesto. The policy has been controversial, with proponents arguing that it will raise money for state education and opponents saying it will lead to higher fees and potential closures. 

  2. An EHCP is a legal document that sets out the special educational needs of a child or young person and the support that they need to receive. EHCPs are drawn up by local authorities in consultation with parents, schools and other professionals. 


  • Anne O'Shea Roman Catholic Church
  • Naomi Phillips
  • Nigel Wildish Church of England
  • Raisel Freedman Jewish Faith
  • Stella Akintan
  • Tamzin Arora
