People, Performance and Development Committee - Monday, 9 September 2024 10.30 am

September 9, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The committee recommended publication of the 2024/2025 Pay Policy Statement and noted the progress made on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at Surrey County Council, asking for an update on data collection at the next meeting.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Surrey County Council

The committee considered a report on progress made on EDI at Surrey County Council, which was largely in response to an LGA peer review that had recently taken place.

The review praised the leadership and commitment shown by the council in working towards the goal of no one left behind. They noted the council's strength in data collection and the development of locality based teams, like the Community Link Officers and Local Area Coordinators.

it's worth reflecting that actually the review is really positive. And I think we came out very well as an organization and definitely moving in the right direction.

The reviewers were impressed with the council's progress in being a more inclusive and equitable employer, especially through the development of the People Strategy and the Inclusive Staff Networks. They also noted the positive impact of initiatives like the disability passport and the inclusive recruitment guidance.

However, they did identify some areas where further work was needed. Notably a lack of a shared strategy to reduce inequalities across the organisation, and the uneven application of EDI policies by management.

They noted that while we have good policies and strong leadership on workforce EDI, this commitment is not always consistently applied across the organisation and through all tiers of management.

Three independent EDI Employee Experience reviews focusing on the experiences of LGBTQ+, disabled and ethnically diverse employees had been commissioned in response to the LGA peer review. These reviews were carried out by the Business Disability Forum, and Business in the Community, and identified a number of issues. Many of these mirrored the findings of the LGA review.

In particular there was discussion about the accessibility of the council's built environment and the effectiveness of the Equality Impact Assessment process. There was also concern about the implications of low data disclosure rates on the council's ability to respond to the issues identified in the reviews.

You don't know where the statistics you've got is correct. That's absolutely correct.

The council responded to the review by setting up an Accessibility Forum and appointing an Accessibility Officer. There was also discussion about the need to strengthen working relationships with voluntary and community partners and embed EDI ambitions fully across the organisation.

Pay Policy Statement 2024-2025

The committee considered the Pay Policy Statement 2024-2025, which had been updated following the annual review of Surrey Pay, and recommended it be published at the next full council meeting.

The statement is published annually to comply with the Localism Act 2011, and covers the remuneration of Chief Officers, the responsibilities of the committee in determining pay, and the council's policies on equal pay, redundancy and severance.

This year the statement included details of the Mutually Agreed Resignation Scheme (MARS), which had been approved by the committee in January 2024. The scheme had been piloted in Communications and Engagement, Surrey Fire & Rescue Service, and the Emergency Management Team, before being rolled out to the People and Change department. 6 applications had been approved, with 4 more in progress, before the scheme was paused.

The 2024/2025 pay award was considered to strike a good balance between the need for an affordable pay offer and the council's desire to pay the National Living Wage. The bottom loading of the pay increases was expected to further reduce the council's Gender Pay Gap.

Forward Work Programme

The committee noted that the restructure of the senior management team would be discussed at the November meeting. They also noted that Surrey Arts tutor pay and conditions would be discussed at a meeting in the new year.