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People, Performance and Development Committee - Monday, 9 September 2024 10.30 am

September 9, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Committee noted the 2024-25 Pay Policy Statement, and progress made in implementing the recommendations from the Local Government Association's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion peer review, and the Council's own reviews of the experiences of disabled, ethnically diverse and LGBTQ+ employees at Surrey County Council.

Forward Work Programme

The Committee discussed the Forward Work Programme. They decided to invite the Director of People and Change, Shella Smith, to the November meeting to discuss plans to restructure the senior management team.

Pay Policy Statement 2024-25

The Committee noted the Pay Policy Statement 2024-25 and agreed to recommend it to the next Full Council meeting for publication on the Council's website. The statement outlines the Council's pay policies for all staff, including senior management. It also includes details of the Mutually Agreed Resignation Scheme (MARS), which was approved by the Committee in January 2024. The scheme was launched as a pilot in the Communications and Engagement, SFRS and the Emergency Management Team and People and Change departments. A total of six applications have been approved, and four more are underway. The scheme is currently paused, and no further applications are being considered. The key changes outlined in the Pay Policy Statement reflect the outcome of the 2024-25 pay negotiations with UNISON and GMB in respect of Surrey Pay and terms and conditions for schools and non-schools.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Surrey County Council

The Committee received an update on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at Surrey County Council. This update followed a peer review carried out in 2023 by the Local Government Association (LGA), and three reviews commissioned by the Council of the experiences of ethnically diverse, LGBTQ+ and disabled employees at the Council. The LGA peer review used the LGA Equalities Framework to assess the Council's work on EDI in four areas:

  • Leadership and organisational commitment
  • Understanding and working with your communities
  • Responsive services and customer care
  • Diverse and engaged workforce

The review team found that the Council had made significant progress in recent years, noting that there had been a cultural shift since work began in 2018. They praised the strong leadership commitment shown by Surrey, and the commitment to reduce inequalities expressed in its guiding mission of ‘no one left behind’. The review also recognised the Council's strengths in using, collecting, sharing and analysing data, pointing to good practice examples of using co-production to develop services. The review team supported the Council’s approach to priority neighbourhoods for tackling geographical disadvantage and recognised the benefits of its locality-based teams such as Community Link Officers and Local Area Coordinators. Regarding EDI and the workforce, the team recognised the progress that has been made in recent years. It noted that the Council has shown leadership and commitment to being a more inclusive and equitable employer through the People Strategy, with a clear commitment to improving the diversity of its workforce. Positives highlighted in terms of employee experience included our Inclusive Staff Networks, and our work to achieve nationally recognised accreditation in areas such as family, carer and disability friendly practice. They praised our new approach to providing workplace adjustments (although noting the time to implement these can still be too long) and our ‘disability passport’, as well as our inclusive recruitment guidance and policies on bullying and harassment.

However, the LGA review also identified areas for improvement:

  • There is not a shared understanding of, and strategy to reduce, inequalities experienced by residents on the basis of things such as age, disability, ethnicity or sex.
  • Working relationships with voluntary and community partners around EDI need to be strengthened.
  • The commitment to workforce EDI is not always consistently applied across the organisation and through all tiers of management.
  • The training provided to staff, managers and Members on EDI needs to be reviewed.
  • Staff need better ways to raise concerns about discrimination.
  • There are issues around accessibility for disabled staff in terms of the built environment and digital and online information and services.
  • Some groups are overrepresented in formal HR processes.

The Committee was informed that the council is responding to the recommendation that there is not a shared understanding of, and strategy to reduce, inequalities experienced by residents by developing a shared strategic framework that draws together evidence on inequalities experienced by people in Surrey communities. They intend to use this framework to bring partners together to develop shared priorities and actions to address inequalities faced by residents.

The three staff reviews that were commissioned echoed the LGA review's findings and recommendations. A number of key issues were identified, including the need for better confidential reporting of concerns, the need to review recruitment practices, and the need for improved inclusivity from managers. The Committee was informed that these are being addressed in the delivery plan for the People Strategy in 2024/25. In response to the LGA review, the Council has set up an Accessibility Forum to ensure that issues of accessibility for disabled staff are addressed and has recently appointed a temporary Accessibility Officer on a 22 month contract. The findings and recommendations of the three staff reviews are being incorporated into the 2024-25 EDI Action Plan. Key recommendations from the staff reviews include:

  • Disability Review (Surrey CC Disability Review): The Disability Review recommended a review of policies to ensure they consider reasonable adjustments, a review of the workplace adjustment service, improved training and guidance for managers on disability, and a review of accessibility issues with the built environment.
  • Ethnically Diverse Review (Surrey CC Ethnicity Review - Exec Report v2): The Ethnically Diverse Review identified issues with organizational culture, leadership, and line manager relationships, bullying and harassment, decision making and Equality Impact Assessments, and developing underrepresented staff.
  • LGBTQ+ Review (Surrey CC LGBTQ Review - Exec report): The LGBTQ+ Review recommended a review of policies, improved communication and reporting processes, an increase in leadership representation, improved data collection and changes to decision making processes.

The Committee was informed that the recommendations from the three employee reviews will be incorporated into the 2024/25 EDI action plan. The EDI Programme Board will oversee the delivery of this plan to ensure that the recommendations are addressed. The meeting ended after this discussion, with the Committee agreeing to note the progress made and to receive an update on outstanding points at a future meeting.