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Planning Committee (Smaller Applications) - Monday 9 September 2024 7.00 pm
September 9, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Planning Committee (Smaller Applications) approved two planning applications, one for 67 Plough Way and one for 9 - 29 Eastlands Crescent, subject to conditions and a Section 106 agreement.
67 Plough Way, London SE16 2LS
The committee considered an application for the construction of a single-storey, one-bedroom house fronting Greenland Quay and Cunard Walk.
Councillor Jane Salmon, a ward councillor for the area, withdrew from the committee as a voting member and took no part in the debate or decision of this planning application. Councillor Adam Hood, also a ward councillor, declared a non-pecuniary interest but remained on the committee.
Objections were received from local residents on a range of grounds, including loss of privacy, noise nuisance, excessive development and concerns about the impact of the development on local ecology.
The development of a new two storey building would be of an excessive scale, height and massing relative to the backland nature of the host rear-garden site and would not appropriately respond to the site's constraints or its context.
Councillor Kath Whittam also objected to the proposal.
The applicant's agent responded to residents' concerns, and the committee voted to grant planning permission.
The committee’s decision was subject to a number of conditions, including maintaining the existing wall at Greenland Quay, and the completion of a Section 106 agreement. The agreement will require the applicant to make a financial contribution of £7,667 to mitigate the shortfall in outdoor amenity space provision1 and a financial contribution towards affordable housing provision in the event the property is sold within three years of completion. The committee also authorised the Director of Planning and Growth to refuse planning permission if the Section 106 agreement is not signed by 5 December 2024.
9-29 Eastlands Crescent, London SE21 7EG
The committee considered an application for the demolition of the existing two-storey detached dwelling at 9-29 Eastlands Crescent and its replacement with a new dwelling house and a two-bedroom ancillary annex, with a basement, a single-storey side extension and dormers within the rear roof slope.
Objections to the proposal were received, citing concerns about noise and dirt, the impact of the basement on neighbouring properties and the risk of flooding, the impact on trees, the impact on neighbours' privacy, the demolition of the existing property and the size and architectural style of the proposed dwelling house.
Councillor Margy Newens, a ward councillor, provided a written submission to the committee.
The applicant’s agent addressed the committee, and the committee voted to grant planning permission.
The committee's decision was subject to a number of conditions, including updated basement impact and construction environmental management plans, as well as conditions relating to tree protection, landscaping, cycle parking provision, refuse storage and a requirement to enter into a Section 278 agreement with the Highways Authority.
Outdoor amenity space is a term used in planning to refer to private gardens, balconies, communal gardens and roof terraces. ↩
Decisions to be made in this meeting
- Printed minutes Monday 09-Sep-2024 19.00 Planning Committee Smaller Applications minutes
- Agenda frontsheet Monday 09-Sep-2024 19.00 Planning Committee Smaller Applications agenda
- Public reports pack Monday 09-Sep-2024 19.00 Planning Committee Smaller Applications reports pack
- Supplemental agenda no.1 Monday 09-Sep-2024 19.00 Planning Committee Smaller Applications agenda