Planning Committee (Smaller Applications) - Monday 9 September 2024 7.00 pm

September 9, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting of the Planning Committee (Smaller Applications) was scheduled to consider two planning applications: one for the construction of a new house in Surrey Docks, and one for the demolition of an existing house and construction of a replacement dwelling and annex in Dulwich Village. It was also scheduled to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.

67 Plough Way London SE16 2LS

This application is for the construction of a new single-storey, one-bedroom house at the rear of 65 and 67 Plough Way.

The site is located on the corner of Greenland Quay and a pedestrian route called Cunard Walk. Eighteen objections to the application were received, and they largely focused on the perceived impact of the new dwelling on the privacy of neighbours, and on concerns that the proposal constituted overdevelopment. One comment in support of the application was received. The issues raised in the objections, along with other material planning considerations, were addressed in the report.

A report on the application explained that the proposal would be exempt from affordable housing requirements because it is a self-build project. It noted that:

In the event that the property is disposed of within three years, the development would become liable to affordable housing. In this case, a Section 106 legal agreement would be entered into to secure a contribution.

The report also mentioned that the new dwelling would not meet the minimum requirements for private outdoor space, but that this would be mitigated by a financial contribution from the applicant which would be secured by a Section 106 agreement.

A Daylight and Sunlight Assessment showed that the proposal would comply with the BRE guidance on the impact of new developments on the access to daylight enjoyed by neighbouring properties.

The report recommended that planning permission be granted subject to a Section 106 agreement and conditions. These conditions included a requirement to submit a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) to the Local Planning Authority.

9 - 29 Eastlands Crescent London SE21 7EG

This application requested permission for the demolition of the existing dwelling at 29 Eastlands Crescent and its replacement with a new five-bedroom house and a two-bedroom annex. The site is within the Dulwich Village Conservation Area.

A report on the application explained that a previous planning permission for the demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of two new semi-detached houses on the site had been granted, but had since lapsed.

The report noted that:

A case is made for demolition due to serious subsidence and structural issues is put forward in the submitted documentation. A resolution was made to grant consent for the demolition of the property under the previous planning permission 19/AP/0946.

It concluded that the proposed new dwelling would be an appropriate replacement for the existing one, and would preserve the character and appearance of the conservation area.

Twenty-five objections to the application were received, and two comments in support of the application. Many of the objections focused on the suitability of demolition in a conservation area, and the perceived impact of the new dwelling on the privacy of neighbours.

The report recommended that planning permission be granted subject to conditions. These conditions included: