Brentford and Syon Area Forum - Tuesday, 10 September 2024 7:30 pm

September 10, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting of the Brentford and Syon Area Forum was scheduled to begin with the Chair, Councillor Dan Bowring, presenting a short tribute to the late West Area Neighbourhood Police Sergeant Jim Cope. After the tribute, there was scheduled to be an informal networking event with marketplace-style stalls where residents could talk to representatives from local organisations, council officers and police.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

The minutes from the meeting on 29 February 20241 were scheduled to be discussed. These minutes include a presentation about the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which was given at the previous meeting by officers from the Planning & Building department. The presentation describes what the CIL is and how the money raised is used.

CIL – a levy on development intended to pay for the cost of infrastructure arising from new development. Every development that creates one or more new dwellings, or adds 100 sq metres to the floor area of an existing dwelling is required to pay CIL.

The presentation also included details of the income raised from the levy in Brentford and Syon, how that money was spent, and an update on which developments had paid the levy.

Development Updates

Updates were scheduled to be provided by developers on the following:

Mabel Ogundayo and Jake Preston were scheduled to introduce themselves on behalf of GSK and Neighbourly Lab respectively. Richard Pearce was scheduled to give the Ballymore update and Imogen Blanning was scheduled to represent Berkeley St Edward at the meeting.

Area Forum Steering Group

The meeting was scheduled to include a discussion of the Area Forum Steering Group, which had been proposed at the previous meeting.

Open Forum

The meeting was also scheduled to include an open forum giving members of the public an opportunity to address the meeting. Residents were asked to submit any questions/issues for the open forum in writing to the clerk,

  1. You can read the minutes from this meeting in the Minutes Public Pack 29022024 Brentford and Syon Area Forum