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Brentford and Syon Area Forum - Tuesday, 10 September 2024 7:30 pm
September 10, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting of the Brentford and Syon Area Forum was scheduled to include an informal networking event for residents to speak with local organisations, Councillors and the police before the formal meeting. During the formal meeting there were presentations scheduled from developers and a question and answer session, and the meeting was scheduled to end with an open forum for the discussion of matters raised by local people.
GSK Development
Mabel Ogundayo from GSK was scheduled to introduce Hadley.
Jake Preston was scheduled to introduce Neighbourly Lab.
Community Infrastructure Levy
This agenda item was included as it was discussed at the previous meeting of the Brentford and Syon Area Forum on 29 February 2024. The minutes of that meeting record that a presentation about the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) was given by Matthew Rees, Head of Development Management, and Bill Reed, Community Infrastructure Levy Team Leader.
Mr Reed's presentation explained that:
CIL – a levy on development intended to pay for the cost of infrastructure arising from new development. Every development that creates one or more new dwellings, or adds 100 sq metres to the floor area of an existing dwelling is required to pay CIL.
The presentation then listed the developments that had paid CIL, the amounts raised and how this money had been spent.
Ballymore Update
Richard Pearce was scheduled to provide an update about the Ballymore development in Brentford.
Homebase Site Update
Imogen Blanning from Berkeley St Edward was scheduled to provide an update on the Homebase site.
Q&A Session with the Developers
This item was scheduled to allow members of the public to ask questions of the developers who had given presentations earlier in the meeting.
Steering Group
Thomas Allan was scheduled to lead a discussion about the creation of a steering group.
This item was included on the agenda because at the previous meeting of the Brentford and Syon Area Forum on 29 February 2024:
The Chair, Cllr Bowring, stated that it was intended to establish a Steering Group of local residents to help guide future Area Forums.
The minutes of the meeting record that Cllr Lara Parizotto, the Vice-Chair, encouraged local people to get involved.
Open Forum
The Open Forum was scheduled to allow:
An opportunity for members of the public to address the meeting on general issues relating to the agenda and other issues not on the agenda. Please note that individual cases cannot be discussed.
Minutes of the meeting held on 29 February 2024 and Matters Arising
The minutes of the meeting of the Brentford and Syon Area Forum held on 29 February 2024 were scheduled to be discussed.
Urgent Business
The Chair was scheduled to set aside time to discuss any urgent business.
Decisions to be made in this meeting
- Agenda frontsheet Tuesday 10-Sep-2024 19.30 Brentford and Syon Area Forum agenda
- Public reports pack Tuesday 10-Sep-2024 19.30 Brentford and Syon Area Forum reports pack
- ToR AF
- MO Guidance on Declaring Interests - May 2022 other
- Minutes Public Pack 29022024 Brentford and Syon Area Forum other
- BSAF - Open Forum proforma - updated June 2023 other