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Heston and Cranford Area Forum - Thursday, 12 September 2024 6:30 pm

September 12, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting heard a presentation on proposed changes to Area Forums and considered a range of local issues. Decisions were made on the location for a new children's play area and on how to prevent unauthorised vehicles accessing the green on the Brabazon Estate.

Changes to Area Forums

The meeting heard a presentation from Thomas Allan, from the Council's Community Development Team, about proposed changes to the way that Area Forums operate.

The changes include the introduction of an action plan system, themed meetings and the establishment of community steering groups.

The proposed action plan system will allow residents to submit ideas for improvements to their neighbourhood, or report issues, to the council. The ideas will be considered at Area Forums, and the chair of the forum will then appoint an action champion from the ward councillors to establish a working group to progress the issue.

Themed Area Forums will see each forum focus on a particular topic, such as health or the environment. The topics will be selected by residents at the first forum in each cycle.

The Community Steering Groups will be informal groups made up of local residents and representatives from community groups and partners such as the police or local GPs. The steering groups will support the chair of the forum by recommending agenda items, services or community groups to be invited to the forums and ways in which the format of the meetings could be changed.

Area Forum Action Tracker

The meeting received an update on the Area Forum Action Tracker.

This is a list of issues that have been raised at previous meetings of the forum. The tracker is designed to ensure that issues raised by residents are followed up by the council.

Children's Play Area - Brabazon Estate

Councillor Shantanu Rajawat told the meeting that the council would be launching a consultation on plans for a new children’s playground on the Brabazon Estate later this year.

The consultation will be open to all residents of the estate, as well as those living on the nearby Norman Crescent Estate. It will include online and paper surveys, in-person consultation events and drop-in sessions at the Brabazon Community Centre.

Councillor Rajawat said that the council had listened to the concerns of local residents.

...residents raised concerns around a lack of children's play facilities on the Braveson estate - in particular the Braveson green - those that live in the area will know that there is a muga there for older children however as ward councils we were very conscious along with residents that there wasn't anything for younger kids so I can report back to you chair that the council will be launching a consultation later this year to gather residents views on the creation of a children's playground on Braveson open space...

Unauthorised Vehicles - Brabazon Estate

Councillor Karamat Malik told the meeting that bollards have been installed around the perimeter of the green on the Brabazon estate, at the request of a local resident, to prevent unauthorised vehicles accessing the site.

Councillor Malik said that the bollards will prevent a repeat of the problems that the resident had experienced in the past.

...this was raised in the forum 21st of March 2024 a resident from the Brisbane estate raised concern about multiple incursion by the travelers community on the open space the council park team have installed bollard around the parameter of the open space on the Brisbane state to prevent any unauthorized vehicles accessing this space in the future...

Cranford Community Hubs

The meeting heard a presentation on the Council's plans for community hubs in Cranford.

Proposed Meadowbank Community Hub

Elliot Jacobs, from the Council, told the meeting that the Council was working with partners, including the NHS, to bring a range of services together under one roof at Community Hubs across the borough.

He explained that the council was proposing to create a new community hub at the Meadowbank Centre in Cranford, bringing together a range of services including the library, adult education and children’s services.

Mr Jacobs told the meeting that the council had already started to deliver services from the Meadowbank Centre.

...we do have active community hub activity taking place...we have the new community hub at the children's center on the beavers estate so we've added to the offer already there that was going on...

He said that the Council was keen to hear the views of local residents on the proposals for the Meadowbank Centre and encouraged residents to complete a short survey.'s crucial as it says up there it really is crucial that we understand each of those individual places so as we stand at the moment in the cranford area we do have active community hub activity taking place so we my eyes can just about cope with that...

Residents raised concerns about parking at the Meadowbank Centre, the future of Cranford Library and the need for staff at the Meadowbank Centre to be more welcoming to members of the community.

In response to a question about the future of Cranford Library, Mr Jacobs said that no decision had yet been made but that a full options appraisal would be carried out.

Councillor Rajawat told residents that the new Meadowbank Hub would include Cranford Library.

...if it helps the community and it reassures the community it will be the Meadowbank Hub with the Cranford library in it...

The meeting concluded at 9pm.