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Licensing Sub Committee - Tuesday, 18th June, 2024 2.00 p.m.

June 18, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Licensing Sub Committee of Tower Hamlets Council met on Tuesday, 18 June 2024, to discuss several applications for new premises licences and variations to existing licences. Key decisions were made regarding applications for The Yard Theatre, Studio Spaces, and Colour Factory.

Application for a New Premises Licence for The Yard Theatre

The committee considered an application for a new premises licence for The Yard Theatre, located at Unit 2A, Queen's Yard, 43 White Post Lane, London, E9 5EN. The application was presented by Holly McColgan, the legal representative, and Jason Smith, the consultant on behalf of the applicant, Hatton Garden Properties Limited.

The application sought a shadow licence to protect the existing licence in case of lapses due to unforeseen circumstances. The committee noted that there were no objections from responsible authorities but considered written objections from three residents concerning noise and public nuisance. The committee decided to grant the application, noting that the shadow licence would not result in additional use or extended hours and would provide a safety net for the landlord.

For more details, refer to the The Yard Theatre cover report and The Yard Theatre Appendices Only.

Application for Variation of Premises Licence for Studio Spaces

The committee reviewed an application for a variation of the premises licence for Studio Spaces, located at 110 Pennington Street, London, E1W 2BB. The application sought to extend the hours for all activities on Sundays into Monday mornings and to make minor amendments to the current plan.

The applicant, represented by Sarah Clover and Jack Henry, faced objections from the Environmental Health Officer and the Licensing Authority due to concerns about noise and public nuisance. The committee noted that the premises are in a highly residential area and that the proposed hours were significantly outside the framework hours. The committee decided to refuse the application, citing insufficient evidence to mitigate the risks to public safety and the prevention of public nuisance.

For more details, refer to the Studio Spaces cover report and Studio Spaces Appendices Only.

Application for a New Premises Licence for Colour Factory

The committee also considered an application for a new premises licence for Colour Factory, located at Unit 8, Queen's Yard, 43 White Post Lane, London, E9 5EN. The application was presented by the applicant's representative, who explained that the venue would operate as an art exhibition space with occasional events.

The Environmental Health Officer raised concerns about noise and the lack of good transport links. The committee noted that since the premises are not currently licensed, they could not impose conditions upon the Temporary Event Notice (TEN). The committee decided to issue a counter-notice, preventing the event from proceeding, due to the potential for public nuisance.

For more details, refer to the Colour Factory cover report and Colour Factory Appendices Only.

Other Business

The committee also extended the decision deadlines for several applications until 31 July 2024. These included applications for Vittoria Wharf Studio, Slurp (Andina), Bethnal Green Working Men's Club, Uber, Xi Home Dumplings, House of Music & Entertainment, and 1 Cha.

For more details, refer to the Final Minutes - 14 May 24 and Draft Minutes - Lic Sub Committee - 23 April 24.