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Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Monday, 22nd April, 2024 6.30 p.m.

April 22, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The council meeting focused on several key community issues, including the progress of the LGA corporate peer review action plan, the insourcing of leisure provision, parking enforcement, and market challenges. The mayor's spotlight was postponed due to a bereavement.

  1. LGA Corporate Peer Review Action Plan: The council discussed the implementation of the action plan developed in response to the LGA's recommendations. The plan aims to address 18 core recommendations to improve council operations. The discussion highlighted the council's commitment to transparency and improvement, with a significant portion of the actions already completed. The plan is dynamic, allowing for ongoing adjustments and additions.

  2. Insourcing of Leisure Provision: The council is transitioning leisure services from an external provider (GLL) to in-house management. This move aims to enhance service quality and customer experience, address health inequalities, and improve financial performance of leisure centers. The transition includes a recruitment drive and infrastructure investments, with a projected move to operational surplus by the fourth year. Concerns were raised about ensuring adequate female-only sessions and staff.

  3. Parking Enforcement and Policy Review: The council plans to update its 15-year-old parking enforcement policy to better reflect current needs and technologies. New policies may include extending controlled parking zones, introducing an all-zone resident permit, and using an app for booking loading bays. The discussion also touched on balancing enforcement with fairness and the need for improved communication about policy changes.

  4. Market Challenges Session Report: The council reviewed a report on local market challenges, focusing on trader support, infrastructure improvements, and crime reduction. Recommendations were made to enhance market operations and trader experiences.

The meeting was marked by robust discussions on improving community services and infrastructure, reflecting the council's proactive approach to addressing local issues and feedback. The meeting began with an announcement that the Mayor could not attend due to a family bereavement, and the agenda was adjusted accordingly. The main topics discussed were the progress of the LGA Corporate Peer Review Action Plan, the insourcing of leisure provision, a spotlight on parking, and a review of the markets challenge session report.

The most significant topic was the LGA Corporate Peer Review Action Plan. Robin Beatty, Acting Director of Strategy and Improvement, provided an update on the progress of the action plan, which was published in December following an LGA review in September 2023. The plan includes 18 core recommendations and about 70 other suggestions for improvement. Beatty reported that 39% of the actions have been completed, and they aim to complete 85% by August 2024. The plan is a live document, meaning it can be updated as needed. Councillors raised concerns about the engagement process and the absence of the Chief Executive, who was expected to own the document. Beatty assured that the action plan reflects the LGA's recommendations and is open to additional suggestions from councillors.

The second significant topic was the insourcing of leisure provision. Councillor Iqbal Hossain, who was on leave, was represented by other officers who discussed the transition of leisure services from GLL to in-house management. The new vision, branded as Be Well, aims to improve customer experience, address health inequalities, and enhance community benefits. The transition involves a temporary closure of the centers for a week in May to facilitate the changeover. Councillors raised concerns about the impact on current memberships, the need for female lifeguards during women-only sessions, and the overall customer experience. Officers assured that these issues are being addressed and highlighted the potential for long-term financial sustainability and improved service quality.

The third topic was the parking spotlight. Officers presented an update on the refresh of the Parking Enforcement Plan, which was last updated 15 years ago. The plan aims to improve traffic flow, air quality, and customer service. New policy areas for consultation include extending controlled parking zone times, creating an all-zone resident permit, and increasing shared-use bays. Councillors raised issues about the impact of events on parking, the need for better communication about permit renewals, and the enforcement of parking regulations. Officers assured that these concerns are being addressed and highlighted ongoing efforts to improve parking services.

The final topic was the markets challenge session report, chaired by Councillor Shafi Ahmed. The report focused on key issues such as trader space, toilet facilities, crime, and engaging young people in markets. Councillors emphasized the need for a consistent approach to market management and the potential for council subsidies to support market improvements. The report was agreed upon, subject to minor changes.

In conclusion, the meeting covered significant updates on the LGA Corporate Peer Review Action Plan, the insourcing of leisure provision, parking services, and market improvements. Councillors raised various concerns and suggestions, which were acknowledged by the officers and will be addressed in future actions.


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 (Cabinet Member for Jobs, Enterprise, Skills and Growth) •  Aspire •  Bethnal Green West
Profile image for Councillor Bodrul Choudhury
Councillor Bodrul Choudhury  Scrutiny Lead for Housing and Regeneration •  Aspire •  Bromley South
Profile image for Councillor Ahmodur Khan
Councillor Ahmodur Khan  Scrutiny Lead for Resources •  Aspire •  Blackwall & Cubitt Town
Profile image for Councillor Abdul Malik
Councillor Abdul Malik  Chair of Human Resources Committee •  Aspire •  Blackwall & Cubitt Town
Profile image for Councillor Abdul Mannan
Councillor Abdul Mannan  Scrutiny Lead for Children and Education •  Aspire •  Bromley North
Profile image for Councillor Maisha Begum
Councillor Maisha Begum  Labour Party •  St Dunstan's
Profile image for Councillor Marc Francis
Councillor Marc Francis  Labour Party •  Bow East
Profile image for Councillor Asma Islam
Councillor Asma Islam  Chair of Overview and Scrutiny •  Labour Party •  Weavers
Profile image for Councillor Sabina Khan
Councillor Sabina Khan  Aspire •  Mile End
Jahid Ahmed  (Co-optee)
Halima Islam  Scrutiny Co-Optee
Profile image for Councillor Sabina Akhtar
Councillor Sabina Akhtar  Aspire •  Stepney Green
Profile image for Councillor Mohammad Chowdhury
Councillor Mohammad Chowdhury  Labour Party •  Mile End
Afazul Hoque
Daniel Kerr
Filuck Miah