Strategic Development Committee - Tuesday, 14th May, 2024 6.30 p.m.

May 14, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting focused on several key topics, including the approval of a new pedestrian and cycle bridge at Ailsa Wharf, the redevelopment of Caxton Hall Community Centre, and procedural matters related to the Bishopsgate Goods Yard and the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC).

Ailsa Wharf Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge

The committee discussed a planning application for a new pedestrian and cycle bridge across the River Lea at Ailsa Wharf. The bridge will connect Tower Hamlets with the London Borough of Newham. The application was recommended for approval, subject to conditions. Key points included:

  • The bridge will facilitate cross-borough movement and is part of the Isle of Street site allocation within the local plan.
  • The design includes a Bow String Arch Bridge with a 33-meter wide and 3-meter high navigable channel for boats.
  • Concerns were raised about the head height clearance under the bridge and potential anti-social behavior.
  • Conditions will be applied to secure detailed materials, finishes, colors, and an operational management plan.

Caxton Hall Community Centre Redevelopment

The committee considered a planning application for the redevelopment of Caxton Hall Community Centre. The proposal includes the demolition of the existing building and the construction of a part 7, part 9-story building with 36 affordable housing units and a replacement community center. Key points included:

  • The new development will provide 100% affordable housing, all at social rent.
  • The proposal includes landscaping of the Four Seasons Green, child play space, and improvements to the Malmsbury Road multi-use games area.
  • Concerns were raised about the height of the building, its impact on daylight/sunlight for neighboring properties, and the loss of the existing ball court.
  • The committee voted to approve the application, with a majority in favor.

Bishopsgate Goods Yard Procedural Matters

The committee discussed the procedure for dealing with reserve matters applications for the Bishopsgate Goods Yard. The Greater London Authority (GLA) will retain decision-making powers, but Tower Hamlets will provide observations. Key points included:

  • The site is a large strategic development straddling the boundary between Hackney and Tower Hamlets.
  • The committee agreed that future reserve matters applications should be referred to them for observations before being sent to the GLA.

London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) Interim Delegation Scheme

The committee considered an interim delegation scheme related to the LLDC. Planning powers will be transferred back to Tower Hamlets and other boroughs on December 1, 2023. Key points included:

  • The interim delegation scheme will allow Tower Hamlets to handle new applications submitted to the LLDC three months before the transfer date.
  • The committee agreed to the interim delegation scheme, which will be formalized by full council in July.

The meeting concluded with acknowledgments and thanks, marking the final meeting for the year.