Children and Education Scrutiny Sub-Committee - Thursday, 9th May, 2024 6.30 p.m.

May 9, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Children and Education Scrutiny subcommittee meeting focused on reviewing various initiatives and strategies related to children's social care, education, and public health. Key topics included the draft Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) strategy, the Safeguarding Children Partnership's annual review, and a scrutiny challenge session report on child healthy weight.

  1. SEND Strategy Review:

    • Decision: The committee reviewed the draft SEND strategy for 2024-2029, aiming to improve support for children with special needs.
    • Arguments: Emphasis was placed on the need for early identification and support, particularly for under-fives, and enhancing opportunities for young adults.
    • Implications: The strategy is expected to streamline services and ensure timely support, potentially improving educational and developmental outcomes for children with SEND.
  2. Safeguarding Children Partnership Annual Review:

    • Decision: The annual activities and priorities of the Safeguarding Children Partnership were presented, highlighting efforts in anti-racism, neglect, peer-on-peer harm, and infant safety.
    • Arguments: The partnership stressed the importance of multi-agency collaboration and the role of independent scrutiny in enhancing child protection.
    • Implications: Strengthening the partnership's initiatives is likely to enhance protective measures for children, addressing both immediate safety and long-term welfare needs.
  3. Child Healthy Weight Scrutiny Challenge Session Report:

    • Decision: The committee agreed on eight recommendations aimed at promoting healthy eating and physical activity among children.
    • Arguments: Discussions focused on the accessibility of healthy food options near schools and the need for culturally sensitive approaches to diet and exercise.
    • Implications: Implementation of these recommendations could lead to improved health outcomes for children and reduce the prevalence of obesity and related health issues.

Interesting Occurrence:

  • The meeting highlighted the proactive involvement of young people in the scrutiny process, particularly in the anti-racism initiatives of the Safeguarding Children Partnership, showcasing an inclusive approach to policy-making.