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Licensing Committee - Thursday, 13th June, 2024 7.15 p.m.

June 13, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Licensing Committee of Tower Hamlets Council convened on Thursday 13 June 2024 to discuss several key issues, including the election of the Vice Chair, the establishment of licensing subcommittees, and the annual review of the late night levy. Councillor Shubo Hussain was elected as the Vice Chair, and the committee approved the terms of reference and meeting dates for the licensing subcommittees. The annual review of the late night levy highlighted its financial impact and the initiatives funded by it.

Licensing Committee Terms of Reference

The committee reviewed the Licensing Committee Terms of Reference, which were included in the meeting agenda and are available to the public. Councillor Peter Golds proposed that the terms be approved without detailed discussion, noting their availability in the public record. The committee unanimously approved this item.

Establishment of Licensing Subcommittees

The committee discussed the Establishment of Licensing Subcommittees, including their terms of reference and meeting dates. Councillor Golds emphasized the need for additional members to chair the panels, which operate in groups of three. Volunteers for chairing the panels included Councillor Sabina Aktar, Councillor Asma Islam, Councillor Mushtaq Ahmed, Councillor Lilo Ahmed, Councillor Rebecca Sultana, and Councillor Ahmed Dukabir. The committee approved the establishment of the subcommittees and the appointment of the chairs.

Late Night Levy Annual Review

The Late Night Levy Annual Review was presented by Mr. Lewis and Mr. Hosseini. The review covered the income received, expenditure, and initiatives funded by the levy for the year 2023/24. The total income from the levy was £258,000, with £55,516 deducted for administration costs. The remaining funds were used for various initiatives, including additional police patrols and operations to tackle nitrous oxide sellers. The committee discussed the effectiveness of these initiatives, particularly the use of portable urinals to reduce public urination.

Councillor Asma Islam raised questions about the estimated budget for 2024/25 and the need for reactive measures to address seasonal increases in issues like litter and public urination. Mr. Lewis explained that the budget is based on the previous year's levy collection and any surplus from prior years. He also noted that reactive measures can be implemented based on intelligence received by the Licensing Enforcement Forum.

Prosecutions and Appeals Report

Mr. Melnick presented the Prosecutions and Appeals Report, covering the calendar year 2023. The report detailed four prosecutions and six appeals, highlighting the council's success in upholding licensing decisions. Councillor Golds commended the committee's robust decision-making process, which has led to favorable outcomes in appeals and cost recovery for the council.

The meeting concluded with Councillor Golds expressing his gratitude to the members and officers for their hard work and dedication. He emphasized the importance of maintaining the high standards of the Licensing Committee and encouraged members to continue their efforts in the coming year.