Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 21st May, 2024 6.30 p.m.

May 21, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting focused on several key administrative and operational issues within the Tower Hamlets Council, including the appointment of committee members, the establishment of subcommittees, and a detailed discussion with Mayor Lutfur Rahman on the council's achievements and challenges.

Mayor's Spotlight

Mayor Lutfur Rahman provided an overview of the council's achievements and challenges over the past year. He highlighted several key initiatives:

  • Education Maintenance Allowance and University Bursary Schemes: These programs aim to support students in pursuing higher education.
  • Free School Meals: Tower Hamlets is the only borough in the country to offer free school meals to all students up to the age of 16.
  • Cost of Living Support: A £10 million investment to support residents through the cost of living crisis.
  • Council Tax Freeze: A universal council tax freeze for all residents in the first year, with continued freezes for the poorest residents.
  • Youth Services: Nearly £14 million investment in youth services.
  • Community Safety: Recruitment of 42 additional Tower Hamlets Enforcement Officers and new CCTV infrastructure.
  • Resident Hubs: Reopening of five resident hubs across the borough.
  • Environmental Initiatives: Planting thousands of new trees, retrofitting council buildings with green technology, and installing over a thousand electric vehicle charging points.
  • Waste Services: A £14 million investment in waste services, including greening the fleet and bringing Tower Hamlets Homes in-house.

Key Challenges

The Mayor also discussed several challenges:

  • Housing: The council aims to build 4,000 affordable homes for rent by 2026.
  • Financial Stability: Ensuring the financial stability of the council and meeting savings targets.
  • Homelessness: Addressing the increasing demand and cost of temporary accommodation and homelessness services.
  • Customer Services: Improving the customer journey and interaction with residents.

Committee Appointments and Subcommittees

The committee confirmed the appointment of various scrutiny leads and the establishment of subcommittees:

  • Scrutiny Lead for Adults and Health Services: Councillor Baledin
  • Scrutiny Lead for Children and Education: Councillor Abdulman
  • Scrutiny Lead for Housing and Regeneration: Councillor Baledin
  • Scrutiny Lead for Resources: Councillor Abdulman
  • Scrutiny Lead for Community Safety: Councillor Pseudogovernment
  • Environment and Climate Emergency: Councillor Nathadi Beyond Free

Governance and Restructuring

The Chief Executive, Stephen Halsey, discussed the restructuring of the council to improve service delivery and support for the scrutiny function. He emphasized the need for additional resources and a more integrated role for the statutory scrutiny officer.

Questions from Committee Members

Committee members raised various questions on topics such as:

  • Governance of Tower Hamlets Homes: Concerns about the transition and governance structure.
  • Free School Meals: Ensuring continuous improvement and monitoring.
  • Customer Services: Improving the customer journey and interaction with residents.
  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND): Addressing delays in assessments and improving services.
  • Homelessness: Prioritizing support for the most vulnerable and addressing the increasing demand.
  • Crime and Community Safety: Efforts to reduce crime and improve community safety.
  • Maternity Services: Concerns about the quality of maternity services at Royal London Hospital.

Statutory Guidance for Scrutiny

The committee reviewed the recently published statutory guidance for overview and scrutiny committees, emphasizing the importance of a strong culture, adequate resources, and effective planning.

Co-opted Member Attendance

The committee discussed the attendance of co-opted members and decided to provide additional support to help them overcome barriers to attendance, with a review in six months.


The meeting concluded with a reminder of the next meeting date and plans for an introduction to scrutiny for new members and a work program setting workshop.