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Annual Meeting, Council - Wednesday, 15th May, 2024 7.00 p.m.
May 15, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingTranscript
You You You You You You You You You You You Thank you, be seated, please. Good evening, everyone in us salam alaikum. This annual council meeting is a special meeting of the council to an elected new sticker of the council upon counselors to service chairs and members of the committee for the forthcoming year. Consider any report necessary. I would like to thank everyone for attending, including the online participant and the members of the public in the gallery. I trust that you will show courtesy. In particular, I want to remind all members of the public that you must not shout out to the public. You must not shout out or otherwise disturb the meeting. If anyone does disturb the meeting, I will ask them to be removed from the meeting. I had to do this at a recent meeting and I will not hesitate to do it again. This meeting has been broadcast live by the council website. The cameras will be mainly focusing on the council meeting. In view of these, I would remind members that residents are looking on counselors to act in a professional and respectable manner and to show the world in the best possible light. I would therefore remind members to keep all contribution brief and relevant to the subject matter under discussion. To not stand or start to speak until I have called you, to speak through me and do not address comment to other members of the public gallery. To not interrupt each other or make comments while other members are speaking and to be respectful to each other at all times. To not kiss each other's officers during proceeding and most importantly, if I stand, all members must sit down and be quiet. I will go out and only take the action as a last result. I will ask for the removal of any members or visitors should their behavior become destructive. If the fire alarm rings, please follow the instruction of the facilities staff who will direct you to the exit. Before the council is asked to elect a new speaker, the current speaker of the council will address the meeting on the term of office and his work over the last year. Thank you, Linda. Thank you, everyone. Firstly, I would like to thank Mayor Luzuramand and my colleague, I close the branch for giving me the opportunity to be the first citizen of this bar for the past year. You put your faith in me to be an ambassador for the 100th and to chair the meeting of the council. I have done my very best to carry out both duties in a fair and impartial way and to promote the borough while where about I go. It has been an honor and privilege to be the first citizen of this wonderful borough and an unforgettable year for me. I have tried to attain all the invitation I have received to be mentioned in the community, celebrating milestone and achievement with the people of power on that and visiting the organization to see the work as they are doing. It has been an absolute pleasure and I thank them for their warm welcome and hospitality. I have also regularly attended citizenship ceremonies and welcome new citizens to the borough, which I really enjoyed speaking to them and learning about their new citizens. This is important for the first citizen I was happy to be invited in to join in. We had a successful civic award event a couple of weeks ago where we celebrated people who leave work or study in Tower Hammers and who have gone above and beyond to improve the lives of our citizens and make the borough a better place. The nomination for the next year award will open later in the years. Please keep an eye out and make sure to nominate those people you know who have deserved to be recognized. I chose to support two charities during my term, which both work to provide compassionate care and support for people living with life, limiting illness. The first is St. Joseph Ospice, the second is Indian Care UK. Part of the river, Indian Care UK, part of the river, St. Joseph Ospice is well known to residents of the city and eastern and has been providing care to its residents since 1905. I also chose Indian Care to support those community in our borough, especially from minority communities. It is our responsibility to ensure that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, receive the care and compassion that deserve during the most vulnerable moments. We held it traded in our last December to raise plans for them, which was well supported, and I would like to thank our sponsor Meers Hill Partnership and Poplar Harka. This general sponsorship enabled us to raise almost 20,000. I would like to thank my consulates colleague in the room, as many of them supported the event and contributed towards the money raised for the charities. I would like to thank my family for supporting me during my years to speak out of my concert. In particular, my daughter Ms. Mariette, Susan Achoudry, who was my consulates for the number of engagement and my friend, Afsarajim. One of these was the Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Place last week. I'd also like to thank Matthew and the Democratic Service team. First, I mean, particularly I have to name Tishi and Benny. Thank you Tishi and Benny for your hard work and support you provided. And then special thank goes to my constant companion, Danny, who has advice and supported me through every event. Going forward, I continue to serve the decisions of my work and this board. And we will enjoy my road as a counselor working with my colleagues and to deliver for them. Thank you again. Thank you.
- Thank you, speaker. Does any member wish to respond to the speaker's address? I do have some members listed. First of all, Councillor Ick, Bao, Hussein.
- Thank you, speaker, members, mayor, colleagues. The Lensbury Ward was proud to have Councillor Jai-Choudhury to take this special role as a first citizen of Bora, the speaker of Tarhamdatt. And likewise, it was an immense brother for me, seeing you as a speaker of this Bora, and I had the privilege to attend numerous reception to place in your parlour, and this very, very much in the chamber for the distinguished guests from this country and abroad. And despite his busy schedule, Councillor Jai-Choudhury didn't forget his word. He has been there with us, myself and Councillor Hittman, always, it's an issue there, community issues, or meeting the local groups. We had how many meeting I don't know, it was countless. To reserve each in our Bora, in our word, and he put immense contribution with us to resolve this issue. It's always happened in some communities, in our communities. So he's been resolved. I thank him, I wish him the best, and I would like to see him joining us in a different way to serve this community and the residents of Lensbury Ward equally rewarded. Thank you. Thanks. Councillor Natalie, be in the fair.
- Thank you. Just a note, Councillor Iqbal, who's saying you're microphone is still on. All right, thank you. Thank you, speaker, for your work over the past year, presiding over these meetings, and also representing the Bora externally at civic events. We've got a few more people coming into the room. My comments are directed mostly at the incoming speaker, but also look back at the year that we've just had, because it's been a strange year in which these meetings have wildly oscillated between fractious and febrile, and quite muted and reserved. But I'm interested to see how the new speaker, whoever it is, will be able to use these meetings in the coming year to really get the most out of these meetings, but also get the most out of us as the political representatives of this Bora. When I looked back at the year, past year.
- Can I ask everyone to sit down, please? Before in the gallery background, please, can you take your seat?
- Thank you, speaker. When I looked back at the last year of council meetings, I was disappointed because I couldn't help but notice just how much time was given to unnecessary political toxicity. However, we had had meetings, which were smooth, and which we could engage in some real issues. For example, in November, we observed a minute silence for the innocent civilians killed in the conflict between Israel and Hamas. We've also debated issues such as the importance of getting young people into shaping our council, women's safety, the importance of the performance of our social housing providers and supporting our workers to get a fair deal. These are all highlights for me. However, there have been some real low points. For example, consistently, motions from both sides of the chamber have been amended, in my view, to cover uncomfortable truths or overstate successes. The budget meeting in February descended into chaos after audience members disrupted proceedings. We've also only reached members' questions I counted twice in the whole year, but the main atmosphere and the feeling that I get from these meetings is the tone is often accusatory and aggressive sometimes. Or, on the other hand, filibusterings. These are sitting through maybe pointless long speeches about not very much at all. We have an opportunity, and the speaker has an opportunity to reform these meetings into a serious debating chamber, which are residents are proud to watch. We can, and we should, be debating issues, really, really important issues, like improving our environment, fixing child poverty, fixing problematic drug use, providing culturally sensitive services, being a welcoming, compassionate borough, being a beautiful borough, which all of us can be proud of. So, speaker, please, the new speaker, the old speaker, please do everything you can to ensure that we get the most out of this chamber and that we conduct ourselves in an exemplary way for everyone watching. Thank you.
- Councillor Abdul-Mannon.
- Thank you.
- A year ago, we placed our faith in you, speaker, to a great ambassador for the borough. You have not disappointed us. You have done a great job. Especially raising money for the charities, St. Joseph Hospice, and I didn't care. I was especially pleased when you choose St. Joseph Hospice as one of your charity. I lost my father to cancer in a similar hospice place, he was there. And therefore, I knew how important the hospice is and how well you chosen that charity is hard to me, how they care for my father when he was last and of his life. And therefore, I'd like to thank you again for choosing these hospice for your charity and done a wonderful job. You are a great speaker. Thank you.
- Councillor Gold.
- Thank you very much, colleagues. I'd like to direct this directly to the speaker. We are here tonight. We are exactly what the electorate deliver. We can't complain about what is here because we are what the electorate are delivered and we are here what we are. For which I have to say, Mr. Speaker, you've managed for the whole year to ride a very, very difficult peril, even quartet of horses running in all directions, for which I think we in the council chamber owe you a thanks. But I would like to echo our colleague on the other side of your chosen charity and that is St. Joseph's Hospice. St. Joseph's is a remarkable place, giving end of life care to people who need it. And it is not only to the people who are at end of life, it is to their loved ones who can go and see people in a place of rest and harmony. And I really would like to thank you very much for using that as your charity. And thank you very much for the money that you have raised. And congratulate you on doing your best to hold this extraordinary council together.
- Councillor Abdul with the aid.
- Thank you very much. Firstly, Mr. Speaker, on behalf of everyone, on this side as well as the other side, we want to thank you very much for your contribution as a speaker. You truly did a really good job in terms of, there have been some very difficult moments within the chamber as highlighted, but you've actually conducted those situations in a very professional manner and with integrity. So I'd like to thank you on that. And I've had the pleasure of going to many events with yourself. It was a pleasure to accompany you to those events and it was a very good experience. So I would like to hopefully be going forward. I would like to see you basically in terms of whatever role that you take on. I'm sure you're going to do justice to that job. So well done and thank you very much. And I'm sure the speaker to follow you has got a very tough job to keep up with the work that you've done. Thank you very much.
- Councillor Pastern.
- Thank you. I have a bit of a sore throat, probably from talking too much. So I'm going to keep my comment short, you'll be relieved to know. I just wanted to add my thanks to the hard work that you have put in over the last 12 months. I don't think it's an easy role. I think at times there's been some really challenging behaviour in this room and I think you've dealt with that in a calm and confident manner. I would also add that I think I've asked a question in every single council meeting in the last 12 months. So for that, I am grateful that we had more time in the second year of this administration for members' questions. And I'm sure you will continue to make space for scrutiny and questions in your new role within ONS, but thank you so much.
- Councillor Mustac Ahmed. (whistling)
- Thank you. Your skill in leading council meetings, balancing firmness, with fairness, is really commendable. Your dedication to charitable causes during your tenure, particularly for the Eden Care and St. Joseph's Hospice, reflect your compassion and commitment to the welfare of our community.
- Looking ahead, Mr. Speaker, I look forward to your continued contributions in your new roles as I believe at the ONS. Your expertise and dedication will undoubtedly enrich our collaborative effort and collective effort to lead and lead to further improvement for our community. Thank you very much, best wishes.
- Councillor Ola.
- Thank you. Mr. Speaker, can I just start by thanking you on carrying out one of the most important duties in the council? Although we have an executive mayor, but it's actually the unifying figure of this council is the chain mayor, as people call him, Mr. Blink. So you did this job fantastically well this year, and the two charities that you chose, I think many colleagues across the chamber have echoed the sentiments. But can I also mention that the money that you help will contribute to people's dignity, and especially Eden Care, a charity that has established in this borough, working with volunteers. So thank you for that. And all I will say is that this is just the beginning, it's not the end, although the chain won't be there, the driver won't be there in the morning, but the duty will resume, the caseload in your wonderful ward with the other two wonderful colleagues that you have, you'll carry on doing the best job for the people of Lansbury. But on a personal note, I was just sharing a conversation, it doesn't mind me saying Mr. Ludgates here, a distinguished figure who sits there, or used to sits on the council with, as a representative of the king. And I'm sure if Leslie Morgan was here, he will be saying to the new person that your party will be elected as the speaker, that this is a very important role for one that represents the best of this borough, a resident who resides in this borough, but also who is an ambassador for this borough. So you've been a great ambassador for this borough, irrespective of what the difficulties in this chamber, and if there is difficulty, it's also the people who voted for those difficult characters in this chamber. They also may be hopefully will next time think twice about who they vote. But in your one year, you've done a fantastic job, I wish you all the very best. And once again, thank you for celebrating the wonderful charities that you champion. Thank you very much.
- Councillor Mao to talk to her.
- Thank you, thank you, Mr. Speaker. I think this was one of the last time I'm gonna call you Mr. Speaker. Thank you for your hard work dedication, positively represent in our borough. You've had many challenges over the last year due to so many issues, and also council issues, especially in the chamber. I think you've done really well. You've overcome the challenges. So I would like to give you an easy challenge, Mr. Speaker, to give me a snooker. So good luck.
- Thank you.
- Councillor Islam.
- Thank you. Can I join my colleagues in this chamber, Mr. Speaker, to thank you for all the great work you've done as first citizen of this borough, in particular, your two chosen charities that you've raised a funds for. So St. Joseph's Hospice I know very well. I visited them a couple of times in the cabinet. I met the chief executive. They do some wonderful work at the end of life care. And Eden care, of course, I know the organization very well. In particular, they did some fantastic sterling work to the COVID when the sporty people who are especially in terms of burial needs and the sporting families who are brave, so fantastic to charities. You've helped raise funds. Councillor Francina, of course, we attended your charity ball. And we mostly enjoyed the occasion of the dancing that for this afterward. Of course, I left before the dancing started. So well done on that. But echoing other colleagues as well, that being on that seat I'm sure is quite challenging to chair some of the challenging meetings that we've had this year. But you've done your best to make sure that the council meetings have functioned very well. But some of those meetings indeed have been very difficult and very challenging. And particularly female colleagues on this side sometimes have felt very, very uncomfortable. I hope that the new speaker coming would have kind of taken on board some of those lessons and to make sure that going forward this municipal year that council meetings are better organised and better managed given everyone the opportunity to have debates in discussion and democracy and the benefits that we all enjoy in this great borough. So thank you again and well done on your year. I speak and I look forward to seeing you back on the backwainches.
- Councillor Oohay-Dalmed.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Can I just start by thanking you for your hard work, your commitment to this part as a fast citizen. I think I'm just very fortunate to have you as my colleague in length very well as a council like Baloksen said. You do a fantastic job. I must say you are very humble, you are down to art and you did your best as a speaker. I can remember one occasion you were doing a duty in this chamber and there was an issue in my work. And you left your meeting and you just joined the groups who were fighting with each other. That shows your commitment for the people of my world. And I'm grateful for your service. You also chosen towards as every colleague has said that these charities are very, very close to our heart, particularly Horse Spice and Eden Care. Eden Care is a grassroots organization that developed within the community and they're run by volunteers. And choosing this organization as a speaker, again, it tells you a lot about you. So I just want to thank you for your service. I wish you all the best position comes and goes. But as Abdul al-Assad probably will not have changed and drive it tomorrow, but you were a lovely man. You'll carry on with your dignity. Thank you.
- Councillor Spina come.
- Mr. Speaker, I hope the sweet memories of being a speaker will stay in your heart forever. Thank you for raising the money for the charities, both charities, especially for the cancer charity. I just want to say, I really enjoyed talking to you and seeing you as a speaker. But what I want to say is you've been a good speaker as well as a good Councillor. I've come to you with many case works regarding Lansbury and you've carried them out. You didn't say I don't have time. Go to other Councillors. So I just want to say congratulations for being a speaker. And also, I want to say good luck with the challenges ahead of you. Thank you. Thank you for your time and your thank you to your family and your daughter as well.
- Councillor could be the same.
- Thank you, Speaker. I think you have done a fantastic job as a speaker of the Council. And we have so many good memories in your bedtime and good time as well. And that becomes nostalgic for me. I can comment one comment. It taxes me the other day and you say it. You're not only Councillor, you become my family member. I can remember forever your comments. You have integrity, you have loyalty and you have dedication. And I believe you can continue with your service for the residents. And I wish you all the best.
- Councillor Amina Ali.
- Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'll say thank you for this year. As most of my colleagues and everyone in the ham chambers already said, it's been a very challenging year for you. And you've been a speaker with grace and you've handed it really well. And you've really been calm through much of a storm that's happened in this Council Chamber over the past year. And for that, I'm grateful. Being a speaker is a real privilege and it's a neutral role. And it's a role that's really important to make sure that the different voices that are in the chamber, that represent the different communities and the different diverse communities of this borough are heard clearly. And I hope going forward that the next speaker, I've only got one gripe is I've had as the only Afro-Caribbean descent person in this chamber, there have been times as a speaker when I felt that maybe I wasn't given, I was overlooked by the speaker when I had my hand raised or what, you know, I wanted to speak. And I'm hoping that was just an oversight because I would not like to think that that was me not being able to speak on behalf of different communities. And I hope the new speaker is able to allow women's voices and voice of different diverse communities to be heard clearly in this chamber because I think it's important as elected members that all the voice of this borough are heard clearly because suppressing one voice is suppressing all voices. And I'm hoping that going forward, that's something that's not going to happen is chamber. And I don't no longer feel that my voice isn't being heard. I'm just hoping that doesn't happen again. But apart from that, I wish you well and thank you for your service. Councillor Sullough, Ahmed.
- Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'd like to start with thanking you for completing the congratulations for completing your one year term today. Thank you for serving this wonderful borough. We have a great affection as a speaker of the council. You are second to a non-Mr. Speaker. I really congratulate you on your success. And especially you have tackled some of the meetings was really quite hard for would be most of the speakers, but we have seen that how peacefully and it ended, especially from your side, Mr. Speaker. I'm really glad we had you as a speaker for the past year. And I hope you hope you enjoy the risk of the term, whatever position you have, Mr. Speaker. We know inside the council. Thank you very much. Councillor, be there all night.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, since you become Speaker, there was so critical time. I was wondering, how can you handle, but you did wonderful job and handling your adjustment was very good. Thank you so much for your incredible job. And thank you for helping for charity. And you are very friendly. You are handling very strongly and it was very loyal. We've got wonderful support and adjustment from you. Aye. Thank you. (audience applauds)
- Thank you. I'll now return the proceedings to the speaker.
- Thank you. Thank you very much for your lovely work. I want to mention one thing, that you owe me a dinner. Beat you twice. (audience laughs) And he owes me a dinner. So thank you for your kind work. I've really enjoyed it. And I've tried my best. And I can assure you, would be over-side amenable when part of me, but probably time was limiting. I haven't ignored anybody. And I've tried to be fair as much as possible. And thank you for your kind work again. I'll try my best to do my utmost best for my work, because I know it is privileged to be a counselor. And my first loyalty to my work and my constituents, because they have elected me as their counselor, as their representative. And it is my duty to serve them loyally and honestly. And again, thank you all my colleagues and me, thank you very much. So I'll begin to the. (audience applauds) Thank you. (audience applauds) So the first item of business for decision this evening is to elect a counselor to serve as a speaker of the council. May I please have the nomination for the position of speaker of the council for 2024 and 25. Consular, my (indistinct)
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to propose Councilor Seifood in Holland. Thank you.
- Thank you. Is there any? Is there a seconder? Councilor COVID Ahmed.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to formally second council at that proposal.
- Thank you very much. Are there any other nominations? No. Does anyone wish to comment on the proposed nominations? (audience applauds) Councilor, now vote on the proposed nomination to elect a speaker of the council for 2024, 25. All those in favor of the nomination to elect Councilor Seifood in Holland as a speaker of the council to 2024, 25. Have you noted? All those against? Any abstention? (audience applauds)
- Thank you. I therefore declare that Councilor Seifood in Holland is duly elected to serve a speaker of the London Ballroom of the Council. (audience applauds) Thank you very much. (audience applauds) Thank you. Would I please invite Councilor Seifood in Holland to come onto the dais and the proposal and seconder of the nomination to join him to witness the speaker. (audience applauds) This may as an exception of the office. Will the photograph of this come forward to record the signing of the new speaker of the council? (audience applauds) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience applauds) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience applauds) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience applauds) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) Just a brief announcement so that everybody is aware of what's going on in terms of proceedings. The speaker has just left the chamber, the new speaker will arrive in a couple of moments and the meeting will recommence. Thank you. (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (gavel bangs) (gavel bangs) (gavel bangs)
- Good evening ladies and gentlemen, Councillors and distinguished guests. I would like to begin by thanking Councillor Jaha'i Choudhury and congratulating him on this year, on his year as the speaker of the council. He has been a fair and effective chair in this chamber and a worthy ambassador for the borough. He has been very kind and a source of wisdom for me and indeed, he has truly become an elder brother of mine. Thank you so much, dahitwei. It was an absolute honor and privilege to work with you as the deputy speaker of London Borough of the Hamlets. Thank you, really appreciate it. (audience applauds) I would also like to thank the mayor and my fellow Councillors, for electing me to be the speaker for this year ahead. I humbly accept your mandate. I particularly pay tribute to each and every member of my constituency, Bromley Northward, for electing me as a Councillor and I am ever so grateful to every member of this community of London Borough of the Hamlets. It is an honor to know that you are placing your faith in me to be an ambassador for our Hamlets and to be inside over these meetings of the full council. I look forward to carrying out this role and will do my very best to serve the people of this chamber and this borough as their first citizen. As I take on the role of the speaker, I want to emphasize my commitment to serving the people of our Hamlets with fairness and integrity. We are proud of our multicultural community in our Hamlets and of our borough, which is a wonderful place to leave. We continue to welcome new residents to the borough and I look forward to meeting as many residents and community groups as possible in this era ahead. To support me in carrying out this role, my concerts will be my fellow young professional, Barista Noodlehudajunath, community activist, Hasnab Choudhary and another community activist, Mukam Melhok. I'm starting my time of office during difficult times with the cost of living crisis, still affecting our residents and conflicts around the world having an impact on our borough. So it is more important than ever for us to work together to make sure our residents know that they have our support and that we are continuing to create opportunities for them to improve their lives through education and employment, encouragement, and inspiration. In this way, working together, I'm sure that the Star Hamlets will emerge from these difficult times as stronger and more unified community. (audience applauding) Furthermore, I nominated two charities during my time, which I will support, both of which work with young children and family. The first one is Six Children's Trust and the second one is Osmani Trust. I place to carry out my duties in this chamber with fairness and robustness. I will request each and every member's cooperation and professional assistance in this respect together with the offices of the council. I would like to thank everyone today at the gallery for attending the MGM including my wife, Saeeda Saifakalik, and my two children, Hassan and Jumanah. When I entered this chamber as a speaker, everyone stood up and so did my parents. And my mother-in-law, all of them are here at the gallery. This is quite overwhelming for me as their son, as it is usually the other way around. As we do this out of respect to our parents, however, I appreciate it as this was for the speaker's position, respecting the process of democracy. Ladies and gentlemen, democracy matters. It shapes our life, our society and our future and the life of our generations to come. And so I would like to reach out to the younger generations of this community as often as possible with the view to encourage them positively in their life, in their career, and indeed encourage them to get involved in the democratic process. Finally, ladies and gentlemen, as the first citizen of this power as a speaker, my intention is to create an environment where every voice is heard, where diverse perspectives are respected and where the interest of those who elected us to this role are at the forefront of our decisions and in our mind. Thank you so much for listening to me. (audience applauds)
- Thank you. Now, before we turn to our agenda for this evening, I would remind members that this meeting is being held in public and residents are looking on councils to act in a professional and respectful manner and to show the borough in its best possible light. To that, I would remind members to remind members to keep all contributions brief and relevant to the debate. I will be looking to enforce the three minutes rule by banging the gavel once when you have 10 seconds of your speech time left. I don't want to obstruct or disturb your flowness of your speech so that you can finish your speech smoothly without reminding you that you have 10 seconds or five seconds left. So the sound of this gavel will indicate that you have 10 seconds left. Thank you. I would like to also remind the members to raise your hand should you wish to speak, to not start, stand or start to speak until I have cooled. Or also would like to remind members to speak through me as the speaker and do not address comments to other members or the public gallery. Also, to not to interrupt each other or make comments whilst other members are speaking and be respectful to each other at all times. And most importantly, if I stand as the speaker, all members must sit down and be quite pleased. I have obtained a list of speakers for each item. I will follow this list. If any other members wish to speak, please indicate that, but I cannot guarantee that I can accept your request. Thank you. The second item of business for decision this evening is to elect a counselor to serve as deputy speaker of the municipal, of the council for the municipal year, 2024, 25. May I please have nominations for the position of deputy speaker of the council for 2024 and 25. Councillor Mayoum Talutar.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to formally nominate Councillor Lococo.
- Do we have a seconder? Councillor Cobirameth.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'd like to formally second, Councillor Talutar's proposal.
- Thank you. Are there any other nominations? No. Thank you. Unless anyone has wishes to speak, full council will now vote on the proposed nomination to elect the deputy speaker of the council for 2024, 25. All those in favor of the nomination to elect counselor, Sulu Gameth, as the deputy speaker of the council for 2024 and 25. Can you please raise your hands? All those against? Okay. Any abstentions? With that, I'm pleased to declare that Councillor Sulu Gameth is duly elected to serve as the deputy speaker of the London Borough of Canada for 2024 and 25. I look forward to working with you over the Councilor Ahmed, congratulations. Agenda item three is apologies. Apology for absence have been received from Councillor Emily. Any other apologies for absence?
- Councillor Rachel Beck.
- Councillor Rachel Beck.
- Councillor Perks.
- So as there is no other apologies for absence, would like to swiftly move to agenda item number four. agenda item four is declarations of disposable pecuniary interest. Would any member who has a disposable pecuniary interest on any other items on the agenda please indicate now. Swiftly moving on to agenda item number five is the minutes of the previous meeting. The draft unrestricted minutes of the council meeting held on 8th of March, 2024 have been circulated with the supplementary agenda. 8th of May, 2024 have been circulated with the supplementary agenda. Are the draft minutes agreed as correct record? The minutes agreed. Agenda item number six is to receive announcements. I understand that there are no announcements to make this evening. Thank you. Swiftly moving to agenda item number seven. Agenda item seven is a noting report on the Mayor's cabinet and executive appointments for 2024-25. The report appendix has been tabled and has been published on the council's website and through the MOD golf app. I would like to ask Mayor Luthrowman to introduce this report and move the recommendation. You have three minutes, Mr. Mayor. Deputy Mayor, Councillor Magmaire, Taloggar would like to introduce this report and move the recommendation, please.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Before I table the arrangements, I would like to extend a heartfelt gratitude to my fellow outgoing lead members for the hard work and good fellowship to this administration and the resident of this borough. Councillor Kobehosein, Councillor Igbalousin, and Councillor Suleuk Ahmed. On behalf of the Mayor, the whole council, our thanks are profound. We are forever to be grateful to the dedication you have shown throughout your time. On that note, we'd also like to welcome Councillor Kamri-Lousin, Councillor Mustac Ahmed, and Shafi Ahmed to the cabinet, all whom we are confident are going to lead on their respective portfolios with the resident as their main priority. I would like to propose the arrangement as statement. Thank you.
- Councillor, Councillor Taloggar, thank you. Do we have a seconder to seconder report? Councillor Kobehre, Ahmed to seconder report.
- Thank you, Mr. Chair.
- I have three minutes.
- I formally second.
- Thank you. Does any member wish to speak? You will have three minutes, Reg. On the report. So we have no one. Councillor Ojida, Councillor Ojida.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Just very briefly, I just want to congratulate the new members in the cabinet. I'm sure they all do a fantastic job. I would like to also outgoing cabinet members, particularly Michael and Councillor Iqbalu-Sane, Councillor Ojida and Councillor Kobehre, and in particular, he was very visible. He went around to the people, when the people were in a difficult situation dealing with their waste. He physically went to those homes and the constituents to help them. And I particularly, personally, then Kobehre was saving for his hard work. And all the colleagues, particularly outgoing cabinet members for their hard work. Thank you very much.
- Thank you, Councillor Ahmed. Does any other member wish to speak? So in that case, does the council note the mayor's executive scheme of delegation?
- Yes.
- As I don't see any objections, we will take this as noted unanimously. Moving on to agenda item eight, is a report on proportionality and establishment of committees. Can Councillor Maheem Thaluk, the deputy mayor, introduce the report and at the same time, move this amendment.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This report sets out the council's rule for appointing the council's committees on proportional basis as required by the regulations. This report sets out committees which are unchanged from the current setup, except for the reduction in size of the audit committee agreed by the committee earlier in the year. I'm also proposing an amendment to the report to increase the size of overview of scrutiny committee from nine to 11 to increase the available membership to the expertise available to this important body. At this makes the overview of scrutiny committee the second largest committee at the council. It results in one of the three positions for the ungroup members being allocated to the committee. The climate emergency is an issue that touches every part of the society. And our borough is no exception. We feel that decision needs to be taken seriously and more firmly embedded in the policy, strategic and decision-making process of the council. Therefore, as five members of the overview and scrutiny committee will be proposing at the committee meeting on Tuesday the creation of an additional scrutiny lead for environment. In addition, should she wish to take up the position our members of the committee will be proposing Council on Natura due to her commitment to the climate emergency and environmental issues. So I would like to formally propose this. Thank you.
- Thank you, Councilor Taluk-Dar. I call upon Council Cobiram to second this report and the amendment. You have three minutes.
- I formally second.
- Thank you, Councilor Ahmed. Does any member wish to speak? Councilor Mark Francis.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Congratulations on your election. We look forward to serving under your chairmanship over the course of the year and we also look forward to your charity work as well. So three weeks to go, the members of the overview and scrutiny committee and the officers who support us in that work sat in this very room and reflected upon the last year. We looked at what we thought had worked well, which for some of us was a relatively small amount and we looked at some of what had not gone so well, which again, for some of us was really quite a lot. But that's not to say that good work hasn't been done, that people have been doing their best and people are coming at it from a different perspective, political perspective, we understand that. So we looked through the committee's work and we looked through, we thought about some of the changes that might be needed to improve the committee, to make it stronger, to make it more transparent, to make it more effective and to make it a more useful thing for the people of Tower Hamlets. And we came up with a whole load of solutions, Mr. Speaker. But none of those solutions that were proposed by the members of the committee were an increase in the membership of the committee. I don't think that people feel that there's not enough people on the committee. The problem is about the way that the executive and the administration engage with the committee. And in fact, not just the members opposite, but also the council corporately, the way that it engages. And in fact, that symptomatic really of the way that the scrutiny committee is treated. In fact, there's a report that's going to cabinet tomorrow to the Maryland cabinet tomorrow that comes from the administration, from the executive, from the council corporately, about what is going to be done to improve, overview and scrutiny in Tower Hamlets. Again, none of that really reflects the views of members of the committee. So it doesn't reflect the opposition members of the committee. Perhaps that's going to change in the year ahead under its new chair. We really wish him well as well. But if these are not the solutions, we have to ask ourselves, to the problem, we have to ask ourselves, what is this actually being put for? What is this change actually being put on the table for? And I think it's really obvious to see what it's been put on the table for. It's been put here to try to impress the best value inspection team that there's really nothing to see about overview and scrutiny in Tower Hamlets. There's objectivity in it. An opposition member is on it. Well, really, at this late stage of proceedings, it really isn't going to persuade anybody. It really isn't going to impress anybody. So we want to see stronger scrutiny. We're not opposed to there being an increase in committee membership. But what we want to see is really meaningful power in the hands of individual scrutiny members, including all opposition members who serve on the committees and its subcommittees. So I just wanted to put that on the record. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
- Thank you, Councillor Mark Francis. Does any other member wish to speak? Councillor Hidham.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I forgot to congratulate you for your new role. I'm sure you will do a very best term. And as a professional, you're looking to have the one, you already promised, that you'll be impartial, and you'll try to serve every member of this chamber. So thank you for your comment. I just wanted to ask something, obviously quite unusual proposals in this paper. I fully support most of the positions proposing this paper. But one of the positions particularly, I have some reservations, and I already took some advice. It's about licensing committee chair. Personally, many of you know I just, I don't compromise with my values. I don't compromise with my ethical lifestyle. And I don't compromise with my principle. And I think I somewhat, my principle has been compromised tonight by the mayor. And I just cannot support, I cannot forget the past. And I cannot support this individual to be the chair of the licensing committee. And therefore, I just want you to note that I am just opposing this proposal, and rest of this, obviously, I'm supporting tonight. Thank you.
- Councillor Maim, Councillor, look there.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Just to show you wrong, we're not pleasing anyone. We purely, we've done that for the purpose of inclusion and representation. We are proposing a female councillor, or position councillor, to a position on scrutiny committee address the critical cap in the body. So the climate emergency deserves, we've given serious consideration. And this has underpinned our decision to offer the councillor this paid position in the spirit of fairness and opportunity. And also, I would like to add two of our councillors have forgotten paid position, and we understand that Councillor Golds will accept the chair of the licensing, but he will not be taken any as a way. So therefore, there is no increase in overall cost. In fact, we are reducing the cost. And also, to assure the Labour Party, we are also giving them an extra position on STC. Thank you.
- Thank you, Councillor Talakar. Councillor, naturally Ben Frit.
- Thank you, Speaker. Welcome in your new role. I look forward very much to seeing how you look after us in the council chamber over the next year. So the issue of the environment and climate emergency, I believe, until now, could have done with more scrutiny in the council, 'cause it didn't have a specific scrutiny lead. So I'm very pleased to see that the administration has both introduced this new scrutiny lead for this vital area, and I'm also very happy to accept it. And I'm looking forward to acting as a strong critical friend to the administration on this vital issue that will have far-reaching consequences for the people of this borough, and for the future people of this borough. Thank you.
- Thank you, Councillor Ben Frit. Does any other member wish to speak? I don't think anybody wishes to speak. So with that, we have now come to the conclusion. So does the council agree the recommendations? Firstly, to agree the review of the proportionality and the allocation of the seats on the committee and subcommittees for the municipal year, 2024-25, and the secondly, agreed to establish the committee's set out for the municipal year, 2024-25, and for places to be allocated on those committee. All those in favour? All those against? Are there any abstentions? The report is carried. Thank you. Moving on to item number-- agenda item nine is a report setting out nominations to committees of the council. The list of group and the other nominations has been published as supplement on the council's website and through the app. A proposed amendment to the report has also been published. I would like to now formally ask Councillor Mayim Thaluk, the deputy mayor, to introduce the report and also move your amendment. Councillor Thaluk, that. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The report sets out a position to be appointed on the council's committee and some other body as required. The report also sets out a position of chair of the council's committees and any nominations received. All the received nominations have been published and circulated where there are too many nominations received for many positions. The council will be asked to vote on their choice available. The proposed amendment adjusts the list of membership appointment based on agreed changes to the agenda item eight, and the council has just considered. I would like to propose the take amendment. Thank you. Thank you, Councillor Thaluk. I would like to now call upon Councillor COBIRAMO to second the report and the amendment. You have three minutes. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I formally second the amendment. Thank you, Councillor Ahmed. Does any member wish to speak on this item? Councillor Sabine-Achter. Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and congratulations to you and your new role. Just a slight mistake. And so we're requesting a small amendment. So to remove Councillor Amina Ali from the HR Committee and replace her with Councillor as nicely. Okay, that's not. Thank you, Councillor Sabine-Achter. Do we have a seconder for that? Yes, sir. Councillor SRI, do you listen? Thank you, does any other member wish to speak? We don't see anyone. So with that full council will be asked to confirm the appointments as have been tabled. Does the council agree the appointments and the nominations for chair as set out in the table papers subject to the above votes? And the arrangements in respect of any unfreeled places. And the changes as mentioned earlier. Thank you. Thank you. Appreciate it. [INAUDIBLE] The report is agreed anonymously. Thank you. Moving on to agenda item 10 is the report setting out the updated calendar of council and the committee meetings for 2024-25. The report asks member to note the revised calendar, including the changes set out in the report. I would like to now ask Councillor Mayimiatal of the Deputy Mayor to introduce the report. We have to say thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to formally introduce the proposal report. And also, having a discussion with you, Mr. Speaker, I would like to also propose a change of date of the council meeting due to be held in July. I'm concerned that the 30th of July is too far into the summer holidays. And so I would like to change this date to Wednesday the 17th of July. So that's my amendment. Thank you. Thank you, Councillor Taluk. Can I now call upon Councillor Kabir Ahmed to second the vote to have three minutes? Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I formally second. And the amendments. Second the amendments. I second the amendment as well. Thank you, Councillor. Does any member wish to speak? Councillor Asma Islam. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And congratulations on your appointment as well. I just want to point out, we're happy to agree the changes for the next four council. But for the last two years, there's been several occasions where meeting dates, calendar dates have been changed. There's been clashes with committees. We thank all the officers that do support us, that put the committees together. But if we can bear in mind and work hard as possible to make sure that we stick into these dates, because there are members of this council that have caring responsibility. And childcare is an issue. So if we can try and keep to the dates, because it does throw a lot of personal life issues in the four members, so we're trying to have equal opportunities for all, please. Thank you, Councillor Asma. Does any other member wish to speak on this? Councillor Abut, I'll have children. Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and congratulations to you again. Just a small note, when it comes to religious holidays, we've got Hajj and Edolata for 2024. But for 2025, we've just got Edolata. So if you can kindly consider Hajj dates through that here as well.
- Thank you, we'll look at that. I suspect it may not have been listed if it was into the next municipal year, but we will double check.
- Unless we have any other speaker, can we now go to the conclusion of this? So can we agree the recommendation in the report to approve the calendar subject to the amendment proposed by Councillor Mayim Talukda? I don't see any objection, so we'll take this as agreed unanimously. Thank you. Agenda item 11 is a report setting of the Council's Constitution. Once again, can Councillor Mayim Talukda, Deputy Mayor, introduce the report.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
- I would like to introduce the report attached is the yellow report asking for the meeting's endorsement of the Council's Constitution. It is considered best practice for ano council to receive a report setting out the Constitution and also notifying the changes which have been agreed during the year. These are set out in the report. Most of the changes are minor, but it's worth noting the appointed member officer relation protocol, which was agreed at the Council in November 2023. This is a vitally important document setting out how members and officers should work with each other in the best interest of the borough and its residents. Notice that the Constitution working group is due to meet in the next few days to review the options for improvements to the Constitution. And any updates proposed by that group will be presented at the general purpose committee and council at the appropriate time. So I would like to formally propose a report. Thank you.
- And as usual councilor Coby-Ramen to second the report, we don't have any amendments, is any so? Yeah, councilor Coby-Ramen.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I formally second the report.
- Thank you, councilor Ahmed. Does any member wish to speak? In that case, can we agree the recommendations in the report illustrated put forward by councilor Mayim Talukdal? Firstly, note the work of the general purposes committee. Secondly, to confirm the re-adoption of the council's constitution as set out at appendices one to four of the report. I don't see any objections, so we'll take this as agreed unanimously and the report is carried. Thank you.
- Thank you. We're now moving to agenda item 12 is a report on the use of the special agency provisions of the council's constitution for 2023 and 24, is that correct? And once again, councilor Mayim Talukdal, deputy speaker to introduce the report. Sorry, deputy mayor. Deputy mayor, I didn't, definitely I don't want to demote you, yeah.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, each year, I know council receives a report, which sets out occasion when special urgency provisions have to be used in relation to the executive report. The executive always works hard to give us much notice as possible for all members' decision making, but very occasionally the urgent situation will develop, which requires a decision. This report lists one occasion delegation of authority to make the decision whether to grant a license to occupy areas of Victoria Park in the summer autumn of 2024 at times to be more, especially as specifically agreed. There were three reports over the year, which had to be exempted from the council calling process. The above report plus renewal of financial system contract, which is existing supplier, and concidulated civic applications contract. All of the above were agreed with the chair of our Vivian Scutiny Committee as required by the constitution. So I formally oppose the report, thank you.
- Thank you, councilor Talukdal, councilor Kabir Ahmed to secondary report.
- I firmly second the report, Mr. Speaker.
- Thank you, councilor Ahmed for your great service. Does any member wish to speak? (speaking in foreign language) Leader of the opposition.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And can I also join my colleague to welcome you. I congratulate you and your other speaker. And then welcome you, can I also perhaps invite you to live in this great borough as first citizen if you haven't already moved in. The point that I wanted to make on this report is that there's cabinet meeting tomorrow evening, and there's been lots of late circulation of reports, and indeed the same applies for the HR committee as well. I'm sure you can understand. It's very difficult for members to be able to read and critique some of those reports if they're driven by slowly one after another. And I also understand there has been no meeting of the August-Gutiny Committee meeting either which normally precedes a cabinet meeting, so that pre-decision questions and other important items can be considered. So I just wanted to make those points for the record.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, Councillor Islam. Does any other member wish to speak? I don't see anyone wishes to speak. So in that case, does the council note the report on the use of the special urgency provisions? I don't see any objections, and so we'll take this as noted unanimously, and the report is carried. So with that, we have now come to the conclusion of the meeting, and the time is probably 8.30, so we are quite on time, right on time for dinner. So that concludes. (audience applauds) I haven't finished, I've got something to say, okay. That concludes the business of the annual council. Let me use my glass. Annual council meeting, and I thank you all for attending and your contributions, particularly the members and the members of the community at the gallery. All members and my guests are very welcome to join me for my speakers' reception over in the grocery swing. Please remain in your seats until I have left. Thank you so much. (audience applauds) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) [BLANK_AUDIO]
You You You You You You You You You You You Thank you, be seated, please. Good evening, everyone in us salam alaikum. This annual council meeting is a special meeting of the council to an elected new sticker of the council upon counselors to service chairs and members of the committee for the forthcoming year. Consider any report necessary. I would like to thank everyone for attending, including the online participant and the members of the public in the gallery. I trust that you will show courtesy. In particular, I want to remind all members of the public that you must not shout out to the public. You must not shout out or otherwise disturb the meeting. If anyone does disturb the meeting, I will ask them to be removed from the meeting. I had to do this at a recent meeting and I will not hesitate to do it again. This meeting has been broadcast live by the council website. The cameras will be mainly focusing on the council meeting. In view of these, I would remind members that residents are looking on counselors to act in a professional and respectable manner and to show the world in the best possible light. I would therefore remind members to keep all contribution brief and relevant to the subject matter under discussion. To not stand or start to speak until I have called you, to speak through me and do not address comment to other members of the public gallery. To not interrupt each other or make comments while other members are speaking and to be respectful to each other at all times. To not kiss each other's officers during proceeding and most importantly, if I stand, all members must sit down and be quiet. I will go out and only take the action as a last result. I will ask for the removal of any members or visitors should their behavior become destructive. If the fire alarm rings, please follow the instruction of the facilities staff who will direct you to the exit. Before the council is asked to elect a new speaker, the current speaker of the council will address the meeting on the term of office and his work over the last year. Thank you, Linda. Thank you, everyone. Firstly, I would like to thank Mayor Luzuramand and my colleague, I close the branch for giving me the opportunity to be the first citizen of this bar for the past year. You put your faith in me to be an ambassador for the 100th and to chair the meeting of the council. I have done my very best to carry out both duties in a fair and impartial way and to promote the borough while where about I go. It has been an honor and privilege to be the first citizen of this wonderful borough and an unforgettable year for me. I have tried to attain all the invitation I have received to be mentioned in the community, celebrating milestone and achievement with the people of power on that and visiting the organization to see the work as they are doing. It has been an absolute pleasure and I thank them for their warm welcome and hospitality. I have also regularly attended citizenship ceremonies and welcome new citizens to the borough, which I really enjoyed speaking to them and learning about their new citizens. This is important for the first citizen I was happy to be invited in to join in. We had a successful civic award event a couple of weeks ago where we celebrated people who leave work or study in Tower Hammers and who have gone above and beyond to improve the lives of our citizens and make the borough a better place. The nomination for the next year award will open later in the years. Please keep an eye out and make sure to nominate those people you know who have deserved to be recognized. I chose to support two charities during my term, which both work to provide compassionate care and support for people living with life, limiting illness. The first is St. Joseph Ospice, the second is Indian Care UK. Part of the river, Indian Care UK, part of the river, St. Joseph Ospice is well known to residents of the city and eastern and has been providing care to its residents since 1905. I also chose Indian Care to support those community in our borough, especially from minority communities. It is our responsibility to ensure that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, receive the care and compassion that deserve during the most vulnerable moments. We held it traded in our last December to raise plans for them, which was well supported, and I would like to thank our sponsor Meers Hill Partnership and Poplar Harka. This general sponsorship enabled us to raise almost 20,000. I would like to thank my consulates colleague in the room, as many of them supported the event and contributed towards the money raised for the charities. I would like to thank my family for supporting me during my years to speak out of my concert. In particular, my daughter Ms. Mariette, Susan Achoudry, who was my consulates for the number of engagement and my friend, Afsarajim. One of these was the Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Place last week. I'd also like to thank Matthew and the Democratic Service team. First, I mean, particularly I have to name Tishi and Benny. Thank you Tishi and Benny for your hard work and support you provided. And then special thank goes to my constant companion, Danny, who has advice and supported me through every event. Going forward, I continue to serve the decisions of my work and this board. And we will enjoy my road as a counselor working with my colleagues and to deliver for them. Thank you again. Thank you.
- Thank you, speaker. Does any member wish to respond to the speaker's address? I do have some members listed. First of all, Councillor Ick, Bao, Hussein.
- Thank you, speaker, members, mayor, colleagues. The Lensbury Ward was proud to have Councillor Jai-Choudhury to take this special role as a first citizen of Bora, the speaker of Tarhamdatt. And likewise, it was an immense brother for me, seeing you as a speaker of this Bora, and I had the privilege to attend numerous reception to place in your parlour, and this very, very much in the chamber for the distinguished guests from this country and abroad. And despite his busy schedule, Councillor Jai-Choudhury didn't forget his word. He has been there with us, myself and Councillor Hittman, always, it's an issue there, community issues, or meeting the local groups. We had how many meeting I don't know, it was countless. To reserve each in our Bora, in our word, and he put immense contribution with us to resolve this issue. It's always happened in some communities, in our communities. So he's been resolved. I thank him, I wish him the best, and I would like to see him joining us in a different way to serve this community and the residents of Lensbury Ward equally rewarded. Thank you. Thanks. Councillor Natalie, be in the fair.
- Thank you. Just a note, Councillor Iqbal, who's saying you're microphone is still on. All right, thank you. Thank you, speaker, for your work over the past year, presiding over these meetings, and also representing the Bora externally at civic events. We've got a few more people coming into the room. My comments are directed mostly at the incoming speaker, but also look back at the year that we've just had, because it's been a strange year in which these meetings have wildly oscillated between fractious and febrile, and quite muted and reserved. But I'm interested to see how the new speaker, whoever it is, will be able to use these meetings in the coming year to really get the most out of these meetings, but also get the most out of us as the political representatives of this Bora. When I looked back at the year, past year.
- Can I ask everyone to sit down, please? Before in the gallery background, please, can you take your seat?
- Thank you, speaker. When I looked back at the last year of council meetings, I was disappointed because I couldn't help but notice just how much time was given to unnecessary political toxicity. However, we had had meetings, which were smooth, and which we could engage in some real issues. For example, in November, we observed a minute silence for the innocent civilians killed in the conflict between Israel and Hamas. We've also debated issues such as the importance of getting young people into shaping our council, women's safety, the importance of the performance of our social housing providers and supporting our workers to get a fair deal. These are all highlights for me. However, there have been some real low points. For example, consistently, motions from both sides of the chamber have been amended, in my view, to cover uncomfortable truths or overstate successes. The budget meeting in February descended into chaos after audience members disrupted proceedings. We've also only reached members' questions I counted twice in the whole year, but the main atmosphere and the feeling that I get from these meetings is the tone is often accusatory and aggressive sometimes. Or, on the other hand, filibusterings. These are sitting through maybe pointless long speeches about not very much at all. We have an opportunity, and the speaker has an opportunity to reform these meetings into a serious debating chamber, which are residents are proud to watch. We can, and we should, be debating issues, really, really important issues, like improving our environment, fixing child poverty, fixing problematic drug use, providing culturally sensitive services, being a welcoming, compassionate borough, being a beautiful borough, which all of us can be proud of. So, speaker, please, the new speaker, the old speaker, please do everything you can to ensure that we get the most out of this chamber and that we conduct ourselves in an exemplary way for everyone watching. Thank you.
- Councillor Abdul-Mannon.
- Thank you.
- A year ago, we placed our faith in you, speaker, to a great ambassador for the borough. You have not disappointed us. You have done a great job. Especially raising money for the charities, St. Joseph Hospice, and I didn't care. I was especially pleased when you choose St. Joseph Hospice as one of your charity. I lost my father to cancer in a similar hospice place, he was there. And therefore, I knew how important the hospice is and how well you chosen that charity is hard to me, how they care for my father when he was last and of his life. And therefore, I'd like to thank you again for choosing these hospice for your charity and done a wonderful job. You are a great speaker. Thank you.
- Councillor Gold.
- Thank you very much, colleagues. I'd like to direct this directly to the speaker. We are here tonight. We are exactly what the electorate deliver. We can't complain about what is here because we are what the electorate are delivered and we are here what we are. For which I have to say, Mr. Speaker, you've managed for the whole year to ride a very, very difficult peril, even quartet of horses running in all directions, for which I think we in the council chamber owe you a thanks. But I would like to echo our colleague on the other side of your chosen charity and that is St. Joseph's Hospice. St. Joseph's is a remarkable place, giving end of life care to people who need it. And it is not only to the people who are at end of life, it is to their loved ones who can go and see people in a place of rest and harmony. And I really would like to thank you very much for using that as your charity. And thank you very much for the money that you have raised. And congratulate you on doing your best to hold this extraordinary council together.
- Councillor Abdul with the aid.
- Thank you very much. Firstly, Mr. Speaker, on behalf of everyone, on this side as well as the other side, we want to thank you very much for your contribution as a speaker. You truly did a really good job in terms of, there have been some very difficult moments within the chamber as highlighted, but you've actually conducted those situations in a very professional manner and with integrity. So I'd like to thank you on that. And I've had the pleasure of going to many events with yourself. It was a pleasure to accompany you to those events and it was a very good experience. So I would like to hopefully be going forward. I would like to see you basically in terms of whatever role that you take on. I'm sure you're going to do justice to that job. So well done and thank you very much. And I'm sure the speaker to follow you has got a very tough job to keep up with the work that you've done. Thank you very much.
- Councillor Pastern.
- Thank you. I have a bit of a sore throat, probably from talking too much. So I'm going to keep my comment short, you'll be relieved to know. I just wanted to add my thanks to the hard work that you have put in over the last 12 months. I don't think it's an easy role. I think at times there's been some really challenging behaviour in this room and I think you've dealt with that in a calm and confident manner. I would also add that I think I've asked a question in every single council meeting in the last 12 months. So for that, I am grateful that we had more time in the second year of this administration for members' questions. And I'm sure you will continue to make space for scrutiny and questions in your new role within ONS, but thank you so much.
- Councillor Mustac Ahmed. (whistling)
- Thank you. Your skill in leading council meetings, balancing firmness, with fairness, is really commendable. Your dedication to charitable causes during your tenure, particularly for the Eden Care and St. Joseph's Hospice, reflect your compassion and commitment to the welfare of our community.
- Looking ahead, Mr. Speaker, I look forward to your continued contributions in your new roles as I believe at the ONS. Your expertise and dedication will undoubtedly enrich our collaborative effort and collective effort to lead and lead to further improvement for our community. Thank you very much, best wishes.
- Councillor Ola.
- Thank you. Mr. Speaker, can I just start by thanking you on carrying out one of the most important duties in the council? Although we have an executive mayor, but it's actually the unifying figure of this council is the chain mayor, as people call him, Mr. Blink. So you did this job fantastically well this year, and the two charities that you chose, I think many colleagues across the chamber have echoed the sentiments. But can I also mention that the money that you help will contribute to people's dignity, and especially Eden Care, a charity that has established in this borough, working with volunteers. So thank you for that. And all I will say is that this is just the beginning, it's not the end, although the chain won't be there, the driver won't be there in the morning, but the duty will resume, the caseload in your wonderful ward with the other two wonderful colleagues that you have, you'll carry on doing the best job for the people of Lansbury. But on a personal note, I was just sharing a conversation, it doesn't mind me saying Mr. Ludgates here, a distinguished figure who sits there, or used to sits on the council with, as a representative of the king. And I'm sure if Leslie Morgan was here, he will be saying to the new person that your party will be elected as the speaker, that this is a very important role for one that represents the best of this borough, a resident who resides in this borough, but also who is an ambassador for this borough. So you've been a great ambassador for this borough, irrespective of what the difficulties in this chamber, and if there is difficulty, it's also the people who voted for those difficult characters in this chamber. They also may be hopefully will next time think twice about who they vote. But in your one year, you've done a fantastic job, I wish you all the very best. And once again, thank you for celebrating the wonderful charities that you champion. Thank you very much.
- Councillor Mao to talk to her.
- Thank you, thank you, Mr. Speaker. I think this was one of the last time I'm gonna call you Mr. Speaker. Thank you for your hard work dedication, positively represent in our borough. You've had many challenges over the last year due to so many issues, and also council issues, especially in the chamber. I think you've done really well. You've overcome the challenges. So I would like to give you an easy challenge, Mr. Speaker, to give me a snooker. So good luck.
- Thank you.
- Councillor Islam.
- Thank you. Can I join my colleagues in this chamber, Mr. Speaker, to thank you for all the great work you've done as first citizen of this borough, in particular, your two chosen charities that you've raised a funds for. So St. Joseph's Hospice I know very well. I visited them a couple of times in the cabinet. I met the chief executive. They do some wonderful work at the end of life care. And Eden care, of course, I know the organization very well. In particular, they did some fantastic sterling work to the COVID when the sporty people who are especially in terms of burial needs and the sporting families who are brave, so fantastic to charities. You've helped raise funds. Councillor Francina, of course, we attended your charity ball. And we mostly enjoyed the occasion of the dancing that for this afterward. Of course, I left before the dancing started. So well done on that. But echoing other colleagues as well, that being on that seat I'm sure is quite challenging to chair some of the challenging meetings that we've had this year. But you've done your best to make sure that the council meetings have functioned very well. But some of those meetings indeed have been very difficult and very challenging. And particularly female colleagues on this side sometimes have felt very, very uncomfortable. I hope that the new speaker coming would have kind of taken on board some of those lessons and to make sure that going forward this municipal year that council meetings are better organised and better managed given everyone the opportunity to have debates in discussion and democracy and the benefits that we all enjoy in this great borough. So thank you again and well done on your year. I speak and I look forward to seeing you back on the backwainches.
- Councillor Oohay-Dalmed.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Can I just start by thanking you for your hard work, your commitment to this part as a fast citizen. I think I'm just very fortunate to have you as my colleague in length very well as a council like Baloksen said. You do a fantastic job. I must say you are very humble, you are down to art and you did your best as a speaker. I can remember one occasion you were doing a duty in this chamber and there was an issue in my work. And you left your meeting and you just joined the groups who were fighting with each other. That shows your commitment for the people of my world. And I'm grateful for your service. You also chosen towards as every colleague has said that these charities are very, very close to our heart, particularly Horse Spice and Eden Care. Eden Care is a grassroots organization that developed within the community and they're run by volunteers. And choosing this organization as a speaker, again, it tells you a lot about you. So I just want to thank you for your service. I wish you all the best position comes and goes. But as Abdul al-Assad probably will not have changed and drive it tomorrow, but you were a lovely man. You'll carry on with your dignity. Thank you.
- Councillor Spina come.
- Mr. Speaker, I hope the sweet memories of being a speaker will stay in your heart forever. Thank you for raising the money for the charities, both charities, especially for the cancer charity. I just want to say, I really enjoyed talking to you and seeing you as a speaker. But what I want to say is you've been a good speaker as well as a good Councillor. I've come to you with many case works regarding Lansbury and you've carried them out. You didn't say I don't have time. Go to other Councillors. So I just want to say congratulations for being a speaker. And also, I want to say good luck with the challenges ahead of you. Thank you. Thank you for your time and your thank you to your family and your daughter as well.
- Councillor could be the same.
- Thank you, Speaker. I think you have done a fantastic job as a speaker of the Council. And we have so many good memories in your bedtime and good time as well. And that becomes nostalgic for me. I can comment one comment. It taxes me the other day and you say it. You're not only Councillor, you become my family member. I can remember forever your comments. You have integrity, you have loyalty and you have dedication. And I believe you can continue with your service for the residents. And I wish you all the best.
- Councillor Amina Ali.
- Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'll say thank you for this year. As most of my colleagues and everyone in the ham chambers already said, it's been a very challenging year for you. And you've been a speaker with grace and you've handed it really well. And you've really been calm through much of a storm that's happened in this Council Chamber over the past year. And for that, I'm grateful. Being a speaker is a real privilege and it's a neutral role. And it's a role that's really important to make sure that the different voices that are in the chamber, that represent the different communities and the different diverse communities of this borough are heard clearly. And I hope going forward that the next speaker, I've only got one gripe is I've had as the only Afro-Caribbean descent person in this chamber, there have been times as a speaker when I felt that maybe I wasn't given, I was overlooked by the speaker when I had my hand raised or what, you know, I wanted to speak. And I'm hoping that was just an oversight because I would not like to think that that was me not being able to speak on behalf of different communities. And I hope the new speaker is able to allow women's voices and voice of different diverse communities to be heard clearly in this chamber because I think it's important as elected members that all the voice of this borough are heard clearly because suppressing one voice is suppressing all voices. And I'm hoping that going forward, that's something that's not going to happen is chamber. And I don't no longer feel that my voice isn't being heard. I'm just hoping that doesn't happen again. But apart from that, I wish you well and thank you for your service. Councillor Sullough, Ahmed.
- Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'd like to start with thanking you for completing the congratulations for completing your one year term today. Thank you for serving this wonderful borough. We have a great affection as a speaker of the council. You are second to a non-Mr. Speaker. I really congratulate you on your success. And especially you have tackled some of the meetings was really quite hard for would be most of the speakers, but we have seen that how peacefully and it ended, especially from your side, Mr. Speaker. I'm really glad we had you as a speaker for the past year. And I hope you hope you enjoy the risk of the term, whatever position you have, Mr. Speaker. We know inside the council. Thank you very much. Councillor, be there all night.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, since you become Speaker, there was so critical time. I was wondering, how can you handle, but you did wonderful job and handling your adjustment was very good. Thank you so much for your incredible job. And thank you for helping for charity. And you are very friendly. You are handling very strongly and it was very loyal. We've got wonderful support and adjustment from you. Aye. Thank you. (audience applauds)
- Thank you. I'll now return the proceedings to the speaker.
- Thank you. Thank you very much for your lovely work. I want to mention one thing, that you owe me a dinner. Beat you twice. (audience laughs) And he owes me a dinner. So thank you for your kind work. I've really enjoyed it. And I've tried my best. And I can assure you, would be over-side amenable when part of me, but probably time was limiting. I haven't ignored anybody. And I've tried to be fair as much as possible. And thank you for your kind work again. I'll try my best to do my utmost best for my work, because I know it is privileged to be a counselor. And my first loyalty to my work and my constituents, because they have elected me as their counselor, as their representative. And it is my duty to serve them loyally and honestly. And again, thank you all my colleagues and me, thank you very much. So I'll begin to the. (audience applauds) Thank you. (audience applauds) So the first item of business for decision this evening is to elect a counselor to serve as a speaker of the council. May I please have the nomination for the position of speaker of the council for 2024 and 25. Consular, my (indistinct)
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to propose Councilor Seifood in Holland. Thank you.
- Thank you. Is there any? Is there a seconder? Councilor COVID Ahmed.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to formally second council at that proposal.
- Thank you very much. Are there any other nominations? No. Does anyone wish to comment on the proposed nominations? (audience applauds) Councilor, now vote on the proposed nomination to elect a speaker of the council for 2024, 25. All those in favor of the nomination to elect Councilor Seifood in Holland as a speaker of the council to 2024, 25. Have you noted? All those against? Any abstention? (audience applauds)
- Thank you. I therefore declare that Councilor Seifood in Holland is duly elected to serve a speaker of the London Ballroom of the Council. (audience applauds) Thank you very much. (audience applauds) Thank you. Would I please invite Councilor Seifood in Holland to come onto the dais and the proposal and seconder of the nomination to join him to witness the speaker. (audience applauds) This may as an exception of the office. Will the photograph of this come forward to record the signing of the new speaker of the council? (audience applauds) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience applauds) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience applauds) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience applauds) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) Just a brief announcement so that everybody is aware of what's going on in terms of proceedings. The speaker has just left the chamber, the new speaker will arrive in a couple of moments and the meeting will recommence. Thank you. (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (gavel bangs) (gavel bangs) (gavel bangs)
- Good evening ladies and gentlemen, Councillors and distinguished guests. I would like to begin by thanking Councillor Jaha'i Choudhury and congratulating him on this year, on his year as the speaker of the council. He has been a fair and effective chair in this chamber and a worthy ambassador for the borough. He has been very kind and a source of wisdom for me and indeed, he has truly become an elder brother of mine. Thank you so much, dahitwei. It was an absolute honor and privilege to work with you as the deputy speaker of London Borough of the Hamlets. Thank you, really appreciate it. (audience applauds) I would also like to thank the mayor and my fellow Councillors, for electing me to be the speaker for this year ahead. I humbly accept your mandate. I particularly pay tribute to each and every member of my constituency, Bromley Northward, for electing me as a Councillor and I am ever so grateful to every member of this community of London Borough of the Hamlets. It is an honor to know that you are placing your faith in me to be an ambassador for our Hamlets and to be inside over these meetings of the full council. I look forward to carrying out this role and will do my very best to serve the people of this chamber and this borough as their first citizen. As I take on the role of the speaker, I want to emphasize my commitment to serving the people of our Hamlets with fairness and integrity. We are proud of our multicultural community in our Hamlets and of our borough, which is a wonderful place to leave. We continue to welcome new residents to the borough and I look forward to meeting as many residents and community groups as possible in this era ahead. To support me in carrying out this role, my concerts will be my fellow young professional, Barista Noodlehudajunath, community activist, Hasnab Choudhary and another community activist, Mukam Melhok. I'm starting my time of office during difficult times with the cost of living crisis, still affecting our residents and conflicts around the world having an impact on our borough. So it is more important than ever for us to work together to make sure our residents know that they have our support and that we are continuing to create opportunities for them to improve their lives through education and employment, encouragement, and inspiration. In this way, working together, I'm sure that the Star Hamlets will emerge from these difficult times as stronger and more unified community. (audience applauding) Furthermore, I nominated two charities during my time, which I will support, both of which work with young children and family. The first one is Six Children's Trust and the second one is Osmani Trust. I place to carry out my duties in this chamber with fairness and robustness. I will request each and every member's cooperation and professional assistance in this respect together with the offices of the council. I would like to thank everyone today at the gallery for attending the MGM including my wife, Saeeda Saifakalik, and my two children, Hassan and Jumanah. When I entered this chamber as a speaker, everyone stood up and so did my parents. And my mother-in-law, all of them are here at the gallery. This is quite overwhelming for me as their son, as it is usually the other way around. As we do this out of respect to our parents, however, I appreciate it as this was for the speaker's position, respecting the process of democracy. Ladies and gentlemen, democracy matters. It shapes our life, our society and our future and the life of our generations to come. And so I would like to reach out to the younger generations of this community as often as possible with the view to encourage them positively in their life, in their career, and indeed encourage them to get involved in the democratic process. Finally, ladies and gentlemen, as the first citizen of this power as a speaker, my intention is to create an environment where every voice is heard, where diverse perspectives are respected and where the interest of those who elected us to this role are at the forefront of our decisions and in our mind. Thank you so much for listening to me. (audience applauds)
- Thank you. Now, before we turn to our agenda for this evening, I would remind members that this meeting is being held in public and residents are looking on councils to act in a professional and respectful manner and to show the borough in its best possible light. To that, I would remind members to remind members to keep all contributions brief and relevant to the debate. I will be looking to enforce the three minutes rule by banging the gavel once when you have 10 seconds of your speech time left. I don't want to obstruct or disturb your flowness of your speech so that you can finish your speech smoothly without reminding you that you have 10 seconds or five seconds left. So the sound of this gavel will indicate that you have 10 seconds left. Thank you. I would like to also remind the members to raise your hand should you wish to speak, to not start, stand or start to speak until I have cooled. Or also would like to remind members to speak through me as the speaker and do not address comments to other members or the public gallery. Also, to not to interrupt each other or make comments whilst other members are speaking and be respectful to each other at all times. And most importantly, if I stand as the speaker, all members must sit down and be quite pleased. I have obtained a list of speakers for each item. I will follow this list. If any other members wish to speak, please indicate that, but I cannot guarantee that I can accept your request. Thank you. The second item of business for decision this evening is to elect a counselor to serve as deputy speaker of the municipal, of the council for the municipal year, 2024, 25. May I please have nominations for the position of deputy speaker of the council for 2024 and 25. Councillor Mayoum Talutar.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to formally nominate Councillor Lococo.
- Do we have a seconder? Councillor Cobirameth.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'd like to formally second, Councillor Talutar's proposal.
- Thank you. Are there any other nominations? No. Thank you. Unless anyone has wishes to speak, full council will now vote on the proposed nomination to elect the deputy speaker of the council for 2024, 25. All those in favor of the nomination to elect counselor, Sulu Gameth, as the deputy speaker of the council for 2024 and 25. Can you please raise your hands? All those against? Okay. Any abstentions? With that, I'm pleased to declare that Councillor Sulu Gameth is duly elected to serve as the deputy speaker of the London Borough of Canada for 2024 and 25. I look forward to working with you over the Councilor Ahmed, congratulations. Agenda item three is apologies. Apology for absence have been received from Councillor Emily. Any other apologies for absence?
- Councillor Rachel Beck.
- Councillor Rachel Beck.
- Councillor Perks.
- So as there is no other apologies for absence, would like to swiftly move to agenda item number four. agenda item four is declarations of disposable pecuniary interest. Would any member who has a disposable pecuniary interest on any other items on the agenda please indicate now. Swiftly moving on to agenda item number five is the minutes of the previous meeting. The draft unrestricted minutes of the council meeting held on 8th of March, 2024 have been circulated with the supplementary agenda. 8th of May, 2024 have been circulated with the supplementary agenda. Are the draft minutes agreed as correct record? The minutes agreed. Agenda item number six is to receive announcements. I understand that there are no announcements to make this evening. Thank you. Swiftly moving to agenda item number seven. Agenda item seven is a noting report on the Mayor's cabinet and executive appointments for 2024-25. The report appendix has been tabled and has been published on the council's website and through the MOD golf app. I would like to ask Mayor Luthrowman to introduce this report and move the recommendation. You have three minutes, Mr. Mayor. Deputy Mayor, Councillor Magmaire, Taloggar would like to introduce this report and move the recommendation, please.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Before I table the arrangements, I would like to extend a heartfelt gratitude to my fellow outgoing lead members for the hard work and good fellowship to this administration and the resident of this borough. Councillor Kobehosein, Councillor Igbalousin, and Councillor Suleuk Ahmed. On behalf of the Mayor, the whole council, our thanks are profound. We are forever to be grateful to the dedication you have shown throughout your time. On that note, we'd also like to welcome Councillor Kamri-Lousin, Councillor Mustac Ahmed, and Shafi Ahmed to the cabinet, all whom we are confident are going to lead on their respective portfolios with the resident as their main priority. I would like to propose the arrangement as statement. Thank you.
- Councillor, Councillor Taloggar, thank you. Do we have a seconder to seconder report? Councillor Kobehre, Ahmed to seconder report.
- Thank you, Mr. Chair.
- I have three minutes.
- I formally second.
- Thank you. Does any member wish to speak? You will have three minutes, Reg. On the report. So we have no one. Councillor Ojida, Councillor Ojida.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Just very briefly, I just want to congratulate the new members in the cabinet. I'm sure they all do a fantastic job. I would like to also outgoing cabinet members, particularly Michael and Councillor Iqbalu-Sane, Councillor Ojida and Councillor Kobehre, and in particular, he was very visible. He went around to the people, when the people were in a difficult situation dealing with their waste. He physically went to those homes and the constituents to help them. And I particularly, personally, then Kobehre was saving for his hard work. And all the colleagues, particularly outgoing cabinet members for their hard work. Thank you very much.
- Thank you, Councillor Ahmed. Does any other member wish to speak? So in that case, does the council note the mayor's executive scheme of delegation?
- Yes.
- As I don't see any objections, we will take this as noted unanimously. Moving on to agenda item eight, is a report on proportionality and establishment of committees. Can Councillor Maheem Thaluk, the deputy mayor, introduce the report and at the same time, move this amendment.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This report sets out the council's rule for appointing the council's committees on proportional basis as required by the regulations. This report sets out committees which are unchanged from the current setup, except for the reduction in size of the audit committee agreed by the committee earlier in the year. I'm also proposing an amendment to the report to increase the size of overview of scrutiny committee from nine to 11 to increase the available membership to the expertise available to this important body. At this makes the overview of scrutiny committee the second largest committee at the council. It results in one of the three positions for the ungroup members being allocated to the committee. The climate emergency is an issue that touches every part of the society. And our borough is no exception. We feel that decision needs to be taken seriously and more firmly embedded in the policy, strategic and decision-making process of the council. Therefore, as five members of the overview and scrutiny committee will be proposing at the committee meeting on Tuesday the creation of an additional scrutiny lead for environment. In addition, should she wish to take up the position our members of the committee will be proposing Council on Natura due to her commitment to the climate emergency and environmental issues. So I would like to formally propose this. Thank you.
- Thank you, Councilor Taluk-Dar. I call upon Council Cobiram to second this report and the amendment. You have three minutes.
- I formally second.
- Thank you, Councilor Ahmed. Does any member wish to speak? Councilor Mark Francis.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Congratulations on your election. We look forward to serving under your chairmanship over the course of the year and we also look forward to your charity work as well. So three weeks to go, the members of the overview and scrutiny committee and the officers who support us in that work sat in this very room and reflected upon the last year. We looked at what we thought had worked well, which for some of us was a relatively small amount and we looked at some of what had not gone so well, which again, for some of us was really quite a lot. But that's not to say that good work hasn't been done, that people have been doing their best and people are coming at it from a different perspective, political perspective, we understand that. So we looked through the committee's work and we looked through, we thought about some of the changes that might be needed to improve the committee, to make it stronger, to make it more transparent, to make it more effective and to make it a more useful thing for the people of Tower Hamlets. And we came up with a whole load of solutions, Mr. Speaker. But none of those solutions that were proposed by the members of the committee were an increase in the membership of the committee. I don't think that people feel that there's not enough people on the committee. The problem is about the way that the executive and the administration engage with the committee. And in fact, not just the members opposite, but also the council corporately, the way that it engages. And in fact, that symptomatic really of the way that the scrutiny committee is treated. In fact, there's a report that's going to cabinet tomorrow to the Maryland cabinet tomorrow that comes from the administration, from the executive, from the council corporately, about what is going to be done to improve, overview and scrutiny in Tower Hamlets. Again, none of that really reflects the views of members of the committee. So it doesn't reflect the opposition members of the committee. Perhaps that's going to change in the year ahead under its new chair. We really wish him well as well. But if these are not the solutions, we have to ask ourselves, to the problem, we have to ask ourselves, what is this actually being put for? What is this change actually being put on the table for? And I think it's really obvious to see what it's been put on the table for. It's been put here to try to impress the best value inspection team that there's really nothing to see about overview and scrutiny in Tower Hamlets. There's objectivity in it. An opposition member is on it. Well, really, at this late stage of proceedings, it really isn't going to persuade anybody. It really isn't going to impress anybody. So we want to see stronger scrutiny. We're not opposed to there being an increase in committee membership. But what we want to see is really meaningful power in the hands of individual scrutiny members, including all opposition members who serve on the committees and its subcommittees. So I just wanted to put that on the record. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
- Thank you, Councillor Mark Francis. Does any other member wish to speak? Councillor Hidham.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I forgot to congratulate you for your new role. I'm sure you will do a very best term. And as a professional, you're looking to have the one, you already promised, that you'll be impartial, and you'll try to serve every member of this chamber. So thank you for your comment. I just wanted to ask something, obviously quite unusual proposals in this paper. I fully support most of the positions proposing this paper. But one of the positions particularly, I have some reservations, and I already took some advice. It's about licensing committee chair. Personally, many of you know I just, I don't compromise with my values. I don't compromise with my ethical lifestyle. And I don't compromise with my principle. And I think I somewhat, my principle has been compromised tonight by the mayor. And I just cannot support, I cannot forget the past. And I cannot support this individual to be the chair of the licensing committee. And therefore, I just want you to note that I am just opposing this proposal, and rest of this, obviously, I'm supporting tonight. Thank you.
- Councillor Maim, Councillor, look there.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Just to show you wrong, we're not pleasing anyone. We purely, we've done that for the purpose of inclusion and representation. We are proposing a female councillor, or position councillor, to a position on scrutiny committee address the critical cap in the body. So the climate emergency deserves, we've given serious consideration. And this has underpinned our decision to offer the councillor this paid position in the spirit of fairness and opportunity. And also, I would like to add two of our councillors have forgotten paid position, and we understand that Councillor Golds will accept the chair of the licensing, but he will not be taken any as a way. So therefore, there is no increase in overall cost. In fact, we are reducing the cost. And also, to assure the Labour Party, we are also giving them an extra position on STC. Thank you.
- Thank you, Councillor Talakar. Councillor, naturally Ben Frit.
- Thank you, Speaker. Welcome in your new role. I look forward very much to seeing how you look after us in the council chamber over the next year. So the issue of the environment and climate emergency, I believe, until now, could have done with more scrutiny in the council, 'cause it didn't have a specific scrutiny lead. So I'm very pleased to see that the administration has both introduced this new scrutiny lead for this vital area, and I'm also very happy to accept it. And I'm looking forward to acting as a strong critical friend to the administration on this vital issue that will have far-reaching consequences for the people of this borough, and for the future people of this borough. Thank you.
- Thank you, Councillor Ben Frit. Does any other member wish to speak? I don't think anybody wishes to speak. So with that, we have now come to the conclusion. So does the council agree the recommendations? Firstly, to agree the review of the proportionality and the allocation of the seats on the committee and subcommittees for the municipal year, 2024-25, and the secondly, agreed to establish the committee's set out for the municipal year, 2024-25, and for places to be allocated on those committee. All those in favour? All those against? Are there any abstentions? The report is carried. Thank you. Moving on to item number-- agenda item nine is a report setting out nominations to committees of the council. The list of group and the other nominations has been published as supplement on the council's website and through the app. A proposed amendment to the report has also been published. I would like to now formally ask Councillor Mayim Thaluk, the deputy mayor, to introduce the report and also move your amendment. Councillor Thaluk, that. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The report sets out a position to be appointed on the council's committee and some other body as required. The report also sets out a position of chair of the council's committees and any nominations received. All the received nominations have been published and circulated where there are too many nominations received for many positions. The council will be asked to vote on their choice available. The proposed amendment adjusts the list of membership appointment based on agreed changes to the agenda item eight, and the council has just considered. I would like to propose the take amendment. Thank you. Thank you, Councillor Thaluk. I would like to now call upon Councillor COBIRAMO to second the report and the amendment. You have three minutes. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I formally second the amendment. Thank you, Councillor Ahmed. Does any member wish to speak on this item? Councillor Sabine-Achter. Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and congratulations to you and your new role. Just a slight mistake. And so we're requesting a small amendment. So to remove Councillor Amina Ali from the HR Committee and replace her with Councillor as nicely. Okay, that's not. Thank you, Councillor Sabine-Achter. Do we have a seconder for that? Yes, sir. Councillor SRI, do you listen? Thank you, does any other member wish to speak? We don't see anyone. So with that full council will be asked to confirm the appointments as have been tabled. Does the council agree the appointments and the nominations for chair as set out in the table papers subject to the above votes? And the arrangements in respect of any unfreeled places. And the changes as mentioned earlier. Thank you. Thank you. Appreciate it. [INAUDIBLE] The report is agreed anonymously. Thank you. Moving on to agenda item 10 is the report setting out the updated calendar of council and the committee meetings for 2024-25. The report asks member to note the revised calendar, including the changes set out in the report. I would like to now ask Councillor Mayimiatal of the Deputy Mayor to introduce the report. We have to say thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to formally introduce the proposal report. And also, having a discussion with you, Mr. Speaker, I would like to also propose a change of date of the council meeting due to be held in July. I'm concerned that the 30th of July is too far into the summer holidays. And so I would like to change this date to Wednesday the 17th of July. So that's my amendment. Thank you. Thank you, Councillor Taluk. Can I now call upon Councillor Kabir Ahmed to second the vote to have three minutes? Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I formally second. And the amendments. Second the amendments. I second the amendment as well. Thank you, Councillor. Does any member wish to speak? Councillor Asma Islam. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And congratulations on your appointment as well. I just want to point out, we're happy to agree the changes for the next four council. But for the last two years, there's been several occasions where meeting dates, calendar dates have been changed. There's been clashes with committees. We thank all the officers that do support us, that put the committees together. But if we can bear in mind and work hard as possible to make sure that we stick into these dates, because there are members of this council that have caring responsibility. And childcare is an issue. So if we can try and keep to the dates, because it does throw a lot of personal life issues in the four members, so we're trying to have equal opportunities for all, please. Thank you, Councillor Asma. Does any other member wish to speak on this? Councillor Abut, I'll have children. Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and congratulations to you again. Just a small note, when it comes to religious holidays, we've got Hajj and Edolata for 2024. But for 2025, we've just got Edolata. So if you can kindly consider Hajj dates through that here as well.
- Thank you, we'll look at that. I suspect it may not have been listed if it was into the next municipal year, but we will double check.
- Unless we have any other speaker, can we now go to the conclusion of this? So can we agree the recommendation in the report to approve the calendar subject to the amendment proposed by Councillor Mayim Talukda? I don't see any objection, so we'll take this as agreed unanimously. Thank you. Agenda item 11 is a report setting of the Council's Constitution. Once again, can Councillor Mayim Talukda, Deputy Mayor, introduce the report.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
- I would like to introduce the report attached is the yellow report asking for the meeting's endorsement of the Council's Constitution. It is considered best practice for ano council to receive a report setting out the Constitution and also notifying the changes which have been agreed during the year. These are set out in the report. Most of the changes are minor, but it's worth noting the appointed member officer relation protocol, which was agreed at the Council in November 2023. This is a vitally important document setting out how members and officers should work with each other in the best interest of the borough and its residents. Notice that the Constitution working group is due to meet in the next few days to review the options for improvements to the Constitution. And any updates proposed by that group will be presented at the general purpose committee and council at the appropriate time. So I would like to formally propose a report. Thank you.
- And as usual councilor Coby-Ramen to second the report, we don't have any amendments, is any so? Yeah, councilor Coby-Ramen.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I formally second the report.
- Thank you, councilor Ahmed. Does any member wish to speak? In that case, can we agree the recommendations in the report illustrated put forward by councilor Mayim Talukdal? Firstly, note the work of the general purposes committee. Secondly, to confirm the re-adoption of the council's constitution as set out at appendices one to four of the report. I don't see any objections, so we'll take this as agreed unanimously and the report is carried. Thank you.
- Thank you. We're now moving to agenda item 12 is a report on the use of the special agency provisions of the council's constitution for 2023 and 24, is that correct? And once again, councilor Mayim Talukdal, deputy speaker to introduce the report. Sorry, deputy mayor. Deputy mayor, I didn't, definitely I don't want to demote you, yeah.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, each year, I know council receives a report, which sets out occasion when special urgency provisions have to be used in relation to the executive report. The executive always works hard to give us much notice as possible for all members' decision making, but very occasionally the urgent situation will develop, which requires a decision. This report lists one occasion delegation of authority to make the decision whether to grant a license to occupy areas of Victoria Park in the summer autumn of 2024 at times to be more, especially as specifically agreed. There were three reports over the year, which had to be exempted from the council calling process. The above report plus renewal of financial system contract, which is existing supplier, and concidulated civic applications contract. All of the above were agreed with the chair of our Vivian Scutiny Committee as required by the constitution. So I formally oppose the report, thank you.
- Thank you, councilor Talukdal, councilor Kabir Ahmed to secondary report.
- I firmly second the report, Mr. Speaker.
- Thank you, councilor Ahmed for your great service. Does any member wish to speak? (speaking in foreign language) Leader of the opposition.
- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And can I also join my colleague to welcome you. I congratulate you and your other speaker. And then welcome you, can I also perhaps invite you to live in this great borough as first citizen if you haven't already moved in. The point that I wanted to make on this report is that there's cabinet meeting tomorrow evening, and there's been lots of late circulation of reports, and indeed the same applies for the HR committee as well. I'm sure you can understand. It's very difficult for members to be able to read and critique some of those reports if they're driven by slowly one after another. And I also understand there has been no meeting of the August-Gutiny Committee meeting either which normally precedes a cabinet meeting, so that pre-decision questions and other important items can be considered. So I just wanted to make those points for the record.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, Councillor Islam. Does any other member wish to speak? I don't see anyone wishes to speak. So in that case, does the council note the report on the use of the special urgency provisions? I don't see any objections, and so we'll take this as noted unanimously, and the report is carried. So with that, we have now come to the conclusion of the meeting, and the time is probably 8.30, so we are quite on time, right on time for dinner. So that concludes. (audience applauds) I haven't finished, I've got something to say, okay. That concludes the business of the annual council. Let me use my glass. Annual council meeting, and I thank you all for attending and your contributions, particularly the members and the members of the community at the gallery. All members and my guests are very welcome to join me for my speakers' reception over in the grocery swing. Please remain in your seats until I have left. Thank you so much. (audience applauds) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) (audience chattering) [BLANK_AUDIO]
The Tower Hamlets council meeting was primarily focused on the election of a new speaker and deputy speaker for the council, along with the appointment of committee members for the upcoming year. The meeting also included reflections on the past year's work and the introduction of new initiatives.
The most significant topic was the election of the new speaker, Councillor Saifuddin Khaled, and the deputy speaker, Councillor Suluk Ahmed. The outgoing speaker, Councillor Jahed Choudhury, was praised for his service over the past year. He highlighted his work with two charities, St. Joseph's Hospice and Eden Care UK, and his efforts to promote the borough and attend community events. Councillor Choudhury's colleagues commended his dedication and the funds raised for the charities.
Councillor Saifuddin Khaled, the new speaker, emphasized his commitment to fairness and integrity. He announced his support for two charities, Sick Children's Trust and Osmani Trust, which work with young children and families. He also highlighted the importance of working together to support residents during difficult times, such as the cost of living crisis.
The council also discussed the proportionality and establishment of committees. Councillor Maium Talukdar proposed increasing the size of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee from nine to eleven members to enhance its effectiveness. This proposal was met with some skepticism from Councillor Marc Francis, who argued that the real issue was the engagement of the executive with the committee, not its size.
Additionally, the council agreed on the appointments to various committees and the calendar of council and committee meetings for the upcoming year. Councillor Talukdar proposed changing the date of the July council meeting to avoid the summer holidays, which was accepted.
The council also noted the use of special urgency provisions over the past year, which included decisions on licensing for Victoria Park and contract renewals. Councillor Abdal Ullah raised concerns about the late circulation of reports and the lack of an Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting before the cabinet meeting.
Overall, the meeting focused on setting the stage for the upcoming year with new leadership and committee structures, while also reflecting on the past year's achievements and challenges. The Tower Hamlets Council meeting was primarily focused on electing a new speaker and deputy speaker for the council, reflecting on the outgoing speaker's term, and addressing various administrative matters for the upcoming year.
The most significant topic was the election of the new speaker. Councillor Jahed Choudhury, the outgoing speaker, reflected on his term, thanking Mayor Lutfur Rahman and his colleagues for their support. He highlighted his efforts in promoting the borough, attending community events, and supporting two charities: St. Joseph's Hospice and Eden Care UK. Councillor Choudhury's colleagues praised his dedication and contributions, particularly his fundraising efforts for the charities. Councillor Sufia Alam was elected as the new speaker, with Councillor Suluk Ahmed as the deputy speaker. Councillor Alam emphasized her commitment to serving the borough with fairness and integrity, and announced her support for two charities: Sick Children's Trust and Osmani Trust.
The council also discussed the proportionality and establishment of committees. Councillor Maium Talukdar proposed increasing the size of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee from nine to eleven members to enhance its effectiveness. He also suggested creating a new scrutiny lead for the environment, with Councillor Nathalie Bienfait proposed for the role. This move was aimed at addressing the climate emergency more robustly. Councillor Mark Francis expressed concerns about the effectiveness of the committee and the need for meaningful power for scrutiny members.
Another key topic was the report on the mayor's cabinet and executive appointments for 2024-25. Councillor Talukdar thanked the outgoing lead members for their service and welcomed new members to the cabinet. Councillor Abdul Mannan and Councillor Abdul Wahid praised the outgoing members, particularly Councillor Kabir Hussain, for their hard work and dedication.
The council also approved the updated calendar of council and committee meetings for 2024-25, with an amendment to change the July council meeting date from the 30th to the 17th. Councillor Asma Islam highlighted the importance of sticking to the agreed dates to accommodate members' personal responsibilities.
Lastly, the council noted the use of special urgency provisions for 2023-24, which included decisions on licensing Victoria Park, renewing a financial system contract, and consolidating civic applications contracts. Councillor Maium Talukdar assured that these decisions were made with the chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee's agreement. Councillor Abdal Ullah raised concerns about the late circulation of reports for the upcoming cabinet meeting, emphasizing the need for timely distribution to allow proper review and critique.
- Abdal Ullah
- Abdul Malik
- Abdul Mannan
- Abdul Wahid
- Abu Talha Chowdhury
- Ahmodul Kabir
- Ahmodur Khan
- Amin Rahman
- Amina Ali
- Amy Lee
- Ana Miah
- Asma Begum
- Asma Islam
- Ayas Miah
- Bellal Uddin
- Bodrul Choudhury
- Faroque Ahmed
- Gulam Kibria Choudhury
- Harun Miah
- Iqbal Hossain
- Jahed Choudhury
- James King
- Kabir Ahmed
- Kabir Hussain
- Kamrul Hussain
- Leelu Ahmed
- Maisha Begum
- Maium Talukdar
- Marc Francis
- Mayor Lutfur Rahman
- Mohammad Chowdhury
- Mufeedah Bustin
- Musthak Ahmed
- Nathalie Bienfait
- Ohid Ahmed
- Peter Golds
- Rachel Blake
- Rebaka Sultana
- Sabina Akhtar
- Sabina Khan
- Saied Ahmed
- Saif Uddin Khaled
- Shafi Ahmed
- Shahaveer Shubo Hussain
- Sirajul Islam
- Suluk Ahmed
- Item 9 Tabled nominations 15th-May-2024 19.00 Council
- Agenda frontsheet 15th-May-2024 19.00 Council agenda
- Declarations of Interest
- Appendix1fortheMayorsExecutiveSchemeofDelegation
- SUPPLEMENTARY PAPERS 15th-May-2024 19.00 Council
- Minutes Public Pack 08052024 Council
- Proposed Amendment to Agenda Item 8 - May24 agenda
- Appointments to Committees and Sub-Committees of the Council 2024-25
- Proposed Amendment to Agenda Item 9 - May24 agenda
- Appendix. 4 for COUNCILS CONSTITUTION 2024-25
- Appendix. 1 for COMMITTEE CALENDAR 2024-25
- Councils Constitution 2024-25
- Appendix. 1 for COUNCILS CONSTITUTION 2024-25
- Appendix. 5 for COUNCILS CONSTITUTION 2024-25
- Appendix. 2 for COUNCILS CONSTITUTION 2024-25
- Appendix. 3 for COUNCILS CONSTITUTION 2024-25
- Use of Special Urgency Procedures 2023-24
- Printed minutes 15th-May-2024 19.00 Council