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Strategic Planning Committee - Monday 16th September, 2024 7.00 pm

September 16, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting  Watch video of meeting or read trancript  Watch video of meeting or read trancript  Watch video of meeting or read trancript  Watch video of meeting or read trancript  Watch video of meeting or read trancript  Watch video of meeting or read trancript  Watch video of meeting
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The Strategic Planning Committee voted to grant planning permission for amendments to the Silk Park development in Hendon, subject to conditions and a Section 106 Agreement1 being signed.

Fire Safety

The committee discussed the developer's plans to install second staircases in four of the buildings on the site. Nick Alston, the agent for the applicant, told the committee that the decision to install the staircases was made in response to the Grenfell Tower fire, and that it was all about fire safety. He explained that the second staircases would make the buildings safer, and that they would be more attractive homes for people to live in for understandable reasons. Councillor Phil Cohen agreed, saying that he saw that, you know, part of this has to do with fire safety.

The committee also discussed the implications of the new staircases for the development's unit mix. Mr Alston explained that the addition of a second staircase to each of the four blocks would take up floor space, making it necessary to rejig the layout of the homes. So as a consequence of that, he said, it's not a particularly straightforward exercise just whipping out a bit of floor space. This has resulted in a slight decrease in the number of three-bed units and an increase in the number of two-bed units.


Councillor Richard Cornelius, the former Leader of Barnet Council, raised concerns about the height of some of the buildings on the site. I suppose really the issue as far as I'm concerned is that some of these buildings are awfully high now, and they're creeping even higher, he said. Councillor Jill Sargent, who was substituting for Councillor Nagus Narenthira, shared these concerns, saying that she always had some reservations about this, particularly the heights and was very concerned that the heights are being increased.

Mr Alston responded to these concerns by saying that the additional height was being added to the mid-level buildings, and that it was not a material change.

Social Value

Councillor Rishikesh Chakraborty, who represents West Hendon ward, asked the applicant about the provision of social value in the development. He was particularly interested in how the flexible commercial space would be used, and asked for a summary of the different ways in which the amendments in this application would seek to add social value.

Mr Alston responded by saying that the development would provide a range of amenities for residents, including a residents' gym, a cinema room, and flexible commercial space that could be used for a variety of purposes, including small shops. He also said that the original planning permission had secured a range of benefits, including affordable housing and Section 106 contributions, which would still be delivered. So all those benefits that were secured as part of that original planning permission, he said, they're banked, they're still secured, and they're still being delivered.


Councillor Sargent also asked the applicant about the provision of parking in the development. She said that she wasn't very clear about the parking provision, and asked if it was going to change very much. Mr Alston responded by saying that the parking ratio would change very slightly from 0.33 spaces per home to 0.32 spaces per home, but that this was due to rounding.

Silk Stream

Councillor Sargent also raised concerns about the impact of the development on the Silk Stream, which runs alongside the site. She said that she was very concerned about the impact of the development on the stream, and asked how far people would be able to walk along it. Mr Alston responded by saying that the developer had control within our land ownership, but that they could not enforce any changes beyond our land ownership. He also said that the development would not change anything that had been agreed in the original planning permission.

Use Classes

Before the vote, Councillor Chakraborty raised a question about the use classes that would be permitted in the flexible commercial space. He noted that the original planning permission referred to Use Class A4, which had been abolished. Mr Fabian Gordon, the Director for Planning and Building Control, responded by saying that the original use class would be translated into its current equivalent, and that it was only a technicality in the background.

The committee then voted to approve the application.

  1. Section 106 Agreements are legal agreements between local authorities and developers which are used to mitigate the impacts of new developments. They are often used to secure financial contributions from developers towards local infrastructure such as schools, parks, and transport improvements. They can also be used to secure affordable housing, public open space and other community benefits.