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Planning Committee - Thursday, 9th May, 2024 10.30 am
May 9, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingTranscript
Right, okay. Thank you for coming to May's Planning Committee. The first one conducted in Nice River outside since June last year, so that's quite nice. Okay, we'll move on to the agenda, Mandy Jordan. Good morning, Committee. We are conducting the Planning Committee as a multi-location meeting this morning. The meeting will be recorded and uploaded onto the Council's website in accordance with the Council's multi-location meeting policy, except when there are any confidential or exempt items. A copy of the recording will also be retained in accordance with the policy. The Planning Committee is a quasi-judicial cross-party committee. The Planning Reports and Officer Presentations enable the committee to make an objective decision in the wider public interest on the basis of the development plan and all relevant material planning considerations. If a member wishes to speak, could you please press the central button on the microphone and/or select speak, or select speak on your device if attending remotely. Okay, item one is apologies for absence. We've received apologies from Councillor Hever-Joy, so are there any more apologies anyone's aware of? No, item two is declaration of interest. Members are reminded of the responsibility on the paragraph 10 and 11, apart three of the members code of conduct. Declare any interest at the start of the meeting in complete personal interest forms. Even if you've completed an annual form, there is a need to declare any disposable interest at the meeting. This is especially important for the court in the interest in the minutes. If you have any declarations to make, please press your speak button now. I'm going to go first. I declare an interest in the second application, which is Willows High, New Willows High School Land off Lewis Road. I have campaigned for a very long time for a new building for Willows High School. We'll be coming off the committee and acting and speaking as a ward Councillor when the item comes around. Any other declarations of interest? No, item three is minutes. Your agreement is sought to approve the minutes of the last meeting on the 11th of April as a correct record. Are the minutes approved? Thank you and we move on now to the first application, the application in relation to the coach house and it can be found in time death and it can be found on page one of your bundle. Over to the planning officer to present the application. Chair, good morning committee. This application relates to the coach house. Let's land off and adjacent to the cathedral green. The proposal is for a roof extension and new dormers and associated external alterations. The site is shown on the red line around the building here. These are the current plans and elevations as existing. The building comprises a two-story structure at the moment. It's been large alternatives significantly over the years. The front elevation, as you can see here, is relatively modern. Having been altered in the 1980s or 90s currently accommodates four garages within the ground floor here and a residential unit first floor and within the two-story wing at the end there with the stone finish. Currently there's a first floor window in the side elevation that faces the adjacent garden of the former Deena rebuilding which is grade two listed and accommodates five flats. This aerial image shows the adjacent three-story grade two listed Deena rebuilding where the flats are. As you can see, the coach house is just to the north and accessed via a lane that runs around the side front and side of the Deena rebuilding and there's a courtyard in front of the coach house building and the garages on the ground floor are used by the flats within the main Deena rebuilding. This slide shows the aerial view looking from the rear so that there's woodland behind the rear sway the woodland down towards the river Taff and here you can see the the re-elevation of the grade two listed Deena rebuilding with quite substantial gables and enormous on all roof slopes. There's a two-story dwelling to the other side to the north which you can see on this slide with a with a large back garden wrapping around the side as well. This application originally proposed as you can see in this slide a a more substantial second floor extension resulting which would have resulted in three-story heights plus the roof. As you can see the window proportions were of a horizontal fenestration and following initial consultation with our internal conservation officers. This was not considered appropriate and in response to their concerns that it would be out of scale not subservient to the adjoining Deena rebuilding and not in keeping the character conservation area. The scheme has been significantly revised. The proposal now comprises a much less vertical extension so it remains two stories or be it's where they increase about 3/4 of a meter at eaves and an increase the ridge of about 1.4 meters throughout. Introduction of five new dormers facing the courtyard so there's four on the main front elevation and one on the the the side wing that faces also faces the courtyard where the entrance to the to the residential unit is. Also additional window openings and observations to the first floor. You can see on here there's there of a traditional proportions in terms of the verticality of the open openings and replacement of the current garage doors with more traditional timber stable doors to pick up on what the original appearance of the coach house would have been. There's also additional detailing proposed around the coins to the gable end elevation also detailing to the heads and the bases of the windows and around the dormers themselves to be designed to reflect the type of dormers on the the joining listed Deena rebuilding. So in response to the requests from the conservation team we've obtained additional details of the the eaves of the dormers and the materials the details of other other the sliding stash windows and details of the proposed stone. So these slides show them show the detailing of the proposed dormers here and there's a photo extract there you can see how how it replicates the the dormers on the on the Deena rebuilding next to it in terms of the materials and detailed design. We've also obtained as requested by the conservation officers detailing of the the heads to the windows and all the stone work etc. As you can see in this slide here we've also obtained additionally details of the what's proposed on the re-evaluation. So the re-evaluation is proposed to have some full height doors leading to balconies and a roof balcony. So we've obtained details of this recessed roof balcony which is to be in effect cut out the roof on the rear roof slope. We've also obtained details and samples of stone which the conservation officer has reviewed and is happy with the specifications provided. So going back to the proposed drawing. So the two main issues are the impact upon the character in appearance of the conservation army and the listed asset comprising the Deena rebuilding adjacent and the second main consideration is the impact upon neighbouring neighbouring occupiers. So going back to the aerial photo you'll see here that there are some windows in the rear valor elevation of the listed Deena rebuilding. There's existing upper level windows you can see in the gable here which which can be glimpsed at because it is existing bleak views across from the windows upper level windows of the coach house and there's an existing round floor window in this single story attack structure of the the Deena rebuilding. However as you can see from here the existing windows do to look at that window in that single story structure and of course there's mutual overlooking from the courtyard itself. In terms of the impact upon residential amenity it's considered acceptable having regard that the separation distances are no different to the existing and having regard to the existing overlooking that can be experienced across that courtyard. It's also important to note that there's an existing window in the in the pine end gable elevation of the existing building. This is being blocked up so that currently looks out into the in the rear garden the shared garden of the flats within the Deena re so that that existing level of looking will disappear because that end gable won't have any windows in it. In terms of the impact upon the character of the area as you'll see in the in the reports paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 have the conservation team's comments copied verbatim so that their comments are fully copied in there and the conservation of officers have no concern in terms of the revised scheme. Obviously they had serious concerns with the original scheme but it's considered that the revised proposal overcomes that the concerns the scale of the extension is considered acceptable appropriately subservient to the listed building not to adversely affect the setting of that building. As mentioned the the garage doors which are proposed you can see the details here and they're considered a significant improvement to these existing sort of modern type garage doors so that the stable doors are of vast improvements. Turning to the the impacts upon the rear the conservation team have reviewed the the details of the rear elevation and having regard and that it's the rear is bounded by a vast way of the woodland and they don't feel that the even though the the rear elevation is you know is less well composed on the front is considered appropriate given that it's besides bounded to the rear by these large ways of trees. The conservation team have noted that there's a sort of the base of the woodland there is a pilgrimage route footpath and as you can see from the photo here the the existing building can barely be seen through the woodland so they don't have any any concerns regarding the fact that you know the the rear elevation you know it won't be glimpsed or barely at all even in even in the winter due to the or the woodland of the rear and further afield then you know a couple hundred meters away down towards the river TAF as you can see you can't even see the the dean rebuilding as it as existing let alone the coach house so and the conservation officer has has it it's rated this in paragraphs yeah paragraph 5.3 of the report and in terms of consultation of this application with that the original proposal there was a petition of objection received that was in relation to the the original scheme shown here you know the resulting of which would have proposed a three storey building so there was a petition of objection received that signed by over 140 residents of which over 90 were in the land F conservation area also there was approximately 10 objections received from nearby addresses to the original proposal and that their comments are summarized in paragraph 7.2 of the report also in response to the original proposal the land F consolation area advisory group and the land F society submitted objections and those can be viewed in full in paragraph 7.3 and 7.4 of the report in in response to the revised proposal so moving back to the slide with showing the the revised elevations and floor plans here there was there were a number several objections received from some same addresses as the original objections and summarized in paragraph 7.5 of the report also the land F society and objected to the revised proposal and that's copied in paragraph 7.6 of the report we've consulted internally with our tree officer as well and he's asked for a condition in terms of them to mitigate any impact of one trees from from say building materials being stored around the site scaffolding etc. In summary so it's the proposals considered compliance with the relevant policies of the local development plan and you know the revised proposal has been supported by by our conservation team so the applications considered appropriate in accordance with relevant policy and it is recommended approval that concludes my presentation for the moment thank you committee there is a petition attached to this application however the lead petitioner is not intending to speak however one of the wall Councillors Councillor Driscoll does intend to speak Councillor Driscoll would you like to come forward Councillor Driscoll you will have five minutes yeah thank you chair first of all thank you James the officer for the comprehensive presentation chair with your permission and of course the approval of your committee the residents who are objecting to the proposal including the land of conservation advisory group who are objecting to this whom my co-war colleague chairs have a question that I ask you and your committee to consider a land coming to land for the site visit residents field it would be beneficial to see the site to get a better understanding of their concerns and of course the closeness of this application to the the building opposite the grade two listed building and mindful that there are two additional dormers that they feel will be given an element of overlooking so I'm sure the officers any applicant will want to have their input to in a site visit so respectfully quest if you would consider and your committee agree to a site visit residents a more than welcome and a committee a more than welcome to come to land it because we do benefit from two three hour parking at the moment and we have a host of wonderful coffee shops they all be welcome to bring your pets to thank you chair okay so we'll go to this we've got a request before we go into substantive we have obviously got a request for a site visit so what we're gonna do is we gonna take a vote on that request up front so if obviously welcome comments but for the moment if you keep them to the site visit and then we'll discuss the substantive afterwards do I have any speaking requests council have yes I was I was reading this report the other evening and I was thinking I'd try to a site visit here because I think it's obviously the conservation area especially one as particular and unique as this I mean this is this is one of the oldest parts of the area really I think it's important that that one one has a physical perspective and I think you there's there's more to it than you didn't just photographs I think it would be good to stand in the site and see exactly the impact this would have so I'd be strongly supportive Councillor Robson thank you chair this is a great two listed building a conservation area with a proposed change so whatever decision we make I think we should benefit from a site visit for members to agree it's and not agree but agree to look at the site and see what they'd make of it if I can speak personally for a minute I don't know when the site visit will be but I will make every effort to get to it but if I can't I will try and get there under my own steam it may not depending on when it's set for okay and if I have any more speakers now all I'd say is for my purpose is the the the the most important thing to see about this application is the is the application and what we won't see is what's clear from the plans is that it's and what the conservation officer says is clear improvement you know I'm not quite sure how the previous application back in the it's a nine is got through if I'm honest right but this is much more in keeping with the so I just you happy to have a site visit if that's the way members are minded but I just think you need to be mindful what are we going to gain when what was what is the clear advice from conservation experts is you're not going to see this improvement are you so just just be mindful of that but you know happy to open it up to cancel human thank you chair looking at the plans here where the dormers are I don't feel that a site visit would be a better and an extra benefit because it the outside like you said the outside is going to change dramatically but in the concert positive for the conservation and the photos in the report that were presented very clearly showed the matching of the bricks and like say the sighting of the dormers in the plans oh it's over a landing it's not a general it's not like an evening area or something like that you know I don't feel that planning needs to make a site visit okay we'll go to we're gonna need more requests we're gonna go to a vote on the site visit and then we'll open it up just to say cancel you didn't use all your five minutes so if you if we do vote against the site visit I will allow you to committee we will now vote on the request for a site visit however before we do so can I just ask Councillor Ahmed unfortunately we understand or are aware that there was some delay in you joining the meeting this morning the chair has asked to confirm whether or not you have heard the whole of the application if not unfortunately you will not be in a position to vote at this time oh look at it you are mute Councillor yeah in mandate I believe I've heard everything right okay Councillor over to you Mandi for the vote we will vote we will now vote on the application for a site visit please press the button on your microphone or on your screen if attending remotely yes if you are in favor of the of the application no if you are not in favor of the application or alternatively you can abstain we will start the vote now my apology site visit sorry the request for a site visit is carried the date of the site visit will be confirmed in due course thank you okay thanks everyone so that one's deferred for a site visit to be confirmed it in due course okay we'll now move on to the next item on the agenda as you'll as you will be aware I've declared an interest in this item so I'll leave the room and I'll come back in and act as a ward Councillor I'll hand over to my Deputy Councillor for you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you committee we will have a five minute break at this point committee we will have a five minute break at this point committee we now turn to item five B which is an application which relates to land off Lewis Road in Splot which we will find at page 11 of your bundles chair we will now hear from the planning officer thank you chair good morning members so this application relates to land off Lewis Road in Splot and the application seeks full planning information for the construction of a replacement school for willows high and associated works so in terms of background information this image here shows that the existing willows high school in Tremorva and it's being replaced with this new location in red here in Splot so the existing willows high willows high school is a secondary school with 700 pupils and 123 members of staff and the reason why it's being replaced is due to its de-rated category in terms of its condition which means the buildings or life expired and refurbishment has been discounted due to a significant backlog in terms of maintenance cost and also the fact that it's in the flood zone as well which means it's not viable for new new school in that location so this new location here is 1.4 kilometers to the southwest of the existing site which is a 14 minute walk and as you can see from this second image here it's within the same secondary school catchment areas the existing school here and then you've also got a number of other primary schools in close proximity you've got a skull gland more of a very close to the north and then this final image here I just wanted to note that this follows on from the previous application I took to committee which was for the enabling works for the site so this involved the demolition of these existing buildings on the site the stopping up of Lewis Road here so that the two sites function as one and then also active travel route which runs along the eastern perimeter of the site here so that's been approved so in terms of site location I've got this first image is this first image is a wider image in terms of the site location in splot as you can see you've got residential areas lying to the north around 350 meters to the north here and then you've got Carter City Center 1.5 kilometers to the northwest this next image it shows the previous buildings that were on the occupied the site before they got demolished so you can see you had splot market here centrally and then you had portman more studios here to the east and then you had some hard standing and then here and then in terms of the red line as you can see from here it extends along the slip road of Titan Road and it goes upwards towards Keen Road and then it forms part of the existing car park on the ocean park sports pictures and comes up here also in terms of the red line you can see you've got Lewis Road coming up vertically to the north you've got ocean way to the south fresh more road here and then forged side clothes here to the north here and then in terms of the existing buildings and the locality you've got it's mainly industrial but you've got offices to the south you've got four side clothes residential apartments to the north and then Glen more of a school here and then you've got some commercial units here from God all means place and then also this shows you've got bus stops in close proximity to the site and there's also a cycleways which I'll talk about in the next slides and then just to show this here is Moreland Park here and then again you can see it closer up here this is this has all been demolished now it's all vacant I'll show you the photos and then the sports pictures there so these photos were taken yesterday so you can see the site has now been cleared so the plot market and the studios have gone this is to the west of the site this here you can see the residential apartments have forged side clothes and you can also see them here so this is forged side clothes and the main access to the school would be the main it will be here on this corner here and then this is coming down Lewis Road coming towards the site and you can see the entrance to the Glen more of a school and then this here shows where Lewis Road has been stopped up already you've got a category tree here which is being retained and then this final image here shows the active travel route which is currently being constructed on the eastern perimeter of the site so in terms of proposed development it seeks full planning permission for the replacement school for willows so it's going to provide a learning facility for 900 pupils aged between 11 and 16 and then there's also going to be an additional special resource base which is called the SRB which is located to the east here so it's 900 pupils so that's the 700 pupils in the previous school so it's a larger school and they'll also consider to be 123 members of staff with the new school as you can see it would be two stories and heights with a flat roof and the elevations will be composed of facing brickwork accent colors with glazed brickwork near the entrances and it will also have composite cladding panels as well here so in terms of the layout so you can see this main schools in a north central position on the site plan the main entrance will be this landscaped entrance plaza which you can see here on four side and fresh more road and you can also see on this image here so this is a landscaped an open landscape sort of nodal point for the school which is considered really high quality and it will provide an attractable legible entrance to the school and this is for the visitors and staff coming through here and then in terms of the SRB they'll have their own dedicated drop-off facility here which comes in from fresh more road and that's also going to be and during school hours it will also fulfill other functions like outdoor play space to do with the SRB when it's not being a turning facility and then so the main vehicle access is coming from four cyclos here to the north and that's going to have car parking space and cycle parking and then the main student access is to the south so that from Ocean Way and also from the active travel route which comes to the east but then it's also envisaged that the majority of the school children will actually come from the north this access here coming in from fresh more road here and then there's also going to be a controlled gate access here to the west from God all means place and then also in terms of there's also going to be pedestrian access coming towards the overspill car parking to the west here northwest here so there'll be a green corridor coming along here and then in terms of the facility so you've got a large rugby pitch to the east of the site you've got three multi-use games areas to the south which will be floodlit and then also got two seven-side football pitches and these will all be used by the community outside of school hours and then this community and then the school children will also be able to use the ocean park sports pitches to the northwest as well here as well and then so it's 34 car parking spaces in total and then 252 Sheffield stands cycle parking which will be sheltered and secure as well and then finally the refuse will be to this here along Titan Road which with its own turning head and then I'll talk about this landscaping there'll be 99 new trees proposed by talk about this in the next slides so in terms of floor plans so this is the ground floor planning here as you can see you've got sports or here which will also be used by the community outside of school hours you've also got a large theater double height theater with with studios and then you've got the classrooms around here and then you've also got a dining area as well and then this as you can see the light green is the SRB area here and then first floor you've got further classrooms you've got a library here which acts as a sort of hub around the classrooms and then music rooms as well and then the roof so the roof has PV panels and there's a green roof on the learning zone and they've got lots of roof lights to bring in light. In terms of landscaping so there's 44 existing trees on site seven individual and two category C trees are being removed to facilitate the redevelopment and there's also three category B trees also being removed but this is obviously mitigated by 99 new trees being proposed also there's a huge amount of landscaping in terms of wildflower, wildflower, meadow planting, community gardens, hedgerows all around the site it's got the grass rugby pictures as well and just to know the extensive discussions have actually been held with the ecology and the tree officer to ensure the appropriate tree and planting species are provided and also in terms of all the planting methodologies as well so we consider this to be a real positive in terms of the scheme in terms of a significant net gain in biodiversity and all the different landscape areas as well and then in terms of hard landscaping you've got different surface textures for the all around the site you've got picnic areas, seating areas, climbing walls, greenhouses so yeah it's considered really positive especially in terms of welfare and well-being for the children in the future and also the community using the site as well and then further ecological enhancements have also been conditioned as well so just so that this just basically shows the existing trees on the site this shows all the trees that are being proposed and then this is a CGI of the of the SRB area which as you can see it's but the wildflower is very green so yeah this is as we said as I know it's really positive in terms of all the trees and biodiversity now I've got a video to show you I need to get it up which one is it again sorry uh hopefully it works so I'm not going to show it all can you see this can you just get rid of the slides okay it's four minutes so I'll just show you the main bits but okay this is a CGI video that shows you around the school so this is coming in from the main entrance from the landscape plaza so you come now into the entrance you've got the nice glazed brickwork and providing this legible entrance so now you come into the entrance area and then you'll come this is the double height corridors of bringing all the light into the rooms and now you come into the new theatre which I said before the community will be able to use as well outside of the school hours okay I'll skip the corridors bits before and the stairs so this shows the science rooms in the first floor and then you get on to come into the library soon so you just show this as well that you can see it from the library you can see that down into the canteen area as well which is all very open and light so you can see how it all looks some of the roof lights and then you come down just quickly in terms of the external areas this is the canteen area and then here you can see all the block paving in the hard landscape in the picnic areas and then I think you can be able to see the green route sorry the greenhouses so it's going to be educational for in terms of biodiversity for the children things like that great that's it oh no it's keep going sorry it's 20 seconds here we go there's the greenhouses and the different areas are planting and then and then the elevation so the elevations conditions have been put on to ensure the higher specification for the building but they may be changed in terms of additional glaze brickwork and just to improve it great now okay so then you've seen the video so this is now you got different CGI's to show so this is by the entrance and then you can see different areas this is the SRB here in the bottom right I'll just get my laser pin up yes so the elevations are considered so the materials are considered to be really sensible neutral and robust palette and they look they're considered to contribute to the civic presence of this building and there's rich tones as well around the site and the different colors help with the wayfinding and showing different departments so this is considered to be a high quality in terms of the elevations and again additional information will be provided by a condition so in terms of the analysis so section 9 of the committee report identifies all these all the critical issues I'll just be picking up on the most pertinent points because it's quite a lengthy report so in terms of the principle of development the site is identified as existing employment land and as you can see EC1 within the local development plan the school use is considered acceptable given the fact that spot market in Portman more studios vacated in 2022 and this useful generate employment as well in terms of 123 members of staff approximately it's also provides a great opportunity for this area in terms of regenerating the area providing community facilities and also the place making benefits and also active travel improvements which I'll come on to next so the full justifications in the committee report but there's been no technical objection from a land use policy perspective so in terms of highways transportation so there's 34 car parking spaces to the north and then the overspill car parking here and that's policy compliant in terms of the managing transportation's SPG and then there's 252 cycle parking spaces which exceeds the requirement would be 233 which is really positive all the spaces are Sheffield stands and if for inclusivity and then they'll all be sheltered and secured so they got the north here and the south here and they'll also have natural surveillance which is supported then in terms of the site so we've looked at is considered a sustainable location near Cara City Center and also with the residential areas to the north and in terms of this will allow school children to basically to encourage staff and pupils to travel by alternative modes of transport rather than cars so you can see the walking distances as shown on here so you've got an orange that's within 800 meters and then you've got pink 1.2 kilometer meters in terms of these residential areas to walk to the site and then this image here shows the future integrated network map so it shows the future's cycle and walking routes the site the pink is the cycle and walking routes and then the blue is just the walking routes but again I'll talk about this later on but the application supported by a really detailed transport assessment and this is considered trip generation in terms of morning traffic peak at 8 till 9 p.m. and then school afternoon peak at 3 till 4 p.m. it's identified there'll be approximately 550 trips attracted by the school and this is an increase from the previous school but and there's been no objection from transport officer given the fact that these trips will be dispersed across the network and then also transferred from the previous location across the existing network of the roads. Not withstanding this obviously we have identified that there will be a trip generation so we've proposed offsite active travel works for this school so this will be delivered through a section 278 agreement so it's also worth noting that it's a secondary school so kid children will be more dependent and will likely make their own way to school so we feel like these active travel improvements will reduce sort of traffic and it'll be good for making more desirable for school children so as you can see this image here so this is all within the committee report but this first image here shows the new cycle network that's going to be proposed so this is coming down an ocean way and then in red you can see off-road cycle facilities you've got so this image to the right is basically a zoomed in version of the red so you've got a new cycle route coming down Lewis Road, footway and cross improvements so you've got zebra crossing here and then you have two zebra crossings coming into Moreland Park so Moreland Park is going to have substantial active travel improvements which I'll talk later on but so this will allow kids to come through from the residential as through Moreland Park onto Freshmore Road and I said before there's an access into the school here or they can come down the active travel route along the east and come access the site to the south and then the orange these just show further improved links coming into the improved active travel routes as I link in terms of the red here and then there's also improvements to the zebra crossings on East Tindall Street here as well on the north and then a travel plan condition has also been secured by a condition to promote active travel for staff and students so this just shows more in depth in terms of Moreland Park so as you can see this image shows the sort of less desirable entrance coming into the park so this will all be improved there'll also be street lighting coming into the footpaths the footpaths going to be improved for cyclists and pedestrians and then yeah upgrade and then there'll also be pedestrian cut-throughs as well coming here you can see in the blue here so yeah it's considerably positive having these active travel improvements and which will be delivered as the section 278 of site works so in terms of representations application has been advertised and publicized by site notices and letters to members and residents there's only been one objection received and that's from enabling occupy having concerns in terms of the active travel route and the implications this will have on their access as I noted before that this active travel route has already been approved and the access arrangements will still be acceptable into this person's site in terms of noise and lighting there's been noise there's been a noise impact assessment and the noise officers raised no objection subject to conditions for the operation hours for their sports pictures until 9 p.m. on any given day and then the Moogers multi-use games areas to the south they're going to have flood lighting so there's been a lighting condition imposed as well but it's not considered there's no residential around these around the floodlights it's not considered to impact it's not going to impact on the businesses and then in terms of construction side there's been an upfront construction environmental management plan which will provide mitigation measures in terms of construction of noise highways environment so it doesn't impact on the local businesses and residents so to conclude so this is considered a really high quality scheme in a sustainable brownfield location and there'll be no unacceptable impacts on the local character or amenity and then also it's huge positive benefits in terms of the significant net gain in biodiversity and landscaping the community facilities provided and also the active travel improvement so I'm therefore recommending the application for approval and thank you for listening there's one late rep I think this Steve wanted to raise thank you James and thank you Chair and members so so this morning we have received late representations from Councillor Hugh Thomas who in addition to being leaders the Ward member or A Ward member for Scotland Chamorfer he's apologised he has got an excellent appointment he hasn't managed to avoid to come here but he's asked if we can read out his some representations which I do now so he says I write in full support of the application the promise to deliver a new school building for willows was a promise we made as local councillors in 2017 and 22 local elections and I'm delighted we were on the cusp of a major step forward to deliver on that promise today we are clear that children splotch more of our Adams down and butte town deserve the best possible start in life and the delivery of this new school makes a significant contribution to that aim it is sadly all to apparent the current building is near end of life we will remember how a few years ago some lessons had to be relocated to county hall due to issues with the building and school staff as well as the councillors health and safety team deserve praise for their work in keeping the building safe and functional at the moment but a new building on a new site is desperately required I welcome the design of the building which is fresh modern and adaptive to the school needs not least because it is easily expandable to accommodate more pupils should that be required in future post plans to incorporate the sports facilities at Ocean Park Arena is also hugely beneficial to the school I also welcome the move to the proposed new site home to splot market in recent years but more famously remembered as the site of the Eastmore steelworks I believe reallocating further away from where current industrial activity is centred will benefit both pupils and the school's image not least by citing the school in a more visible and more accessible location to most pupils as local members we do have some concerns about safe walking and cycling routes to schools which council stubs may wish to elaborate on in his contribution but we welcome the early engagement we've had thus far with the transport team to discuss how improvements can be delivered in parallel with the school building in summary however this is an important project which will help transform the educational outcomes of pupils in one of the poorest parts of the city and I urge you to support it today thank you committee for information there is no petition attached to this application however we are aware that the war councillor does wish to speak councillor stubs if you'd like to come forward you will have five minutes councillor stubs thank you for giving the opportunity to address you today particularly thanks to the committee chair this investment is this investment is much needed in slot you know any of you didn't know the current willows site will know as was outlined in the late reps there was one point where we had to have pupils out of the site for a number of weeks and spend a lot of money because of the state of the building and often when we talk about these new schools we talk a lot about the borrowing required to deliver them what we never talk about is a savings made from the significant costs of maintaining an old estate so we'll say that this is an opportunity to give a first class learning environment you know and I'm very clearly in favor of this application first class learning environment for our communities but more than that to improve the bio diversity on the site and improve the general look of the area it sits on the border of splot and downtown and will I'm sure proven incredibly popular choice for parents and pupils of both communities and Adam's down as well but I'm pleased to see that the building communal areas of the school will fit eight form of entry so six form them to affiliation but I'm pleased to see the community members areas will be to accommodate eight form of entry and I'm sure that many of the families in both communities want a new building is there on the border of butte and splot will choose to send you know who currently do not choose willows as their first choice will choose to this location as their first choice and I think the counts I'd like to see a plan as quickly as possible to move from six form entry to eight form of entry and I'm also keen that the conversation continues this is an opportunity many of you will not know this but there are parts of this city that we don't have six form provisioning I know most of your communities do I would like to see every community have equitable access six form provision and as we go through this application process I would like to see that conversation continue for me it's feasible and it shows ambition on the part of the council for these communities what I would say to the committee is what's in front of you today is a state of the art environmentally sustainable school building and I would urge you to pass this application but I have got some comments as indicated by Casa Hugh Thomas unsafe routes to school I want to transport offices I would draw your attention to a safe routes to school children will use various routes I know we've talked about in this application a lot about Moreland Park but my my daughter goes to the neighboring school law school Glam warfare so I know which route I use when I walk her every morning and I come a different route I come down East Sindel Street I come down Habesan Street first and I think it's that route that I would like transport offices to continue to look at this route for those of you that know the area takes you past a number of light industrial units when we built Glam warfare we didn't get it totally right so there are still some drop curbs missing the entire route has to be have drop curbs along it and those crossings of those very wide roads the industrial units we need to do something to address that we need to look at the markings on the already the crossings are already in place there is a particular crossing at the bottom of East Sindel Street where East Sindel Street comes next to the Maltans there's no pavement on one side so the crossing is quite rightly at the first point where people will cross but it is very very close to the junction and what we at what we need is a guarantee and I'm sure we'll get it that where is now most mornings there's a crossing patrol guard there that every morning there is a cutting patrol person there and I think that that will be useful for the primary school but also for the pupils and come into the high school and I am really excited about this site I want us to get it right and I would urge you to pass this application Thank you councillor steps we've also received a request from a neighboring more councillor councillor Gente who has been allowed to speak councillor Gente you'll have five minutes thank you chair thank you for the opportunity to represent the needs of Buterne children in relation to this application buterne is a neighbouring ward to the site of this new build school and award that has no secondary school within its boundaries so we warmly welcome the decision taken to build the new school closer to our area the question that I'm asking the committee to consider today is does this application demonstrate that it is taken into account the principle of sustainable development which is a key element in the well being of future generations act does the application balance the short-term needs and the need to safeguard the ability to meet long-term needs for the following reasons and I believe that further detail and further conversation on how this achieve is can be achieved is needed currently our buterne catchment area school is Fitz Allen high school which is within walking distance has a good reputation good facilities and on site sixth form provision the school is well thought of by parents but is over subscribed so year after year buterne children miss out this year just 49% of children were offered their first choice of school compared to a citywide average of 88% leading to many of buterne children's friendship groups being split up as they have to go to a number of different schools across the city to access secondary education also there are a number of developments for family homes currently under in the planning process for buterne and this will bring more families to the area also buterne families should have the same choices that other families across the cities have as many of you do in your wards buterne families deserve equity of provision be that in relation to choices about where their children undertakes post 16 education which they currently have with their catchment school of Fitz Allen when they can get in and in relation to equal opportunities to walk or cycle to school which many currently don't have as they need to drive across the city so I am in support of this application because a school closer to buterne is much needed and certainly the facilities we've seen a welcome and of a high standard in relation to the future proofing of it and in relation to the sustainable development principle I really feel that the committee needs to consider whether that conversation needs to continue because clearly it's not like for like in parent size and so I would urge the committee to consider and ask questions about how the school site in its current form can be scaled up and what kind of timescale that would take. Thank you very much. Thank you Councillor Dint that James do you want to come in on the sustainability before we go to the debate? Yes, I'm okay. Thank you Councillor. I think generally it's good to see both in terms of Councillor Stubbs and yourselves in terms of different naming wars that is obviously clear support for the school and I think you know it's clearly it's a really good opportunity both in terms of provision of high quality facilities and new school building but also opportunities to serve a wider population and the proximity to buterne I think is absolutely right in terms of what you said. I think I understand the large issues you're raising in terms about access to education. I think generally speaking the main thing I would say is those conversations are probably not for this committee or indeed for planning officers. I think it's good that you've voiced them and I think they're absolutely the discussions that need to be had through our education team in terms of both the access to the new facility that's been proposed here which is the sixth form entry that we have and then what opportunities there may be in the future for expansion. I think the most important thing is that the school obviously does have the opportunity for such expansion. It's been planned ahead that should always happen with most new school builds and in that regard you know I think it's a real positive the issue about sustainability principles and access in particular both in terms of you know the school is highly energy provision in terms of its sustainability of the building itself and the school use itself but in terms of that access and the ability for students from all parts of the city to be able to walk safely that should form part and does form part I'm sure of the consideration of the active travel indicators and I'm not sure chair with if you I mean we've got Vinny from our transport team who's been engaged with and with the education team in terms of looking at those sort of things the the active travel improvement of the identified are in draft form at the moment they're quite detailed already but there's a lot of work is already being done and we'll continue I'm sure with Vinny and the team and and engaging with the education team but also I'm sure with Councillor Guntherin and other nearby members in terms of making sure that that the right opportunities are are provided at this stage and all I'd say is there's a condition that specifically requires all details of active travel improvements to be finalized and a time scable for implementation of those measures to be agreed through that condition as well so that there's an opportunity over the next few months for those matters to be finalized in discussion with all relevant parties and then when a scheme comes forward that again can be subject to the consultation with ward members to ensure that there's there's buy-in and that it meets all the issues raised by Councillor Gunther hope that answers your questions. Right we will now move on to the debate can you please press the speak button on your microphone or select speak on your device if attending remotely. First speaker is Councillor Shimin. Thank you Chair and thank you for the detailed reports and the representations from the local Councillors. I've got a couple of questions one follows on from what the local Councillors say this school as proposed is bigger than the current one next to a couple hundred spaces would that accommodate the eight form entry and the sixth form as well or would this need to be sort of like in a way future-proofed as it were. Also my other question relates to vehicular access. So with the reading report you're obviously trying to discourage the drop off by parents which is rightly so I noticed though there's the overflow car park off Bayon close would that be just generally accessible during the day or not because obviously parents will use that if that was open. Also what about people with students who have physical disabilities but attend the mainstream school is there going to be an area for them to be legitimately dropped off close to the school. Also coaches whether that's school transport or school trips is a suitable area for these coaches to stop and students to be safely loaded and unloaded. Thank you. I'll take Councillor Michael next if James can answer those two questions I'll then go on to Councillor Wong and Councillor Hunt. Thank you Chair. I welcome the proposals. I've given education opportunity to the side of the city and the people's going to use this school is one of the things that Councillors should really be pushing for as someone who went to schools in the city in the 60s with poor educational standards and poor buildings forgotten about as a whole generation of us that didn't benefit from anything like this. So I really do welcome the chance to give pupils in this school in this area of the city the opportunity to look forward and look to a better and brighter future. As a ward Councillor to somewhere where we first built a brand new school I asked some concerns you know because five, six years later we're looking at the possibilities you know as Councillor Gunther said and Councillor Stubbs is the room for expansion. How long before we decide that perhaps we should have actually built it a bit larger we should have taken into account eight form of entry. Birth rates do go up and down and I find that we what I would be interested in is to make sure that this school has the ability to service and meet the needs of the area included all of Utah. I am happy with the sustainability and the greenness of the school, the building process, the carbon free building processes. I do have some sympathy for Councillor Gunther. I think busing pupils from one area to the other is something that we should strive to not to do frankly and to do that is a hell of a lot of work has to go on about inclusivity in the size of the school and the size of the future of the school. So that's something I think we should certainly look at. But I was already mentioned those conversations are not for the planning committee. Those for the local Councillors that take on board with the cabinet member and education itself. But generally the applications this stands before this is to be welcome. I think it will make a huge difference over the next few generations to this side of the city especially in giving them a lifetime opportunities that they didn't and they don't at the moment look at. I really think that giving children and grandchildren a chance to enhance their ability through these opportunities is something that we should strive for. So I welcome the application I will be supporting it. I want to do the two questions. Yeah, thanks Chair, thanks James. Thank you Councillor Jimin and Mike. I mean the issues you raise are ones that we're more aware of. I think I'll try and differentiate between the ones that are perhaps for discussion now and the ones that are actually outside of this process. But ones I think you know as planners we fully understand support and they're probably more ones for a wider discussion with education. So particularly the issues about I think both of you raised about the need to make sure we're future proofing. I think ultimately I think I said earlier it's always important to do that and I think this school does seek to do so. But realistically you know this is about delivering a new school with the I guess the blunt band of the available budget to achieve based upon what we can achieve on this site based upon what money is available. It's already expanding the numbers from the existing will of school. So that's already a positive and it increases the opportunity for educational benefits across this part of the southern part of the city. Other discussions individually and community council can have discussion I'm sure with education colleagues about how and when that will be needed. And you know I've no doubt that there'll be more and happy to have those discussions you know at the appropriate time. I think for now the most important thing is it's about delivering a much needed high quality development here which does already increase capacity above the existing will of school. So that's a real positive. In terms of the issues you raised Councillor SHIM about access and you know trying to discourage drop off obviously we're trying to discourage people from coming cars full stop but people will do. But the facilities are there both in terms of the SRB and other drop off opportunities so it will be done in a safe way. Our colleagues have reviewed and satisfied in that regard. And I think it is important that you know the primary focus here is about active travel and sustainability you save access for example to the overflow car part. There's only a small number of spaces within an existing car part which are effectively allocated or would be allocated for the school. There are other spaces already there. I have no doubt that in certain circumstances people may choose to drive that way drop off kids and come around. But that facility is already there. I think ultimately that would be a matter for the school once it's open to review how things are working out to make sure there's no one except an impact arising from that. But there are opportunities in different parts for children to be dropped off and to walk safely to school in that regard. So I think that would be good as would any issues in terms of you know for every school physical disability if people have. There's always opportunities here you know there is drop off close by. There is the SRB opportunity there that would be available to that you come around into the school at drop off time and then leave safely. So I'm sure those opportunities would be able to be used for all of those people who require it. I think actually I think I'll probably cover your points Councilor Michael. I think the most important thing you know you said about ability to meet and needs I think ultimately it's a financial matter. But you know we welcome the comments to be on from a planned perspective. James are any other points that you wish to raise specifically with your recommendations? I think the other ones were the disabled parking that's to the north from the main entrance and forward shy close. And then also I think you mentioned about the coaches drop off. Should I refer to the Vinnie for that? I think it's on the question. There will be provision for buses. There are current bus routes along Lewis and Freshmore anyway. But we'll make sure that those public transport facilities are much better than waiting facilities there. But also there would be provision for if there were any you know actual school buses or coaches for trips and that kind of thing. And outside of that we will be making sure that we'll be parking and loading restrictions that will prevent all the you know the typical parent drop off issues so that you know if parents have to drop off their children as a secondary school they will be able to walk the last few blocks or whatever. So it will just disperse it further away and you know maybe they'll decide that the active travel provision is so good cycling might be better anyway. So that's that's part of the plan. Thank you. I'm going to take Councillor Wong then Gary Hunt and the last two after James has answered those will be Councillor Robson and Councillor Ahmed. Thank you Chair. I also completely welcome these proposals and the significant difference they will make as Councillor Michael has already said. And obviously as the Chair of Governors that could taste I do look jealously at these plans. The main point I wanted to make was Councillor Stubbs referenced a need for active travel routes from central spot road areas and then obviously Councillor Gunther referenced the intake from Butan. But obviously there's the East Dock and central link which is a significant barrier for that. And I notice on the future travel, active travel paths will go north and south of that and it is absolutely critical that those active travel routes are robust when they come over central link because if they're not all appearance from Butan, who in fact you're going to drive their kids in. So the active travel routes not just around the school but from Butan simply because of the geographical barriers there are. And most of that current infrastructure central link is pretty much geared for motor vehicles so it will need to be a robust active travel routes that manage to encourage people across those bits. And that's my main point, thank you. Thank you Chair. I think the main point in terms of development control here is the principle of development on the site and obviously this is in a city brownfield site and is perfectly suited to this form of development. And I think we start from that principle. I think it's a very good principle to start. It's a loss of course of potential employment land and I hope that is taken into account when other applications come forward in this particular area because it's important, I think whichever part of the city is, it's important that there are jobs in those parts of the city. And I hope that our principle is accepted. But this is a very good use of this particular space and this particular land. And as everyone has said, a huge step forward. People are touched upon the highways and trucks and transport elements. I think they've been covered. It's interesting, Councillor Michael drifted into the anecdotal sort of areas. So I'll do the same. 1969, I was very fortunate to, I was, I was. I was very fortunate to go to a school, a high school that was the first comprehensive school, the first of a group, a batch of comprehensive schools in the city, introduced of course by the 1960s Labour Government. A great step forward from the iniquities of the Grammar School, it's only a modern system, which condemned 11 year olds to a terrible life of whatever. One thing about it, one thing about it though, one thing about everything to do with politics, John, don't worry. It's, it's, one thing about the school I went to, which is Lanishina High, which was two former secondary modern schools, was that schools in those days were very bleak and dark places. They were, they were, they were, they were, they were, it was always, they always prided themselves on their bleakness of darkness. It was always the feature of them. It was almost a sort of part of their mentality and consciousness. What I liked about this particular scheme, I enjoyed the video, I thought it was very good, is it seems absurd to say that in an educational context, light and space are important, but they are. And what this, what this had was light and space. Interesting enough, I went back 10 years ago to the new, new, new center that was put in Lanishina High for the new IT block. I was impressed then with how bright it was and how, how sort of, how much space there was and how much there was, it was, it was an atmosphere, it was conducive to learning. And, and that's what I was impressed with in this particular video. I hope that will be what, what, you know, the school is. Laning is a great step forward. Of course, willows as a final tradition as a school. Going back many, many years to the time I was talking about, willows became a comprehensive, I think the same time as Lanishina High did, a whole batch in the, in the late 60s. And one hopes, obviously, you know, hurry there. One hopes that, you know, that tradition will continue and will grow and will enhance. And I do hope that there is space in this atmosphere, in this school, that will lead to the creation of six forms and for, for this school to take, take its place amongst the other schools in the city to grow and, and to enhance. I think it's an excellent development and I totally can end it. Thank you. Thank you. Over to the planners. In response to Councillor Wong's comments about the connectivity towards Butte Town in particular, past Butte East Dock crossing central link. Yes, we've, we, we have various proposals connected with the actual school itself. So those will be coming on in time for the school opening along, you know, very close, Lewis Road and Freshmore and so on. But also at the same time, there, there is the wider Cardiff network. And whilst we can't deliver all of that, all at once, there are certain aspects that are definitely barriers to travel. And one of those is at the roundabout underneath central link East Bay Close, where the visibility there is a, is a definite, definitely needs improvement. And that is something that is currently being drawn up, detailed design and will be delivered this financial year. So that then links the cycle, whether it's already in on Tindall Street and then links to Lloyd George Avenue and, and, and from there sort of more into Butte Town. But, and that will then at least link to existing cycle facilities, even though they're not up to our current standard that goes over the other fly over to the magic roundabout and, and then further towards the school along East Tindall Street, we will be making improvements along there soon as well. But at least we're making sure that that actual, the, the bit that's been identified as being the most obstructive and hazardous will be done as soon as possible really, but definitely this financial year. Does that answer your point? Good afternoon. Just very briefly, Councillor, yes, completely endorse your comments about the need to protect employment uses within the city. You know, the city is growing, we are seeing a significant amount of residential applications through this committee and student accommodation as well. But that requires the need therefore to provide employment land for people as well. It is captured in the report, of course. I did note that in the list of policies at the beginning of the report, it didn't list EC1 and EC3, but they are mentioned in the report and we continue to do so. I think, as James alluded to, Councillor, that the fact that this is an employment generating use, we use the word complementary to the employment offer quite often. And I feel that this will generate, you know, additionality in terms of the services that have been provided to a large secondary school in this location also. So there is not just a regeneration uplift, but there's a potential employment uplift from the existing uses and that is part of the planning consideration. Councillor, thank you. Right, we'll now take Councillor Robson and final speaker, we'll be Councillor Ahmed. Thank you, Chair. I was tempted to join in and start about my secondary school in the 90s, but I bet not. Yeah, it's obviously a good application for a new school, which is always a good thing for the city. I think the officers have done well. The education officers have done well actually with the site constraints. That red line boundary is not, isn't by no means a rectangle. Snakes all over the place and all different angles. So to fit it all in, I think should be noted. But that does bring me on to my query, particularly about the overflow car park and security issues. I noted that the police have asked the condition be taken on board. I think it is, or at least that the Council work with the police to ensure that the security issues that they've raised and the reporter noted. But you've got that long walkway, then with the overflow car park, then with the, you know, the shared access to pedestrian and driveway into the overflow. And I just wondered about how that's going to look in terms of security there. The school site itself, the main bulk of it, has been considered quite clearly. I just want to check that site has been looked at and considered from a security aspect. Thank you, Councillor Ahmed. Yeah, kick it in me. Yes, we can. Thank you, Councillor. Yeah, this quick thing that I'll just put in. First of all, very welcoming to you. Councillor Ahmed, we can't see you. We can hear you, but we can't see you. Can you see me now? Can you turn your TV off as well, please? Sorry. Can you see me now? Yeah, we can. Thank you. All right, so about that, it's welcoming news that we're going to have a state-of-the-art brand new school in that area, which is much needed. And that is going to be going to save a bit and a plot, but also, I believe, part of plaz as well. And it'd be great to see this. And I also agree with some of my colleagues who said that 6th form, 8th form, is it going to be a sufficient? Are we going to be okay? We don't want to do someone's 5th and 8th time, you know, we need to extend. So this is something one of my concerns. The other thing I'm going to ask is, you know, the theatre that we're going to have? What is the capacity of the theatre? And also, is it likely to be, what is the hours that the community will have access to? Not only the theatre, but the community room as well. And one, I don't know what type of question that is going to be. I know the proposal is from 99 trees. Why can't we have 100? It's the reason why we're going to have new road to the own trees. That's it, thanks. Okay, thank you, Councillor. So it's over to the planning team too to answer. Yeah, thanks, Councillor Robson. So that access to the overspill car park is both sides from the north and the south. It's got gated access, so it's controlled gated access. So going down the green corridors, should I put it on my screen? It's the top left area, yeah. So yeah, it's just, oh, yeah, yeah. So you've got access to the south and all the roads to the north, and it's solely just for school children accessing the ocean park sports pictures and also for the overspill car parking. So this is going to be controlled. And then also there's also a controlled gated access to Goldilmies place here to the west here. So yeah, and so that's, that's why it's considered acceptable in terms of security and safety for children. In terms of Councillor Armed. Did you read it? Okay. Okay. In terms of Councillor Armed's comments, grateful for the positivity around the new school. Thank you. In terms of a lot of the comments that have been made today, just to remind members, you know, we are looking at the current proposal, which is for a sick former secondary school with the potential to accommodate eight forms of entry. We're also not looking at, you know, the opportunity to expand into sick form. That's not what the proposal is for here. That would be a redesign that may well require an additional planning application beyond what we're considering today. Likewise, there's been an awful lot of conversations about school catchment areas. And that, again, is a matter for the education department to establish through their processes, not for the planning committee to advise on regrettably colleagues. So just to remind you that we are looking at a sick form entry school proposal. Does not include sick form currently and is, you know, discussions around catchments are not material planning consideration in this instance. Picking up on the theatre, I don't know. Councillor apologies, I don't think my colleagues have that information available, but it did look to be a sizable opportunity with a stage and elevated seating. So best estimate would be it would be circa 100 plus 200 maybe seating. But I don't know the exact numbers. And likewise with the trees, I'm hopeful that when you plant more than when you plant 99 trees, you actually plant a significant more than that to make sure that their root protection zones are created. The soil volumes are appropriate, so they will be planting vastly more than 99 trees. But I'm sure one more wouldn't hurt the school's department in terms of planting. Let's go and count them once they're in full bloom. I think that answers the questions, yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Over to Mandy. Committee, we will now vote on the recommendation as outlined in the report, which is to grant the application subject to the conditions outlined in the report. Please press the button on your microphone or on your screen if attending remotely. Yes, if you are in favour of the application, know if you are against the application or alternatively you can abstain. We will start the vote now. [BLANKAUDIO] [BLANKAUDIO] [BLANKAUDIO] The application is granted. Thank you. [BLANKAUDIO] [BLANKAUDIO] [BLANKAUDIO] Okay, thanks everyone. I'm back. So over to item six of the agenda to note the applications decided by delegated powers from the 1st of January to 1st of March, 2024. Is that, that doesn't see, yeah. Do you want to correct that? Can I just correct that? That actually should be from the 2nd of March until the 27th of March, apologies. No, that's okay. This is on the record. Hopefully the minutes will reflect that. No, so the next one is no urgent items have been received and the date for the next meeting is Thursday the 6th of June. So as a, as usual, we voted for a site visit today. So we'll probably look to have as we've gotten the routine of doing that the site visit the Monday before, but we will confirm that and send it around for your diaries as soon as possible. It's just good to see everyone and thanks and see you in, see you at full council or see you in June in the next planning meeting. [BLANKAUDIO] [BLANKAUDIO]
The council meeting focused on planning applications, notably the construction of a new school and modifications to a coach house. The committee approved the new school project and deferred the coach house decision pending a site visit.
New School Construction: The committee approved a proposal for a new school in Splot, designed to replace the existing Willows High School. The new facility will accommodate more students and include modern amenities. Arguments in favor included the dire condition of the current school and the educational benefits of the new location. Concerns were raised about traffic and the adequacy of future expansion. The decision promises significant educational and community benefits, enhancing local infrastructure and potentially boosting school enrollment.
Coach House Modifications: The decision on the coach house modifications was deferred for a site visit after discussions about its impact on the conservation area and the design changes proposed to make it more historically congruent. Initial objections centered on the scale of the extension and its visual impact on the adjacent listed building. Proponents argued the revised plans were in keeping with the area's character. The deferral indicates the committee's cautious approach to alterations in historically sensitive areas, ensuring thorough onsite evaluation before final approval.
The meeting was marked by a strong emphasis on community input and the detailed consideration of the implications of planning decisions on local heritage and educational facilities.