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Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday 18th September, 2024 7.00 pm

September 18, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting  Watch video of meeting  Watch video of meeting  Watch video of meeting  Watch video of meeting or read trancript  Watch video of meeting or read trancript  Watch video of meeting or read trancript  Watch video of meeting or read trancript  Watch video of meeting or read trancript  Watch video of meeting or read trancript  Watch video of meeting or read trancript  Watch video of meeting
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The Overview and Scrutiny Committee noted the Council Tax Support Scheme. The Committee requested an investigation into whether basing the scheme on earnings resulted in residents receiving too little or too much support. The Committee also asked for an explanation of how the income bands in the scheme were calculated and requested that any future proposals consider the schemes offered by other London boroughs. The Committee noted that the Valuation Office Agency1 sets council tax bands nationally based on property values from 1991.

Youth Homelessness Task and Finish Group

The Committee approved the report of the Youth Homelessness Task and Finish Group and agreed to refer it to the Cabinet. The Committee requested that cabinet clearly explain its reasons if it cannot fully implement any of the recommendations made in the report. The Task and Finish group made a number of recommendations, including the creation of a checklist to help Barnet Homes identify young people with support needs, an information leaflet explaining the realities of social housing in Barnet, and a Youth Homelessness Directory.

Review of the Life Chances Strategy

The Committee noted the Life Chances Strategy. The Committee requested that Councillor Julia Monasterian, Chair of the Adults and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee, provide an update on the borough's childhood vaccination rates following the Sub-Committee's November meeting. Councillor Pauline Coakley Webb, Cabinet Member for Family Friendly Barnet, noted that Barnet had recently received a Good rating from Ofsted2 and that the Council should be very proud of its Children and Families Department. The Committee discussed the issue of poor dental health amongst children. Councillor Coakley Webb confirmed that data on dental health was collected and reported but acknowledged that issues such as 'fear of the dentist' and poor data reporting could be contributing to the problem. Councillor Coakley Webb and Ben Thomas, Assistant Director of Education, Strategy, and Partnerships, reassured the Committee that the Council was working to identify children who may be missing out on support, including those not registered with a GP. They confirmed that children accommodated in hotels could access services including the Council's Borough of Sanctuary team.

Revised Statement of Licensing Policy

The Committee noted the revised Statement of Licensing Policy. The Committee requested that training on licensing and planning matters be provided to all Councillors. The Committee heard from Ash Shah, Service Manager for Trading Standards and Licensing, that the Burnt Oak Cumulative Impact Zone3 (CIZ), which had been in place since 2019, had been successful and that no licences had required refusal since its introduction. The Committee noted that the future of the CIZ would be decided by the Licensing and General Purposes Committee.

Chief Finance Officer Report - 2024/25 Quarter 1 Financial Forecast and 2024/25 Budget Management

The Committee noted the Chief Finance Officer Report – 2024/25 Quarter 1 Financial Forecast and 2024/25 Budget Management. Councillor Ammar Naqvi, Cabinet Member for Financial Sustainability and Reducing Poverty, presented the report and highlighted that the Council was facing a challenging financial position with a projected £20 million overspend. The Committee discussed the level of debt, particularly in relation to temporary accommodation and borrowing costs, and requested that the report be simplified in future to increase public understanding. Councillor Naqvi confirmed that this would be done. The Committee requested that an investigation be undertaken into whether arrangements for debt recovery and overpayments could be improved and asked that Equality Impact Assessments be undertaken for any proposed savings. Councillor Naqvi confirmed that the Council was taking a number of steps to control costs and review spending and that a recovery plan would be presented to Cabinet in November. The Committee heard from Councillor Ross Houston, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Homes and Regeneration, who explained the challenges facing the Council in relation to the provision of temporary accommodation. In response to a question about the support available, Councillor Houston stated that there had been unprecedented pressures and that new housing applications were significantly higher than in the previous year.

Task and Finish Group Updates

The Committee noted the Task and Finish Group updates. The Chair noted that the report included a visual progress update and a more detailed narrative. The Committee agreed that the Task and Finish Group review topics for 2024-25 would be:

  • Food Poverty.
  • Fostering (and potentially Adoption).
  • Sustainable Travel.
  • Allotment Governance and Management.

It was noted that work was ongoing in relation to dog fouling and that this may be the subject of a Task and Finish Group review later in the year.

Cabinet Forward Plan (Key Decision Schedule)

The Committee noted the Cabinet Forward Plan. The Committee requested that a report on the Food Waste Service, due to be considered by Cabinet on 5 December 2024, be brought to the Committee for pre-decision scrutiny.

Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme

The Committee noted the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme. It was noted that the work programme would be amended to include the Food Waste Service report as a pre-decision scrutiny item in advance of the Cabinet meeting on 5 December 2024. The Chair confirmed that, in consultation with the Vice-Chair, he would be reviewing the process for tracking and reporting the responses to comments and recommendations made by the Committee.

  1. The Valuation Office Agency is an executive agency of His Majesty's Revenue and Customs that is responsible for property valuations in England and Wales. They value properties for Council Tax and Business Rates. 

  2. The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills, more commonly known as Ofsted, is a non-ministerial department of the UK government, reporting to Parliament. It is responsible for inspecting a range of educational institutions, including state schools and some independent schools. 

  3. A Cumulative Impact Zone is an area where it is assumed that granting a new licence for the sale of alcohol will add to existing problems in that area, and therefore the licensing authority will refuse an application unless the applicant can demonstrate that the grant of a new licence will not have a negative impact. 
