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Health & Wellbeing Board - Thursday 19th September, 2024 9.30 am

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The Health & Wellbeing Board of Barnet Council met on Thursday 19 September 2024. They noted the progress on the existing Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy and discussed the development of the new strategy. They noted changes to pharmacy provision in the Borough and approved the new process for reviewing applications for changes. They discussed the Suicide Prevention Plan Annual Report, noting an increase in suicides amongst men. The Board noted the progress on the Combating Drugs Partnership and approved its new structure. They noted an update on communicable diseases and the Board noted the Forward Work Programme.

Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy

The Board noted that almost all actions on the implementation plan for the current Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 1 (JHWBS) have been completed or are on target to meet completion. Two actions that are slightly off target include the transition of the Healthy High Streets Programme and the recommissioning of smoking cessation and NHS healthcare checks. The two actions that are not on target were discussed. In relation to the Healthy High Streets Programme, it was noted that delivery of services continues to take place, overseen by the GP Federation. The Board heard that the delay in the recommissioning of smoking cessation services and NHS health checks was a contractual issue. It was noted that 9 indicators showed an improvement from the baseline, but that some indicators had shown adverse movement, including:

  • The total number of food bank beneficiaries per month
  • The proportion of babies being breastfed at six to eight weeks at the health visitor review
  • Emergency admissions from ambulatory care-sensitive conditions
  • Life expectancy at age 65 for both males and females

The Board discussed at length the issue of the falling life expectancy in the Borough. The Director of Public Health, Dr Janet Djomba, offered to incorporate the comments raised by Board members to the closing summary of the JHWBS.

The Board heard that input from the updated JSNA 2 and benchmarks of ICS Population Health Integrated Care Strategies would enable a better understanding of Barnet’s priorities for the new strategy. This will be shared with HWBB members at an informal meeting in October 2024, after which a comprehensive list of potential priorities would be taken to public consultation. A draft strategy will then be reported to the HWBB in January 2025, before formal public consultation and subsequent agreement by the Board in May 2025.

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment

Dr Deborah Jenkins, Consultant in Public Health, presented an update to the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment ^3. The Board noted that there had been several changes of ownership of various pharmacy contractors in the area since the last published statement in 2023, and that Bishop's Pharmacy in Hampstead Garden Suburb had reduced its opening hours. It was noted that these changes would not lead to a potential gap or poor provision of pharmaceutical services in Barnet.

The Board were asked to agree to the new process for reviewing applications for changes in pharmacy provision in the Borough. There was a discussion about the opening hours of pharmacies in the Borough, with some members expressing concern that many were not open at times convenient to residents, especially at weekends. Dr Djomba said that this would be taken into account as part of the PNA update.

Suicide Prevention Plan Annual Report

Seher Kayikci, Senior Public Health Strategist, presented the Suicide Prevention Plan Annual Report. It was noted that Barnet’s suicide rate had risen slightly but remained significantly lower than both London as a whole and the rest of England.

The Board had a long discussion about the issues raised in the report, particularly about the rise of suicide amongst men, the role of social media in suicides and self-harm and the lack of information sharing between private psychiatric services and the NHS.

Councillor Pauline Coakley Webb asked why there was no data on female suicides in Barnet in the report. Ms Kayikci explained that this was due to small number suppression, meaning that as the number was so small, including it could risk identifying individuals.

It was noted that the Council had previously made a manifesto commitment to prevent suicide and would continue to support collaborative working between statutory and voluntary organisations to deliver this pledge.

Combating Drugs Partnership Board Update

Louisa Songer, Senior Public Health Strategist, presented the Combating Drugs Partnership Board update. She noted the positive impact the police’s Clear, Hold, Build approach had had in Burnt Oak, noting that drug trafficking offences in the area had increased and arrests for possession had decreased, indicating that more people with substance misuse issues were being signposted to support and treatment services.

The Board heard about a number of successes the partnership had delivered, including:

  • The launch of Project Adder 3 in Barnet
  • The successful launch of a Drug and Alcohol Treatment Requirement service at Willesden Magistrates Court
  • The embedding of the Rough Sleeping Drug and Alcohol project in the community
  • An increase in the number of young people accessing treatment for substance misuse

The Board were asked to approve the updated structure of the Combating Drugs Partnership Board, which they did.

Communicable Disease Update

Dr Djomba provided a verbal update on communicable diseases in Barnet. She noted that measles and pertussis infections were still a concern across London, and that clusters and outbreaks of respiratory infections including COVID-19 in care homes and hospital settings had been prevalent.

The Board heard that Barnet and Haringey had been awarded a grant of £230,000 to improve the uptake of cancer screening in communities that had low uptake.

Forward Work Programme

The Board noted the Forward Work Programme.

  1. The Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy is a statutory requirement on councils to set out local priorities for improving health and wellbeing in their area. 

  2. The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment is a statutory document that local authorities must produce. It looks at the current and future health and wellbeing needs of local communities and is used to inform strategic decision making. 

  3. Project Adder (Addiction, Diversion, Disruption, Enforcement and Recovery) is a government-funded programme that aims to reduce drug-related deaths and offending by providing support to people with drug addictions. 
