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Licensing Sub Committee E - Tuesday 17 September 2024 2.00 pm
September 17, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Licensing Sub-Committee E of Hackney Council met on 17 September 2024. The agenda included a new premises licence application, two requests for variations to existing premises licences, and a standing item on temporary event notices. It is important to note that this summary is based solely on the information available in the public reports pack, and it does not indicate any decisions made during the meeting.
Pizzaluxe, Unit A, Principal Place, London, EC2A 2FA
Jensen Ventures Limited applied for a new premises licence for Pizzaluxe, located at Unit A, Principal Place. The application requested authorisation for late night refreshment and the supply of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises from Monday to Sunday.
Initially, three representations from local residents opposed the application, citing concerns related to all four licensing objectives:
- The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
- Public Safety
- Prevention of Public Nuisance
- The Protection of Children from Harm
The Environmental Health Authority also submitted representations, but these were withdrawn after the applicant agreed to remove recorded music and implement specific conditions relating to noise, waste management, and public order.
One resident's representation was also withdrawn following the agreement of additional conditions, including a requirement for windows and external doors to be closed after 21:00, except for immediate access and egress.
Two residents' representations opposing the application remained. These expressed concerns about the building's lack of acoustic insulation, the cumulative impact of existing licensed premises in the area, and the potential for noise pollution to disrupt residents' well-being and relaxation spaces.
The applicant, Paul, the founder of Pizzaluxe, engaged with residents to address their concerns. He highlighted his extensive experience in the hospitality industry, the company's track record of operating without licensing complaints, and the proposed 24 conditions designed to mitigate potential issues. These measures included:
- Investment in CCTV
- Ensuring cleanliness of the local area
- Minimising noise disturbance
- Providing a direct telephone number for residents to contact management
- Strict times for deliveries and collections
British Food and Wine Store, 329 Old Street, London, EC1V 9LE
Deniz Food and Wine Ltd requested a variation to their premises licence for British Food and Wine Store on 329 Old Street. The application sought to extend the supply of alcohol for consumption off the premises until 03:00 on Thursdays to Saturdays. It also sought to add non-standard timings until 03:00 on New Year's Eve and any day preceding a bank holiday.
This application had previously been considered by the Licensing Sub-Committee on 5 June 2024. However, the hearing was adjourned due to discrepancies regarding the operating hours listed on the current licence.
Representations opposing the variation were received from the Police and the Licensing Authority, both citing concerns related to:
- The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
- The Prevention of Public Nuisance
These concerns stemmed from the premises' location in the Shoreditch area, known for its high concentration of licensed venues and associated negative cumulative impact, as evidenced by recent research commissioned by the Council. The Police noted that despite operating under temporary event notices until 03:00, no significant issues had been reported.
Two local residents also submitted representations opposing the application, highlighting concerns about the potential increase in crime and disorder, public safety risks due to unsupervised drinkers, and disruption to the residential community due to street drinking and anti-social behaviour.
The applicant, Onur Siroren, the Designated Premises Supervisor, provided information about the operators' experience and their commitment to managing the premises responsibly. He detailed various measures implemented to promote the licensing objectives, including:
- Deployment of SIA security officers with crowd barriers from 21:00 on Thursdays to Saturdays
- A
No ID, No Alcohol
policy - Refusal to sell plastic balloons and paracetamol to prevent misuse
- Regular provision of CCTV footage to the police
Mr Siroren also argued that the later hours were necessary for the business's financial viability due to rising costs. He asserted that the number of customers would not significantly change with the extended hours and that the shop already operates until 03:00, with alcohol sales ceasing at 02:00.
Looking Glass, 49 Hackney Road, London, E2 7NX
MKM Entertainment Limited applied for a variation to their premises licence for Looking Glass on 49 Hackney Road. The application proposed extending terminal hours for recorded music, performance of dance, and the supply of alcohol (on sales) to 03:30 on Fridays and Saturdays.
Representations opposing the variation were received from the Environmental Health Authority (Environmental Protection) and the Licensing Authority, both raising concerns regarding:
- The Prevention of Public Nuisance
These concerns arose from the hours sought exceeding those outlined in the Hackney Licensing Policy (LP3 Core Hours), which generally authorise licensable activity until 00:00 on Fridays and Saturdays. The Licensing Authority also noted that the premises' location in an area experiencing significant cumulative impact from nearby premises might exacerbate existing issues.
The applicant, William Knowles-Mofford, director of MKM Entertainment Ltd, argued that the proposed one-hour extension on weekends was necessary due to increasing business costs. He highlighted the venue's long-standing licence and good track record since 2012.
The applicant acknowledged potential risks associated with extended hours but proposed mitigating measures, including:
- Enhanced security presence with increased patrols by two SIA accredited security guards
- Continued use of CCTV inside and outside the venue
- Regular staff training on licensing and public safety
- Cooperation with local law enforcement
- Sound limiter calibrated annually
- Door and music management techniques to control noise
- Encouraging patrons to leave quietly
- Implementation of Challenge 25 and use of an ID scanner
The Police withdrew their initial representation after the applicant agreed to two additional conditions:
- No new entry after 02:30
- Closure of the smoking area at 02:30
It is important to reiterate that this summary only reflects the information scheduled for discussion, not the actual deliberations or outcomes of the meeting. The official decisions of the Licensing Sub-Committee will be published in the minutes of the meeting.
Decisions to be made in this meeting

- Agenda frontsheet Tuesday 17-Sep-2024 14.00 Licensing Sub Committee E agenda
- Public reports pack Tuesday 17-Sep-2024 14.00 Licensing Sub Committee E reports pack
- Hearing Procedure Type A - Premises Licence Variation
- LSC 17 Sep 2024- Unit A Principal Place EC2A 2FF
- LSC Report - 329 Old Street Binder1_Redacted other
- Variation Report - 49 Hackney Road