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This meeting was scheduled to discuss a range of topics including petitions, the state of the borough, the appointment of a new monitoring officer, questions from councillors, and three motions. A report on two petitions referred for consideration by ward councillors was also scheduled to be noted by the council.
The State of the Borough 2024/25
The meeting was scheduled to include the noting of the State of the Borough 2024/25 report. This report is described as the council’s annual assessment of life in the borough and “weaves together a story of place that looks beyond formal services and considers the wider social, economic, and environmental picture”.
The report draws on publicly available data and information, and includes sections on the topics of people, demographics, migration, productivity, wages, employment, jobs, universal credit, business survival, skills, cost of living, the green economy, greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity, air quality, recycling, fly-tipping, crime, road casualties, hate crimes, perceptions of the police, town centres, services, housing, life expectancy, child health, vaccinations, obesity and adult health.
Winter Fuel Allowance
A motion proposed by Councillor Peter Thompson and seconded by Councillor Jack Emsley on the topic of winter fuel allowance was scheduled to be discussed. This motion noted the government’s decision to scrap the universal winter fuel allowance. The motion states that:
The new government’s scrapping of the universal winter fuel allowance with virtually no notice will cost millions of struggling pensioners £300 that they rely on to heat their homes and for hot water.
The motion notes that this decision may have a negative impact on up to two million pensioners in the UK. It further notes that in Hounslow, up to 28,000 older people may lose their winter fuel allowance.
The motion proposed that the council formally and publicly support Age UK’s petition to save the winter fuel allowance, begin a borough-wide information campaign to encourage people to apply for pension credit, and develop an action plan with local community groups to mitigate the policy’s impact on the most vulnerable pensioners.
Protecting our Communities in Hounslow
A motion proposed by Councillor Raghwinder Siddhu and seconded by Councillor Farah Kamran on the topic of community safety was scheduled to be discussed. This motion noted recent unrest across the UK that had seen “innocent people being targeted because of their religion, nationality and ethnic background”.
The motion noted that Hounslow has a proud history of welcoming individuals from different backgrounds and expressed gratitude to council officers, the Metropolitan Police and faith organisations for the work they have done to ensure the safety of residents.
The motion proposed that the council reaffirm its commitment to opposing discrimination, hate and violence and continue to work with the Metropolitan Police, faith organisations and residents to oppose racism and religious intolerance.
Defending Democracy
A motion proposed by Councillor Amy Croft and seconded by Councillor Bandna Chopra on the topic of harassment, abuse and intimidation of councillors and officers was scheduled to be discussed. The motion notes that this is a growing problem both in volume and severity nationally.
The motion acknowledges that harassment, abuse and intimidation can harm democracy by discouraging councillors from speaking or voting freely and discouraging people from standing for election. The motion states that councillors are often in a more vulnerable position than other council staff because they are seen as the frontline of the council, but have fewer protections than council employees.
The motion proposed that a report be produced to help shore up the support offered to councillors and officers, and calls for a single point of contact for resolution of issues, appropriate training, a police single point of contact, clear rules for online engagement, a zero tolerance approach to harassment, abuse and intimidation, a strengthening of the vexatious complaints system, a clearer explanation to the public of councillors roles and responsibilities, and lobbying of central government for more protections for councillors.
The motion ends by suggesting that councillors consider supporting the following pledges:
1) To put Hounslow above political divides, avoid language or behaviour that incites hate or encourages disrespect, and to work together to build a more united Hounslow. 2) To reform debate as a way to build consensus: not as a way to tear each other down for political point-scoring but to speak with truth and integrity. 3) To uphold a level of respect and professionalism between colleagues.
Questions From Councillors
Several questions from councillors were scheduled to be asked.
Councillor Jack Emsley was scheduled to ask Councillor Shantanu Rajawat, Leader of the Council, about levels of empty council homes. His question refers to the council’s Q1 Financial Monitoring Update and states that empty homes led to a Housing Revenue Account overspend of £500,000 in the first quarter of the financial year.
Councillor Ron Mushiso was scheduled to ask Councillor Shantanu Rajawat about cuts he was considering to plug a £30 million financial black hole. Councillor Mushiso states that the Leader has already confirmed that he is considering cutting the council tax support scheme.
Councillor Gerald McGregor was scheduled to ask Councillor Shantanu Rajawat about the council’s finances. His question refers to a statement made by the Leader earlier in the year that Hounslow had a balanced budget. He questions why there is now a £30 million black hole in the council’s finances.
Councillor Unsa Chaudri was scheduled to ask Councillor Katherine Dunne, Cabinet Member for Climate, Environment and Transport, for an update on conversations that had taken place during a recent visit from the Commissioner of Transport for London.
Councillor Adesh Farmahan was scheduled to ask Councillor Tom Bruce, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Assets, Regeneration and Development, about IT issues with Hounslow Building Control. He states that some people have been unable to carry out property searches, which has caused delays with house sales.
Councillor Emma Yates was scheduled to ask Councillor Shantanu Rajawat about the impact of a £421 million boost for local authorities announced by the Labour Government to help people with the cost of energy, food and water through the Household Support Fund.
A report on petitions was scheduled to be noted. The report listed two petitions that were referred to ward councillors for consideration.
The first petition requested that the council improve safety at the junction of Bassett Gardens and Jersey Road. It was signed by 94 people.
The second petition requested that the council change the way it enforces parking in Northumberland Crescent, Kingston Avenue and Longford Avenue. It was signed by 39 people.
Interim Appointment of Monitoring Officer
The council was scheduled to consider a report recommending that the council formally ratify the designation of Louise Round as the interim Monitoring Officer for the council.
The report states that the council is required by law to have a designated Monitoring Officer. The main responsibilities of the Monitoring Officer are to report on matters that are illegal or amount to maladministration, be responsible for matters relating to the conduct of councillors and officers, and be responsible for the operation of the council’s constitution.
The report states that the council intends to recruit permanently to the vacancy, but that an interim appointment was required because the previous postholder had resigned and an immediate replacement was needed.

- MO Guidance on Declaring Interests - May 2022 other
- State of the Borough 2024 pg 1-19
- Agenda frontsheet Tuesday 17-Sep-2024 19.30 Borough Council agenda
- Petitions Report on info template
- Public reports pack Tuesday 17-Sep-2024 19.30 Borough Council reports pack
- 20240725 SoTB Council Report v2 other
- State of the Borough 2024 pg 20-35
- Monitoring Officer Appointment Ratification for September Council 2024 other
- State of the Borough 2024 pg 36-47
- ProtocolonreportingatmeetingsCouncilwebsite2021amendedJuly2021
- Additional Information for the Meeting Tuesday 17-Sep-2024 19.30 Borough Council
- Tabled Paper Sep 2024 other