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Human Resources Committee - Thursday, 26th September, 2024 6.30 p.m.

September 26, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The committee discussed the high number of interim staff at the council, and the recruitment processes underway for several senior roles. A request to extend the contract of an interim member of staff was approved. Concern was expressed about delays in receiving reports for the meeting and about the level of detail contained within them.

Corporate Director Update

The committee received a verbal update from Paul Patterson, Corporate Director for Housing and Regeneration, about the progress of a restructure of the Housing department that had been approved at a previous meeting (Printed minutes 16052024 1830 Human Resources Committee). The restructure involved the creation of several new divisions and the movement of 21 teams. Mr Patterson explained that the restructure had been completed on 1 September 2024, and that the recruitment process for vacant Director level roles would now begin. The imminent arrival of David Joyce as the new Corporate Director for Place would allow him to take a lead on that process.

Employee Relations Casework and Policy Quarterly Review

Liz Hensley, Interim Head of Corporate Human Resources and Governance, introduced a report on employee relations casework at the council (ER Casework Policy Dashboard Q1 2024 2). She drew attention to an increase in the number of cases being dealt with. This was partly attributed to the success of new training for managers that had given them the skills to resolve issues before they became formal grievances. There was discussion about the length of time it was taking for cases to be investigated.

it's helpful to know about the managers and the heads of being trained up, my question is around unintended consequences of doing that, so you're taking -- I appreciate doing one or two cases a year, but could you talk about the average time an investigation takes and them being taken away from obviously their main duty and their main responsibility and how we manage and mitigate.

Ms Hensley explained that the council had a benchmark of 120 working days for a case to be resolved. It was noted that in many cases there was a significant delay of up to 58 days between a case being received and the investigation commencing. The lack of available trained investigators was given as one of the reasons for this. A suggestion was made that investigators should be paired up to try to improve efficiency.

The committee sought and received assurances that the training of investigating officers was being treated as a priority, with a new cohort due to begin in July.

CMT were asked to support the release of staff they have trained to be investigators to commit to, prioritise and investigate cases swiftly.

Update on Senior Recruitment

Ms Hensley introduced a report on the progress of recruitment to several senior roles (Senior Recruitment Update 26 September 2024). The committee heard that:

  • Interviews for the role of Director of Public Realm would be re-run.
  • Shortlisting for the role of Director of Legal Services would take place in mid-October.
  • Recruitment for the roles of Director of Housing Management, Director of Housing Options and Homelessness, Director of Regeneration and Housing Assets, and Senior Head of Housing were all about to commence.
  • The committee was asked to approve a six-month extension to the contract of Mark Norman, Interim Director of Governance.

The committee expressed concern about the lack of clarity regarding the recruitment process for the role previously known as Director of Commissioning and Youth. There was confusion about whether the role was still being recruited, and what the job title was. This confusion was exacerbated by the fact that some members of the committee believed that the role had already been filled.

I was under the impression that, you know, the great walls of this town hall, the Mummerings, that there was a place, person who was acting, well, this is that the name here is not true to the names that we were led to believe, that their person was recruited or is acting in the role of the director of youth and commissioning. But the black and white here, A, is gender different, names different, but we heard something different.

The committee sought and received assurances that a detailed report on the situation would be provided by Steve Reddy, Corporate Director for Children's Services.

There was general concern about the number of interim staff at the council.

I do think also the point of urgency, we got this report yesterday, and you're asking us to make a decision on balancing a committee into a decision I think is not ideal, so I think that should be noted.

The committee sought and received assurances that the level of interim staffing was not unusual. They were told that active recruitment was taking place for all vacant posts and it was normal for interim arrangements to be in place while this took place. The meeting heard that it was important to allow David Joyce, the new Corporate Director for Place, time to familiarise himself with his role before permanent appointments were made to roles that reported to him.

The committee also heard that several senior posts were vacant because of an ongoing restructure of the council and it would be inappropriate to appoint permanent staff to roles that might change or be abolished.

If I just then go on and say, in relation to other areas, where the post is being reviewed, that means that if it's in resources, there are a whole host of changes we are going to make, it is wholly inappropriate, Councillor in my view, to go out to the market, ask somebody to give up a permanent job, to come to a role that we know is going to change, that role may disappear, it may not be there in the longer term, that's not right to go out and permanently recruit and expect somebody to give up a permanent job for, so the time when you would maintain interim arrangements is during the course of recruiting to permanent ones, or because those roles are subject to considerable review, the ones where they say post and structure being reviewed, all relate to the review around the corporate centre, that a detailed paper was received at the last meeting, so I think it is right and sound practice not to permanently recruit to posts where we remain uncertain as to the scope of those posts, its salary scale, its job title, number of direct reports and today, no decisions have been made about those, there are a number of options being looked at, no decisions have been made and that's why they are interim.

There was discussion about the request to extend Mark Norman's contract. It was explained that the extension was needed because the new Director of Legal Services was not able to start until January 2025. This was because they were relocating from another part of the country.

The committee expressed frustration about the lack of information on the request to extend Mr Norman's contract, particularly the cost to the council.

I suppose in the spirit of this, obviously we'll vote to make sure that happens, but I hope you can appreciate that level of information is adequate and we have no idea how much it costs on the council, we all know the eyes are on the council and it's important that we are completely transparent in everything we do, so I hope you take that back and feed that back.

Despite this, the request to extend Mr Norman's contract for six months was approved.


Profile image for Councillor Abdul Malik
Councillor Abdul Malik  Chair of Human Resources Committee •  Aspire •  Blackwall & Cubitt Town
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 (Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Inclusive Development and Housebuilding) •  Aspire •  Weavers
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 (Cabinet Member for Environment and the Climate Emergency) •  Aspire •  Whitechapel
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 (Cabinet Member for Safer Communities) •  Aspire •  Bethnal Green West
Profile image for Councillor Asma Islam
Councillor Asma Islam  Chair of Overview and Scrutiny •  Labour Party •  Weavers
Profile image for Councillor Sirajul Islam
Councillor Sirajul Islam  Leader of the Opposition •  Labour Party •  Bethnal Green East
Profile image for Councillor Abdal Ullah
Councillor Abdal Ullah  Labour Party •  St Katharine's & Wapping
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 (Cabinet Member for Jobs, Enterprise, Skills and Growth) •  Aspire •  Bethnal Green West
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 (Cabinet Member for Culture and Recreation) •  Aspire •  Whitechapel
Profile image for Councillor Marc Francis
Councillor Marc Francis  Labour Party •  Bow East
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 (Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Education, Youth and Lifelong Learning (Statutory Deputy Mayor)) •  Aspire •  Canary Wharf
Profile image for Councillor Rebaka Sultana
Councillor Rebaka Sultana  Chair of General Purposes •  Labour Party •  Bethnal Green East
Jed Scoles
Elizabeth Asante-Twumasi
Paul Patterson
Julie Lorraine
Liz Haynes
John Harrison
Gail Simpson
Justina Bridgeman
Catriona Hunt
Carole S Bowes
Profile image for Councillor Abdi Mohamed
Councillor Abdi Mohamed  Scrutiny Lead for Community Safety •  Labour Party •  Bow East