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Pension Board - Monday, 16th September, 2024 10.00 a.m.

September 16, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Pension Board met to consider a range of policy and governance issues, approving updates to a number of the council's pensions policies and receiving a training presentation from their actuary, Hymans Robertson.1

Employer Engagement

The Board discussed their plans for a Pension Fund Information Forum, an event aimed at engaging with the employers who participate in the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS)2 in Tower Hamlets. The Board welcomed the proposal, which had first been discussed at a previous meeting, and requested that the agenda for the event be brought back to their next meeting. The Board were keen that the event focus on promoting the scheme, and demystifying the process of investing, rather than on high level strategic issues.

...the better approach would be to promote the benefits of the LGPS, the options available and demystify some of the myths, about investing in a pension.
— David Thompson, Pension Board Member

Triennial Actuarial Valuation

The Board received a presentation from their actuary, Barry Dodds, about the forthcoming Triennial Actuarial Valuation of the pension fund. The valuation, which will be as at 31 March 2025, will set the level of contributions that the council and other employers will pay to the fund from April 2026, and will also inform the fund's investment strategy. The actuary explained that the fund was in a strong financial position, with assets exceeding liabilities by an estimated 163% at the last formal measurement date, 30 June 2024. The actuary cautioned that market conditions were volatile, and that long term inflation and interest rates were difficult to predict, meaning that employers may not see contribution rate reductions despite the strong funding position. Mr Dodds explained that the actuary would use a range of assumptions in their calculations, including an assumption about the life expectancy of members. Noting the importance of this assumption, the Corporate Director of Resources, Julie Lorraine, requested that the actuary provide a more detailed breakdown of the life expectancies of Tower Hamlets scheme members, broken down geographically.

...much of the valuation would focus on life expectancy and longevity...
— Julie Lorraine, Corporate Director of Resources

Board member David Thompson raised concerns about the volatility of the markets, and questioned whether the actuary would be recommending a more liquid investment strategy to allow the fund to meet benefit payments as they fall due. The actuary confirmed that this was an option.

Pensions Data

The Board discussed the quality of the pensions data held by the Council, and the work that had been undertaken to improve it. A recent exercise to identify and correct data errors in relation to members who had frozen their pension benefits3 had identified that 30% of members' records contained some form of error. The Board heard that work to correct the errors was ongoing. Councillor Ahmed asked for reassurance that the recent problems encountered by the council when uploading data to the Government Actuary's Department (GAD) would not be repeated. In 2023, the council was forced to report itself to the Pensions Regulator after it failed to meet the statutory deadline for submitting its annual benefit statement data to GAD, due to what it described at the time as a 'postal issue'. Paul Audu, Interim Head of Pensions, reassured the board that improvements had been made, but acknowledged that the root cause of the previous issues had been a technical hitch, not a postal one, as had been previously suggested.

...mainly a technical hitch...we couldn't resolve it...the template was locked into the system...
— Paul Audu, Interim Head of Pensions


The Board were reminded that all members were required to undertake training on pensions issues. Mr Audu stated that all members had been enrolled onto a suitable training course, and that login details had been circulated. However, Board member David Thompson stated that he had not received any such email. The Board agreed that the actuary, Hymans Robertson, should contact all members to remind them of their training obligations. The actuary confirmed that they would do this.

Other Matters

The Board also discussed the following:

  • the Pension Fund's governance and compliance arrangements. The Board noted that the Pension Fund was compliant with all relevant legislation and regulations.
  • the Pension Fund's admissions policy. The Board noted that the admissions policy was being reviewed.
  • the Pension Fund's training strategy. The Board noted that a refreshed training strategy would be presented to the Committee and Board in September 2024.
  • the Pension Fund's annual benefit statements. The Board noted that the annual benefit statements would be issued to members by 31 August 2024.

  1. Hymans Robertson is a large firm of actuaries and consultants that works with a large number of UK pension funds. 

  2. The Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) is a career average pension scheme available to most people working in local government or for other employers participating in the scheme, like charities and some schools.  

  3. When a member of a defined benefit pension scheme leaves their employment before retirement age, they may have the option to leave their benefits in their old scheme (this is known as 'freezing' their benefits). 


John Jones  Independent Chair
John Gray  (Representing Active Admitted/Statutory Bodies Pension Fund Members)
Profile image for
 (Cabinet Member for Jobs, Enterprise, Skills and Growth) •  Aspire •  Bethnal Green West
Chris Boylett
Nneka Oroge  Active Fund Members Representative
David Stephen Thompson  Representing Retired/Deferred Pension Fund Members
Michael Alderson
Farhana Zia
Paul Audu
Carole S Bowes
Barry Dodds
Abdulrazak Kassim
Julie Lorraine